Kater, oder Unterschlupf?
Using Google to translate, Kater = hangover? The cat has a hangover? Hmmm. The weather looks threatening. I'm thinking the cat has taken shelter - Unterschlupf -
For English readers:
How good that I just had my camera in the garden. A flowerpot portrait of Mum's hangover Max. :) It was still friendly outside. Now a storm is just rising ... The wind howls and the clouds are almost black.
I wish you a nice, cozy evening! Meanwhile, I watch the spectacle outside.
Haha, i believe the word "tomcat" is better. A cat Boy :D
Posted using Partiko Android
Never trust google translate. ;) Kater = male cat, not hangover. That makes more sense!
Haha, okay 😂😂👌
Posted using Partiko Android