This is how you deal with a depressed person.

in #depression7 years ago


Depressed people are unpredictable. You'll never know the thoughts welling up their minds. One minute they're good yet the next minute, you'll catch them crying their eyes out, drowning themselves into the sea of sadness and tears. You might say, depressed people are just sad individuals. But you know the truth? It isn't just sadness.

It is the state of hopelessness and endless pattern of grief and pain. It is about not having reasons to get up from bed, feeling worthless and crawling for everyday's survival. It is the complete loss of interest about every thing that could have mattered. Worse, depression sometimes could mean wanting to put an end to life.

Here's a thing: It may seem like depressed people appear strong and unbreakable. But deep within them are fragile hearts and broken lonely souls screaming and begging for help, trapped in a solid darkness and waiting for the right hands to save them.

And the question is: How do you save them?

You may not believe this but helping them wouldn't take a lot of you, because it's just simple. Just talk to them. Reach out. Spare a moment to hear the circling silence. Understand what it means - the fake sounds of laughter, the smiles that never reached the eyes, the masks that conceal pure agony and tears.

Take time to figure out the locked up emotions stuck within them. Make them feel the world's beauty. Constantly remind them of their worth, not necessarily the extra grand kind, but a simple "Have a good day" note on their desk would be fine. Ask them to listen some heart-lifting religious songs. Encourage them to get up and take a shower on the dreadful nights wherein all they ever did was burst themselves into tears. Take them out for a meal. Ask them how was their day. Play video games, entertain them. Make them happy, the real and genuine kind of felicity.

Be extra sensitive with their feelings. Depressed people could be like bombs - they could explode anytime, sometimes without a warning. Thus, listen to them, as to whatever they would say, just listen. Because sometimes all they need is an ear that listens and a heart that understands. Don't judge them, not even with the cigarette hanging on the corner of their lips and the drops of liquor they pour themselves up. You might not know, those are the only things left that hoist them up alive.

Just stay. Don't leave them. Don't curse them, instead just pray for them. Never abandon them neither ignore the signs they're long trying to convey to the world. Be the ray of sunlight that gives them hope on their darkest days. Be the sweater that wraps them with tranquility and comfort. Depression is never easy and you wouldn't understand it until it explodes like an atomic bomb and takes someone's life.

Thus, if you know someone suffering over depression, please do me a favor.
Take care of them.
Because like you, they're precious too.

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