Depression during a relationship Part 2steemCreated with Sketch.

in #depression4 years ago

Continuiation of „Depression during a relationship 1“ ( )

Scenario 2 | Depression developing / developed during the relationship

As we all know a relationship can begin with both parties being mentally and physically healthy, but that does not mean, that it will always stay that way. It is not always clear at the beginning when the person becomes depressed, what the origin of the depression is. In some cases, the partner wonders if they are the cause of the depression, when it developes during the relationship.
But just because a depression developes during a relationship it does not automatically mean, that the significant other is the reason the depression developed.

We deal with alot of different things and people in life that affect how we feel and act. Often depression is caused by work, stress, loneliness and sometimes even the people in our surroundings (it does not have to be the spouse or partner, it can be caused by family, friends, work colleagues, etc.).

However, if the significant other, does believe that they are at fault, this can add problems to the situation that is already very confusing and challenging for both sides. Especially if the partner does not believe the depressed party, that it’s not their fault.

The person dealing with the depression already has to face all sorts of difficulties and symptoms, while now they have to additionally try to convey to their partner, that the depression has nothing to do with their significant other. This can become very exhausting and amplify the depression. Therefore it is very important for the partner of the depressed person, to trust and believe them, if they say it’s not their fault.

If the relationship started with both sides being healthy, the depression also has the potential to destroy that relationship. The reason for this is, because the person who is still healthy might be overwhelmed with how to deal with their depressed partner, or because they cannot deal with no longer recognizing the person they fell in love with.

There are many hardships that the depressed side, but also the healthy side have to face. For example if the healthy partner feels like the depressed person will get healthy again soon, but instead sees the condition worsen, they might feel hopeless and end the relationship, because it’s too much for them. Sometimes the significant other of the person suffering from depression wants to help them no matter what and ends up pushing themselves, until they are too exhausted or if the worst case happens, end up with depression themselves.

Dealing with depression in a relationship puts a huge strain on both sides. In some cases it is helpful to get therapy for the depressed person, depending on the magnitude of the depression. If the depression is severe, you should not be afraid of getting help by going to a psychosomatic clinic. Getting help is never something you should be afraid of or feel ashamed for.

I have seen many peoples depression worsen, because they did not get help, out of fear, someone might find out and they might be treated badly for it. Do not pay attention to people like that, getting better should be your priority so you can get your life back on track and the capability of enjoying life.

Take care everyone, stay safe and healthy. Be strong, you are not suffering alone!

To be continued…

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