
Yes we need some innovation,upside. Government is a 6000 year old beast that just doesn't want to go away.

Before that there were voluntary small communities, either hunter gatherers or smaller farming communities in Africa, Mesopotamia, North America and East Asia.

we REALLY don't know what it was...6K years ago...hell we don't even know what it's like today.
history( and the news) is a lie.
it's written by the winners
when the winners die
the history is revised
wash, rinse, and repeat.

There is pretty good archeological and other evidence to show that the first form of governments formed in Babylon/Egypt around 4000-3000 BC.

And it's important to stress that a Government is not just any kind of system, it's a system where there is already a bureaucracy forming.

You could say that a small patriachic tribe with a chieftain is a government, which is not entirely accurate. It is true that there could be coercion in a tribe, but the rules in a tribe are direct and easy to follow.

A government is when a bureaucracy is setup, that starts to issue arbitrary laws to extend it's power, and therefore make almost everything illegal.

how about the underwater cities recently discovered on the continental shelves...several places..
such as India, off shore Japan, Cuba...etc?
how long ago did that area flood?

Yes it's interesting I've also heard of 30,000 year old cities, but there was no evidence of a government there.

They all had direct democracy there. A city of 1000-5000 people all living in direct democracy basically.

So maybe you are right with that monkeysphere thing. In smaller sized communities consensus works better.

The thing is that by the time it got to the Greeks (1000 BC - 500 BC) it had already became bureaucratized. Cities by then had easily 10,000-50,000 inhabitants, and you had to setup permanent bureaucracies by then.

So the people easily lost control in favor of a king, an elders council, a parliament or whatever.

But that was only a logistical issue. Today with the internet, shall I say that the Monkeysphere can be expanded to larger numbers.

Keep in mind that the monkeysphere is an individual thang. It's the bell curve. For some the number is greater, for other's its much smaller.

For me, I think, the number is less than one hundred....for you it might be a thousand..depends on how your wetware is wired.

But I AGREE...the internet, the blockchain, and direct neural interfaces (in the not so distant future) might very well augment that wetware. It's entirely conceivable that the size of each individual's monkeysphere might be increased..

Or you don't have to confuse direct contact with indirect contact.

There are different layers, different relationships affect people differently. Not all relationships have to be tight.

Like you might care a lot about your immediate family ,but care less about your friends, care even less about your neighbor, and even less about your community.

So the farther a person it is from you, by relationship, the less you care. It's not a black & white issue, as if you only care about your family and nobody else.

There are layers of care, and yes the farther it goes the less people care. Like for example I care almost none for a random person in Asia, but I do care about principles in general.

So if my principles can be extended across the spectrum, then that will in turn effect that random person. So even though I did not care, I still do care, indirectly.

This is where you are confusing direct relationships with indirect ones.So indirect help can just be as beneficial, if it does have very positive effect on people.

Like not polluting a river. You might not care about every single person that drinks there, but it's in everyone's interest for the water to be clean. Same about the air, same about anything else.

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