Democrats Introduce Bill Requiring U.S. to Call Abortion a “Human Right”

Pro-abortion Democrats introduced a bill in the U.S. House this week that would force the government to declare the killing of unborn babies a “human right.”

The pro-abortion bill, the Reproductive Rights are Human Rights Act, would require the U.S. State Department to include abortion on demand and other reproductive rights in its annual human rights report. It is a reaction to the Trump administration, which, earlier this year, prioritized real human rights issues by removing references to the so-called “right” to abort an unborn child from the report.

“Documenting and reporting human rights violations is a major part of eradicating their existence,” said pro-abortion Rep. Katherine Clark, of Massachusetts, a sponsor of the bill. “This bill would ensure that our State Department maintains its vital role as an international watchdog and protector of women’s rights no matter the ideology of our White House.”

Other sponsors include U.S. Reps. Nita Lowey, of New York, Eliot Engel, of New York, Barbara Lee, of California, and Lois Frankel, of Florida. They claimed the Trump administration’s decision was “dramatic and dangerous,” and one abortion activist claimed removing abortion from the report put “real lives in danger.”

The report represents a significant change from pro-abortion President Barack Obama’s administration, which promoted the killing of unborn babies for any reason up to birth as a woman’s “right.”

In contrast, the Trump administration has been focusing on policies that protect both women and their unborn children.

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Responding to criticism about the report, the State Department said it is not “downgrading coverage of … women’s issues.” Rather, it now will focus on ending the most “egregious” of human rights abuses against women and families in the world, including forced abortion and sterilization.

Under the pro-abortion Obama administration, one section of the report was called “Reproductive Rights.” The Trump administration removed that section and added a new one called “Coercion in Population Control.”

But abortion activists — who ignore forced/coerced abortions that truly violate a woman’s “right to choose” — want abortion on demand to be the core of women’s rights issues.

“Women’s rights are human rights,” said Rep. Frankel in a statement about the bill. “There is no greater right for women than to be in charge of their own bodies.”

Planned Parenthood, the Center for Reproductive Rights, NARAL and 42 other organizations endorsed the pro-abortion legislation. Many of them also promoted it Monday on social media in connection with Human Rights Day.

“This erasure puts real lives in danger,” said NARAL President Ilyse Hogue. “Using backdoor tactics to erase all mention of reproductive rights—including abortion, contraception, and maternal mortality—from vital reports and resources in order to push an extreme, ideological agenda is a true testament to just how dangerous and corrupt this administration is.”

Planned Parenthood’s new president, Leana Wen, also thanked the pro-abortion House Democrats for introducing the bill.

“Thank you for standing up for the basic notion that reproductive rights are human rights,” Wen tweeted.

Planned Parenthood Action

Thank you @RepKClark, @RepEliotEngel, @NitaLowey, @RepBarbaraLee , and @RepLoisFrankel for your leadership & introducing the #ReproRightsareHumanRights Act, which will require the State Department to include reproductive rights in its annual human rights reports. #HumanRightsDay

Katherine Clark

Replying to @RepKClark
I am honored to introduce the #ReproRightsareHumanRights Act with the support of 45 organizations including:@ReproRightsUN@NARAL@PPFA@APA @CARE @HRC @OxfamAmerica @RFKHumanRights @USNC_UNWomen
Full list here:

2:43 PM - Dec 10, 2018
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Abortion is not a human right. It is a human rights violation because its very purpose is to kill an innocent, vulnerable human being. Scientific research long ago proved that a unique human life begins at conception; but every year, nearly 1 million unborn babies still are aborted in America. Their human rights do not matter to abortion activists.


May I ask how you would deal with a woman pregnant because of rape if not by abortion? Or with a child so disformed that it will spend his whole life in suffering?

The right to abort is also the right to recognize that an unwanted child, or a severely incapacite child is better not born at all than born and to live in misery.

Are you asking women who have been raped to love the child that will look like their rapist their whole life? So that when they look at the child, not only the trauma will be everlasting, but also deeper?

I am not a fan or abortion under any and all circumstances, but right should be given to those who really have a reason not to have the child to avoid a life worse than death for both the kid and mother.

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