Thousands of porn pictures on the 'Deputy Prime Minister' computer!

in #deputy7 years ago

Prime Minister Theresa May is not cutting the danger. There is a problem after one another. Now, in effect, the Deputy Prime Minister, Damien Grin has been accused of possessing porn photos on his computer. According to a Scotland Yard former intelligence officer, the pictures were found in his computer in 2008 by the deputy prime minister. Green denied accusations
One CNN report said that the complaint was reinstated by Theresa May in a new crisis. Scotland Yard's former detective Neil Lewis said that in 2008, there were thousands of pornographic images of Damien Green's government computer in an operation. Neil said that he was shocked to see so much pornography. And it's no doubt that Damien Greene came to the computer.This information is throwing Thresa May and Green in new criticism. Theresa May's government has problems with various issues. In the past one year in the investigation against Green, the investigation is going on in connection with journalist Keit Malteby.

Last month, a report in the British Sunday Times reported about getting pictures of porn in Green Computer. But Green denied it then. Neil has expressed surprise in his denial. He said, I found these porn pictures by searching the computer myself. However, after Neil's statement, Green did not comment on this.Neil Lewis told the BBC, "The computer was on its desk in the Danish Green Office. The computer had its account and name. He has been mailed to this account. There was pornography in the browsing of that computer. It is a ridiculous argument that anyone else could do it. '
Lewis said 9 out of thousands of pornographic photos were 'extreme' stage. Computer analysts say that the computer has seen 'massive' porn for more than three months. Sometimes I have been seen for hours at one place.