panglima peunaroe
This is the current condition of the historical site of the tomb complex of Commander Peunaroe Keumangan which was damaged due to a tree hit a few years ago to damage the entire tomb building in Keumangan. Such a condition is very worrying considering the historical value contained in it is very influential.
However, it is not an attempt by the local community to renovate the tomb. They have tried to make a proposal for the local government but to no avail.
A little review, based on the information we got, Commander Peunaroe is a warlord in the Keumangan area, Pidie. The area was formerly better known as Pedir. This pedir itself was initially called the Kingdom of Sama Indra under the auspices of Syahir Pau Ling who came from Siam.
At the time of Sultan Iskandar Muda he joined the Dutch army in 1617 A.D. In addition, Commander Peunaroe was a Uleebalang and a very pious scholar. He is also often referred to as Teungku in Rantoe. He is the 3rd child of Tok Po Kalam (Peureulak Head of State).
When he came to Keumangan he obtained a position as Uleebalang and was nicknamed as Keumangan NCO.