Germany: Muslim sexual attacks and assaults - around 60 unreported each day. Jan -Sept 2016 figures.
Here is the fallout in Germany since Muslim immigration to Europe began in earnest since 2011. These people were forced out of their homelands due to the outbreak of war in Syria. In 2015, German Chancellor Angela Merkel issued an open invitation to people from war torn zones in the Middle East and Africa to come to safety in Europe. Millions upon millions of people began to arrive. It has been noted that 75% of these arrivals in 2015 were men between the age of 18-40 years. They are a standing army. 12% of the immigrants are women. 13% are children.
Of these millions of people, around 2% of have enough education to be employed in the established technological westernised countries of Europe. The rest of these arrivals of 2015 are seeking free Euros. These predominantly young men are drifting from country to country to find which countries will give them the best deals. The social fallout has been horrific in regard to native people's private property (arson of cars is extremely high), the rape of young girls age 11-15 (the target age for Muslim males), assaults including being punched in the face and otherwise sexually or physically assaulted for women who are out walking alone, and acts of sodomy and other perversions for young boys.
The police are overwhelmed in Sweden, Germany, France, the Netherlands... It is likely that the male immigrants committing horrific crimes upon their own women and children are never reported. These perpetrators of horrific sexual crimes, tortures, gang rapes ("tarrush") and maimings (women have ended up in wheelchairs for the rest of their lives) are of the belief, because of their religion and the teachings of the imams, that the uncovered faces, arms and legs of European women and girls is an invitation to touch, grope, grab and rape.
It's a social disaster.
And in many of these countries, such as Sweden, the media suppression is enormous. This means that people in their own countries do not even fully know the extent of the problem. It is only if Swedes, Danes, Norwegians and people of other European countries go to foreign media outlets such as Hungary, Poland and the UK, then they will fully learn the extent of the problem in their own countries... but very few people do this. So whole countries are deaf, dumb and blind to the stupidity of EU and of Angela Merkel.
A disaster.
The following figures come from the Einzelfall-Map - Individual case map for Muslim assaults, rapes and crime here:
Einzelfall on Facebook -
Eizelfall on Twitter -
Please note: Only a fraction of the cases get published. 1 in 10 rapes get reported in Germany
- Sexual assault for Germany 2016 for 260 days to September 16, 2016. Total: 916 sexual assaults (excludes rapes) = 3.5 reported sexual assaults per day.
- Rape and attempted rape for Germany 2016 for 260 days to September 16, 2016. Total: 134 rapes and attempted rapes = 1 rape every two days
- Attacks on children and teenagers including sexual assault for Germany 2016 for 260 days to September 16, 2016. Total: 720 incidents reported = 2.8 attacks or sexual assaults every day on children and teenagers.
All sexual assaults, rapes and attacks on adults and children (combined) for Germany 2016 for 260 days to September 16, 2016. Total: 1,770 incidents = 7 sexual assaults and rapes and assaults and rapes on children and teenagers (combined) daily!
Important note: There is a reporting rate of 1 in 10 sexual violations and assaults in Germany. This means, there are around 70 assaults, sexual assaults and rapes committed against both adults children every day in Germany (alone). These figures will be broadly similar per capita, all over Europe. This is not ok!
All of these 1,700 incidents were reported on the German language site Eizelfall. I then put all of these incidents through Google Translate to give us an English language version. You can find a public record of all these assaults on my blog here.
These are all the assaults that have been reported in German news from January 1, 2016 to September 16, 2016. Please remember, this is only 1/10th of all incidents. It is known that only 1 in 10 assault and sexual assault incidents are reported to the police. Thank you for your concern. Please feel free to share this message to create awareness amongst your network. Many thanks.
Image from
This is sobering news. My heart goes out to Europeans who are literally in the midsts of their returning Islamic invasion.
Thanks for your kind thoughts Frank. Things truly are awful for white European natives. There are many facets to this issue, not least the censorship, descrimination, and ostracism of native Europeans by their own people if they say the least defamatory thing against Muslims or immigrants in general. Hell, Sweden even protects these perpetrators in clauses of their 1974 Constitution. The press in Sweden is prohibited from reporting freely about any crime or bad thing whatsoever that has been perpetrated by an immigrant. Such reports are written up as "Swedish man" or "Swedish woman", even if the perpetrator had only lived in Sweden for four weeks and had entered on a refugee visa !! This is bizzare I know, but it's true. Native Europeans have been fired on the spot if their employer found out they belonged to any organisation that wants to protect the rights of Europeans. It's absolutely nuts !!