Hilarious funny day
I found a website where you can upload your art into products. I was very curious because I wanted to know if my art could be something else. I had to make an account and decided it was okay if I made some money (that never hurts right?).
Here is the result with my drawing from Vivid dreams! how cool is this dress?
I wish I could share how hard I had to laugh and how enthusiast I was by seeing the result. Maybe I will become a designer also :D
This is SO cool @barbaarseevelien!!! I wouldn't mind doing something like this myself, maybe with some poetry or some of my paintings...
Do it!!!! You can not loose right?
unless someone steals your content, but thats a risk with everything you make.
Ow, so nice! Maybe you can write a post about how to do that, and what your further experiences are with it? I really like @tinypaleokitchen her idea as well, to put poetry or a story on a dress like that.
Thats a great idea! I will see if i can make a tutorial.
Wow it so cool, that there's a site like that. Yes I agree with you that is better if the site can be a source of income too. ;)
I think so too! It is very funny to see my work like that.