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RE: Mito-Medizin: Trend oder Tatsache? Part I – Mitochondrien, Unsere besten Freunde!

in #deutsch6 years ago

Leider... ich muss auf Englisch antworten. That's it. That's as brave as I get in German:)
I feel as though I've just come out of a class! Very stimulating. A lot of the chemical reactions that go on in the cell were a little beyond me (further study would likely correct that), but I will tell you the parts that delighted me.
I love the way you characterize the different actors. You make the cellular environment dynamic, a play of forces in balance to keep a machine running. I liked especially the way you explain the cooperative relationship between primitive bacteria and cells, so the current efficient model of mitochondria could evolve.
I am looking forward to part II.


"Deutsche Sprache, schwere Sprache!"

No worries. I appreciate that you still reading and understand my German articles. And I apologize that I haven't uploaded English stuff thus far.

At the moment I have the feeling that Steemit is very unpopulated and only a few good articles are written.

Hopefully this will change in the next weeks/months. Let's see.

Oh, and thank you that you assess my article in that way. I had concerns the article is too detailed. But trust me the content is quite "shallow" in terms of what's really going on!

So far all the best



I don't think I expressed myself well. I loved the article. When I say I felt I was coming out of class, that's the best compliment I could give. I remember my university days as a time of intellectual adventure. I always took courses that had no practical application. And I took courses that were beyond my ken.

I think this is a brilliant article. It may be true that few good articles are written these days, but yours is one of the few.

As for German...I love the language. I love the word-building---Gleichgewichtszustand, or Doppelmembransysteme, for example. Reading in German is a self-imposed chore. Your writing is actually easier than more colloquial posts, because I learned German in an academic setting. I think it's amazing that you share your very sophisticated (to me) knowledge with us and you endeavor to make that technical information entertaining.

I would be sad if Steemit didn't blossom. Where else would I find an article like this and be able to engage with the author?

You have a great week, Chapper. Cheers, and peace.
With respect, ag.

Hey thanks again!

Here some interesting information concerning German language:

Die längsten Wörter im Duden
Rang Stichwort im Duden Anzahl der Buchstaben (ohne Bindestriche)

  1. Kraftfahrzeug-Haftpflichtversicherung 36
  2. Donau-Dampfschifffahrtsgesellschaft 34
  3. Rhein-Main-Donau-Großschifffahrtsweg 33
  4. Arbeiterunfallversicherungsgesetz 33

Beste Grüße


LOL. Ich habe noch "Randsteinbegrünungsgrenze" anzubieten.

Witzig ist auch der Fakt, dass das Wort


die Angst vor langen Wörtern beschreibt!


HaHa!! Das kann man nicht mal mehr aussprechen! Gibt's das wirklich? Unfasslich :)

Grüße aus Hamburg!

Hab ich hier gefunden.

Schöne Woche

Delightful! Thank you!
My favorite:


Who needs sentences, when you have words like that 😇

Peace, ag

Then have a look at works of Kant. Long words and even longer sentences!

Mind Blow!

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