A river runs through it.
South of the border are hundreds of square miles of little to nothing.
It is as pristine as land can be in this time of 8 billion people.
Some oil people want to spread their pipelines through this oasis of non-destructedness.
We know pipelines leak, this is nothing new.
We could be growing our fuel but you can pipeline alcohol, and you also can't control hundreds of thousands of profitable farmers, they will tell you to take a hike.
Ergo, storys in the headlines like this one.
Sounds safe enough.
When do indigenous lives ever matter?
Throw the mere promise of cash at them and watch the infighting begin, a classic strategy.
I'm glad to see the Loma de Bacúm Yaquí are putting up a valiant fight.
Well, if there was a leak, and no wind, and a source of a detonation, and not just a spark, maybe.
Otherwise, I would want to stay back several hundred yards, or less depending on the wind, just not to get roasted.
When they got lots of money and power.
Yes, solidarity is our only hope.
Thanks for your comment.
Oh, I was just joking, as they usually underestimate potential damages. Maybe about 100% of the time. Thanks for posting something where the good guys are actually winning, it's uplifting.