A Dying Democracy?

Ha! Click bait. My original planned title was "Republic vs. Democracy Vs. a Democratic Republic".
Today (5/14/17) on Zerohedge.com there was an article posted about Eric Peters, CIO of One River Asset Management hedge fund. Mr. Peter’s posted on lying which I partially quote-

        “Everyone lies,” said the Liar.

        “And the worst form of lying is rationalization,” said the Liar. “We make 
         up stories. We concoct intricate mythologies. All to support our views
         and justify our portfolios,” said the Liar.

If you don’t have a “portfolio” of financial investments just substitute “portfolios” for the word “opinions”. As facts are slippery creatures to capture and hold still, I’ll simply state as a fact that everything I think of as a fact is really only an opinion.
So many concepts to discuss and so many pathways to arrive at those concepts. Today I’ll convey my opinion of which 98% of natural born American Citizens never thought about or will think about. This is most unfortunate because while ignorance may be bliss that bliss is usually not sustainable.

The story goes that after the signing of the Constitution for The United states of America, Benjamin Franklin was said to have been asked what kind of a government the people had been given. Franklin’s purported reply was “A Republic, if you can keep it!”

I belong to a local service organization whose attendees rise at the start of every meeting to face an “American” gold fringed flag. The members place their hands over their hearts and recite a pledge of allegiance to a flag of the “Republic for which it stands”. I rise out of respect for my fellow service club members but I do not place my hand over my heart or recite “The Pledge” hoping that I eventually will be asked why I don't conform . Nobody has ever asked. They tolerate me because I am a benevolent nut case.

I’ll share with you why I don’t conform automatically to this patriotic ritual anymore. The reason is that I have met few people who have any knowledge of what a Republic is and quite possibly the gold fringed “American” flag is a governmental military flag of Admiralty and not the flag of The Republic. Until I receive authoritative information from multiple trusted sources that I am wrong, I won’t swear allegiance to a mythological Republic while addressing the flag of the military wing of a government. I didn’t dream up my theories out of thin air. I arrived at them by beginning to read history and information about certain aspects of law pertaining to rights recognized as endowed by The Creator vs. privileges granted by governments.

The simplest explanation of a Democracy is that the majority makes the rules. This has sometimes been described as “the tyranny of the masses” or “two wolves and a sheep deciding what is for dinner”. So please, don’t shout in my ears about our great Democracy or that we are trying to “spread Democracy around the world” as if this is a noble cause. This just upsets me.

A Republic is an organized body politic that has agreed upon certain inviolate principles which are not to be diminished as a protection for the people that make up that society. The American Constitution is a republican type of contractual agreement that sets out what the people have reserved for themselves as inviolate rights and a method of governance that is required to defend and uphold the rights of the people who make up the society within the physical boundaries of that Republican Nation. No one who takes employment in the government of the Republic is allowed to be employed unless that human being swears upon an oath to uphold and defend the rights as outlined in the American Constitution. A violation of that oath is a serious offense against The People to the extent that when two or more public officials conspire to diminish The People’s rights they can suffer the penalties of Felony Treason if held to account.

It is a sad commentary that today (in my opinion) we have two systems of government. One is the Lawful government of the Republic and the other is a government of the military/commercial wing based in The Federal District of Columbia. The former is nearly defunct and the latter is nearly omnipresent in our private lives. The last time I looked, none of The People’s reserved rights outlined in the American Constitution have been changed according to the methods described in that Constitution. I believe a slow and gradual usurpation of The People’s rights has been eroded and replaced by a military and commercial regime that only grants privileges. The Republic has become a country ruled by current policy and customs through force using deception, fraudulent contracts and assumptions in law.

I ask why we have never been vigorously educated about our rights and how to defend and preserve them?


Schools have abandoned the constitution for socialist rhetoric.

The schools used to be entirely locally run. Gradually School have morphed to being run by the individual States to finally being top down Federal Gov. run. I believe this has been done though the lure of funding to the States and local school systems that always want more money. When schools accept Federal funds the Federal Government sets the curriculum. When the States accept Federal grant monies the States give up their sovereignty to Federal authorities. Call it socialism or the seeds of totalitarianism if you like, but what ever it is you can bet there are profit and/or power motives behind it. There is no other way to account for the ever more vast sums spent on education with decade after decade of worse results.

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