Are arrests of the Deep State including Key Players coming? Are they already Here? Are Military Tribunals going on? What is the deal with the Resignations and Indictments?

in #deepstatearrests6 years ago (edited)

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Let's just do a Quick run down.

Last Year Executive Order Amended and pointers towards Military Tribunals

This is what happened according to The Guardian in an article from Jan. 30, 2018 titled,

Donald Trump signs executive order to keep Guantánamo Bay open

In his State of the Union address on Tuesday night, Trump said he had directed the defence secretary, James Mattis, “to re-examine our military detention policy and to keep open the detention facilities at Guantánamo Bay”. He added that he expected that “in many cases” captured terrorists would be sent to the camp.

The Trump executive order instructs Mattis, in consultation with the secretary of state and other officials, to deliver a new policy on battlefield detentions, “including policies governing transfer of individuals to US Naval Station Guantánamo Bay” within 90 days.

It is the latest in a long series of policies pursued by Barack Obama that Trump has reversed. Obama signed an order calling for Guantánamo Bay to be closed on his second day in office in 2009, but he was never able carry out that policy to its conclusion.

Obama argued that maintenance of an detention facility beyond the reach of US law undermined American global leadership on human rights. In his speech on Tuesday night, however, Trump said that the move to close Guantánamo reflected softness in the fight against terrorism. And he suggested detention was second best to killing terrorists.

“Terrorists who do things like place bombs in civilian hospitals are evil,” Trump said. “When possible, we have no choice but to annihilate them. When necessary, we must be able to detain and question them. But we must be clear: terrorists are not merely criminals. They are unlawful enemy combatants. And when captured overseas, they should be treated like the terrorists they are.”

Very Interesting as I would believe Obama would really want to protect his Own hide and that of his friends from known terrorist activities he himself has been involved in.

For example, aiding and abetting as we see here,

Obama’s adversaries had claimed that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi had been released from an Iraqi prison facility called Camp Bucca in 2009. However, the insurgent who went on to lead the Islamic State, was released by a military review board in 2004.

Human rights advocates claimed to "Strongly condemn. . " But it was Not Trump who did this you see. . .it happened under the Prior administrations.

It was supposed to be a place for detaining “the worst of the worst” in the words of the then defence secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, but most of the inmates who ended up there were foot soldiers, or people handed over by warlords for a bounty, or men who found themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Once again They blamed Trump for what They had been involved in. Oldest trick in the book like satan blaming God for keeping Knowledge from Adam and Eve. . . but who was Really keeping the truth of wickedness from them and how God wanted to protect them?

Modern times it's known as Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals. . .*Whatever you are doing blame the other side. * . And oh, how often they have done so. It was the DNC who didn't vote out slavery. . .majority Republicans. It was Republican's who had the majority to vote for Women's Suffrage. It was the DNC who started and ran the KKK and have notoriously worshipped Robert Byrd who helped lead a KKK group. Both Hillary and Obama among other Dem leaders have openly praised him, while calling Trump a racist.

Trump with Rosa Parks

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Notice what they say here, though it is people like Pelosi and Schumer who have been career politicians. There Far longer than Trump's 2 years!

“We strongly condemn President Trump’s decision to keep the Guantánamo Bay detention center open,” Homer Venters, director of programs at Physicians for Human Rights, said in a written statement. “The facility is a symbol of US torture and injustice known around the world. It represents the unlawful, immoral, and harmful regime of indefinite detention and should be shuttered immediately.”

Evidence of Fortifying and Building up. Why when Obama intended and moved towards closing?

Here is an article from January of last year, 2018 titled,

Trump signs executive order to keep Guantanamo Bay prison open

See how they wished to thwart him and make someone protecting us from the cabal look bad in the sources below. . .namely the Washington Post owned by Jeff Bezos where John Podesta has been allowed to write his very own opinion pieces.

See how equipped it is and ask yourself, Does This perhaps shed a new light on Why Nancy Pelosi Actually wants to impede the wall? Doesn't she Really want to impede the Budget which is helping to detain criminals which are surely her friends and dare I say it even. . .rhymes with Sure!

Inside Trump's Guantanamo, where military waits for funding for 'enduring mission'
In his first broadcast interview, Guantanamo's Rear Adm. John Ring says without funding from Congress, he'll have trouble caring for aging detainees.

GUANTÁNAMO BAY, Cuba — The newest commander of the U.S. mission in Guantanamo Bay has orders from the Pentagon to stay open for another 25 years and to prepare for new detainees, but he lacks the funding from Congress to pay for it.

In an exclusive interview with NBC News inside one of the detention camps, Rear Admiral John Ring said he waits for word from Washington about whether he will need to expand and if he will have the money to pay it.

"I'm the innkeeper," says Ring. "I don't make laws. People in D.C. tell me when people are going away, when people may be coming in, and my job is to keep these folks comfortable, safe."

Find more information in sources below as this was an NBC article.

Notice how there were many pointers towards military tribunals.

For example, Why did Graham take the time during the Kavanagh hearings to address this if it is Not key?

Note the times Qanon has dropped intel regarding this,

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This might shed some light on it,

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Prison barges taken to take prisoners to Guantanamo Bay.

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So do these barges contain elite deep state corruptors. You should do your homework, poke around and decide.

Is it them? Big Names?

What do you think fell out of their programs at the Bush funeral?

Did a report on this here as it is Something else to see the looks on these people's faces!

If looks could kill! The Bush Funeral, Jeb, Laura Hillary, what did they see? Qanon drops CF

More tells and clues,

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This seems to sum it All up quite nicely,

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Clinton Probe Wrongdoing,

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They started with the lower level and worked their way up to the middle level and Now. . .on to tribunals and elites. I'll show you evidence of tribunals in a moment.

Here are some of the latest resignations and there are Pages and Pages of these.

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Let's just pull one out,

Pharma CEO blames industry image on bad press, bad actors

These people are from All over the world,

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Notice Are you a Robot, Auto and Baseball.

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Lionsgate Trimming Costs. Remember One Weinstein, involved and honored by them.

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Sealed Indictments. . .notice where these states are located!

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Those were only the A's and Just part of them. As you would suspect California a long list and many other states. Somebody has been busy corrupting while the White Hats have been busy bringing justice.

Proof of Military Tribunals.

I personally thought the seize on all phone bills with the Taliban concerning 9/11 in which we were lied to by Rumsfeld, Cheney and Bush was quite interesting.

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From Page 20 on Inspection of Physical Raid evidence located here

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You can see the most current cases going on like here,

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And can go to different pages and back by dates.

Now when are you going to hear about it? Well, if your waiting on MSM to tell you what is happening in the background, how long Will you be Waiting?

Didn't they tell you She would win? Thank God they were Not in the Know about the Alliance, White Hats, Patriots dealings or we would already be in WW3, many people taken off to FEMA camps.

There is a part of the White Hats who would like for this information to remain secret. They are afraid of the chaos that may ensue do to the machinations of Soros funded groups and deep seated programing. They are attempting to mitigate damage to people and areas from violence that is encouraged to give the corruptors, controllers and instigators in high places enough of a distraction to wriggle out once again of having to take responsibility for their actions and Crimes of high treason. Not This Time!

I'm afraid that's just not going to work. Remember how the lower level and middle players were taken out first? People like Page and Strzok became cooperating witnesses and were More than willing to spill the beans in an effort to lessen their consequences.

Major players who protected these criminals and tried to hide their crimes. . .Gone!
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And it Shall All Fall Down!

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Nothing they Do Can Stop What is COMING!

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If you're Not familiar with the funeral scene, here are some stills in this article,

And a Great Meme,

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For more information, see a connecting article here on Seth Rich and how Kim Dotcom told us before what was coming and he is signaling a dump again for this year, 2019.

Please let me know what you all think about this. Do you believe arrests are already happening?
More Sources;


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