I choose, therefore I am.
René Descartes wrote, "I think, therefore I am." Wrong. He may think and be possessed by the demon(s), which in Greek means intelligence, in spiritual terms it is the intelligence working against the host, a virus of sorts, or one may think not at all, as usually the case with many people, which is, unfortunately more often than not, does not erase one from being.
Descartes thought that if he could question his thinking therefore it is the ultimate proof of his existence, and the whole humanity by extension. However this only proves his ability to question the thoughts which he happen to fathom or become aware of, and not the fact of his human existence. I fart, therefore I am, also works the same way.
I make a different distinction for what makes a human being -- I choose (in my universal consciousness), therefore I am (human) --:would be more appropriate as the definition of the homo sapiens (wise human) species and the Human Kingdom, since the animals and all other Kingdoms on Earth have different from the humans' priorities.
While the animals survive through the competition of the fittest and procreation, the humans must achieve a level of intelligence that will enable them to cooperate for better and easier life than that of the animals, becoming wise caretakers of the God's Garden in the process. To be or not to be is not the question, to choose or not to choose is.