Yfvalue | Yfv finance yield farming guide and FAQSsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #defi5 years ago (edited)

What is YFV

YFValue logo

YFV (YFValue) is a cryptocurrency YEarn inspired governance token that rewards to liquidy miners (yield farmers) .

YFV is the governance coin on the platform which will be used to vote on Dao decisions and can be used/traded on exchanges!

Information and links

Yfv contract: 0x45f24BaEef268BB6d63AEe5129015d69702BCDfa
vUSD contract: 0x1b8e12f839bd4e73a47addf76cf7f0097d74c14c
vETH contract: 0x76A034e76Aa835363056dd418611E4f81870f16e

vUSD /USDC on uniswap: https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x1b8e12f839bd4e73a47addf76cf7f0097d74c14c&inputCurrency=0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48

vETH/USDC on uniswap: ?

Telegram group: https://t.me/FinanceYFV
Ann channel: https://t.me/YFV_Announcements

Coingecko: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/yfvalue


Uniswap: https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?inputCurrency=0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7&outputCurrency=0x45f24BaEef268BB6d63AEe5129015d69702BCDfa
Balancer Exchange: https://balancer.exchange/#/swap/0x45f24baeef268bb6d63aee5129015d69702bcdfa

1inch exchange: https://1inch.exchange/#/ETH/YFV
Huobi: https://www.huobi.com/
Hotbit: https://www.hotbit.io/
Vinex Network: https://vinex.network

Circulating Supply 1.780.106 / 2.580.784 | Max Supply 15,750,00
(updated date: 2/09/2020)

YFV balancer pools and roi in usd

2. Start staking/Farming

We can start farming yfv on 3 diferent ways:

Seed Pool (Stablecoins) :

Here we can stake USDT, USDC, TUSD or DAI, here there is not risk of impermanent loss but the APY is much lower than other pools
To start staking on Seed pool we need follow next steps:
Go to https://yfv.finance and connect your Wallet, metamask is preferred
Select the stablecoin you want to deposit and click on farm.

YFV staking

To start staking YFV we need get some yfv tokens, we can pursache it on uniswap, balancer or any centralized exchange

Uniswap: https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?inputCurrency=0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7&outputCurrency=0x45f24BaEef268BB6d63AEe5129015d69702BCDfa
Balancer Exchange: https://balancer.exchange/#/swap/0x45f24baeef268bb6d63aee5129015d69702bcdfa

After it we need go to https://yfv.finance and connect our Wallet. Select Staking Pool V2 and click on Stake Button.
YFV Staking requisites

YFV staking requisites

  • Distribution Weeks: 38.6 weeks
  • Reward Amount: 8.49M vUSD and 8.49k vETH
  • Min Staking Amount: 96.4 YFV
  • Unstaking Frozen Time: 38.5 hours
  • Value Vaults profit sharing: 6.4%

As we can see on the voting process, we will need 96,4 YFV to start staking and it will be frozen 38.5 hours.

BPT Farming with balancer pools

What is BPT? : First Balancer Pool Token is not the same as Balancer Token, Balancer Pool Token represent your share ownership on a balancer pool, each pool have a different BPT token with a custom contract address, you get BPT after add liquidity to any balancer pool, you can transfer that token as a erc20 token, also if you lose your BTP you will lose all your funds on the pool!.

This is a risk pool. Funds are added into a balancer liquidity pool. Your funds will be used on market exchanges and there is a possibility of impermanent loss, but you will be rewarded with swap fees too and it can reduce losses or increase your earning if all go ok. When you add funds into a balancer pool, u will be rewarded with BPT (Balancer pool token). You will use that BPT to stake on yfv.finance web

You can learn more about impermanent losses here: https://medium.com/balancer-protocol/calculating-value-impermanent-loss-and-slippage-for-balancer-pools-4371a21f1a86

Recommended Video:

You can see the list of YFV pools on balancer using this link (this link filter it for you) https://pools.balancer.exchange/#/?token=0x45f24BaEef268BB6d63AEe5129015d69702BCDfa&filter=1

As example we choose Bal/YFV pool, we need follow these steps to start staking BPT

  1. We select the BAL/YFV pool that is on the next link. https://pools.balancer.exchange/#/pool/0xc19e3035a4f6f69b981c7dc2f533e862aa3af496/
  2. Connect your metamask wallet
  3. Click on Add liquidity
    Adding liquidity to yfv balancer pool
  4. With our BPT tokens we go to yfv pool on https://yfv.finance and select the pool that we choosed on balancer (previus step)
    First time on balancer is required create a proxy contract, is needed once for all balancer protocol and pools, to add liquidity we need unlock the token first and both actions will cost some eth fees. Check gwei !
    Stake BPT (balancer pool tokens) on yfv.finance page
  5. Click on farm and… farming starts!

Removing liquidity on balancer pool with BPT from YFV pool

1.First you need unstake your BPT from yfv pool
Remove liquidity from balancer

2.remove liquidity from balancer pool with BPT token ( wbtc-renbtc-weth pool example)

YFV vault, vUSD and vETH


Information about vaults will be updated here when more technical details and concept of Value Vaults will be introduced

vUSD and vETH

YFV created 2 new tokens with elastic supply called vUSD and vETH. This is an experimental protocol mashing up the current most exciting innovations in the DeFi world. Following Ampleforth elastic supply models, vUSD and vETH will expand and contract supply in response to market conditions, to target 1 USD per vUSD and 1 ETH per vETH.
vUSD and vETH will be used in the whole ecosystem, in the subsequent step of the road map, to set up Vault, pay rewards, stake etc….

There will be a total of 1,000,000 vUSD and 1000 vETH distributed to all pools according to their percentage. When farmers harvest YFV, vUSD and vETH will be harvested at the same rate as well.

After all the pools have been exhausted, vUSD and vETH will use an oracle price feed as determined by the governance of YFV. The rebase will use the UniswapV2_VUSD+YCRVUSD Liquidity Pool and UniswapV2_vETH +YCRvETH Liquidity Pool as the oracle for the price with a target of 1USD = vUSD and 1ETH = vETH.

In addition, rebase events occur once every 24 hours.


Where is my referral code and how referral program works

You can see your link and stats inside a farm pool. Click on view affiliate and share your link! . You can use my link to join :) https://yfv.finance/?a=3gLCFd9DRaH2nCxzvPApP3yJKBBd

YFV affiliate program and link

You will earn a 1% of your referrals earnings in YFV Token, you dont need withdraw something, the earnings will be send when your referral unstake/withdraw their earnings!

What is the best pool to start farming

All YFV will be distributed along all pools as we can see in the tables.

You can see ROI on https://yfv.finance page. That roi will change frequently with total staked ammount and yfv price ,at this moment better pools are BAL-BAT-KNC (yfv returns) . You also need check swap fees return on balancer pool. Some pools give more fee returns!

Balancer pool fee returns

I cant see my tokens/stats on balancer pool after stake BPT

After stake we wont be able to see that stats, to see stats we can use a software tool called zapper.fi ,We can connect to it with our metamask or similar wallet or with our eth address. Click on explore and balancer to check it

You will see the fee returns (APY) inside a balancer pool.

Wallet error: method eth_sendTransaction does not exists/is not available

Some wallets like trustwallet or metamask+ledger or coinbase give some problems when interact with contract web3js on yfv page. Until it is solved, use just metamask



  • This post is not a financial advise!
  • This post contains some affiliate links

Author Telegram: https://t.me/cryptosugar93

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.13
TRX 0.24
JST 0.032
BTC 83698.37
ETH 2089.33
USDT 1.00
SBD 0.63