When it all comes together...

in #deepshit7 years ago (edited)


With only 6 weeks of living expenses saved up and no paycheck on the way, rather than freaking out about my financial situation and taking any work that comes my way, I decided to give it another month and focus on doing whatever truly excites me. Call it reckless if you wish, but I’ve been in this situation so many times that I know how little panic achieves. You end up stuck in a contract doing a job you hate in a city you hate, you end up straining your body stressing out, and you end up throwing away everything you have been working towards. So I’m not doing any of that.

As I mentioned in a recent post, I was honest with the translation agency when the project they wanted to give me looked above my language capabilities. I could have done the work but it would have stressed me out. So they told me they’d come find me if they had simpler work, and they did! It only took 3 days. Now I’m proofreading the translation for a comic book, much more fun and easier than the last project they sent my way, and I’ll end up being paid the same amount, plus I can do it on my iPad while riding the bus!

Right around the same time, the school I used to work for called me up and said they needed me to write an introduction because they wanted to send more students my way. So by next month I may have a lot of work coming my way, but it’s all work I’m pretty cool with, low stress, low requirements. On top of that I’m doing much better at steemit and with this work I may not even have to dig into my crypto savings for livin * expenses!

This relaxed mindset has allowed me to set some time aside for practicing guitar and writing on steemit as usual. It’s allowed me to take good care of my back and continue healing. And it’s allowed me to make good decisions and recognize opportunities when they arise, rather than getting stuck on the “what if”’s

It may be hard to believe this when it looks like things are falling down around you, but doing what excites you always works out for the better. There will always be ups and downs and sometimes some bumps that scare you, but if you insist on finding a way to be excited every day, things come together. Whatever struggle still remains will allow you to level up and become closer to the person you dream of being!

If you are going through a rough patch and looking for some support and inspiration to remain positive you can always find me on discord! I’ll try to reply ASAP.


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Confessions of the Damaged - a collection of short stories


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by @skyleap


REALLLY congratulations for holding out, being brave, having a large set o balls (hope its ok to say that!) and being a winner. Im not far off your position and right now am crapping it a bit.. (markets are nosediving).. so your post inspired me a bit..

keep the faith brother! you rock!

The markets will be back stronger than before.....the question is just “when?” . I’m trying to ignore the fact that I have any crypto whatsoever though so that I don’t get too tied up in the fickleness of the market and that I can just ride it out for 2-3 years when it’s all sure to be much much higher (as long as you own the right coins and I think there will be 30-40 of those).

stay inspired! You have what it takes to live life on your terms! Keep doing what excites you and also allowing the abundance to flow while doing it. We can take turns with spreading the inspiration ;-)

Things always work out and you'll be in better shape for the long term (both mentally and physically) if you can focus on what you love. Sure, it might not lead to millions but this all depends on what you want out of life.

PS love your first tag!

It will lead to millions!!

Yeah buddy. Play guitar, steem, and heal. Sounds like the perfect way to spend a month.

Have you tried affirmation questions? What would it take for everything to simply fall into place?

Couldn't agree more! I'd love to that as well, having some fun and healing.

I tried affirmations a long time ago, but found they only work if you really believe them and you can’t force yourself to believe them. What are affirmation questions?

Affirmation questions are for those who can't really get behind affirmations.

Say your goal is to be a millionaire. An affirmation would be: I am a millionaire.

An affirmation question would be: What has to happen for me to be a millionaire? What steps do I have to take to reach millionaire status?

Your sub-conscious will try to figure out how to answer your affirmation questions for you. Instead of just "being in the energy" you can ask yourself: What has to happen so I can be in that energy.

I try to “go general” as Abraham Hicks says , I’m actually going to write about this soon.

I’ll try these kind of questions though, I guess you did they work?

They do. They are energy moving.

While I greatly love affirmations and have used them successfuly in my life often, I have found that this only works when I am in a high state of consciousness to begin with.
When I am not, affirmations often feel like stressing what I don't have. Meaning the deep wish for something says to myself that I don't have it. Which is kind of the opposite affirmations are supposed to manifest. I myself am careful with asking these sorts of questions.

Though I am still trying out things as well, I have found that to feel RICH can be triggered more easily by doing fulfilling activities like finishing a new track. I sit here and cry my heart out because it makes me so happy, and THEN I go for the affirmations. Feeling high on life makes it so easy to affirm my richness.

SO reaching that high state first, then affirming really seems to hack it for me <3

And you can also try: What will it take for me to constantly and consistently be in the high energy vibration that helps me attract what I affirm?

Awesome to hear this!

Especially the translation gig that turned into a much more fun comic book translation. It could be a metaphor for your life ;>)

Yup, do the opposite of what you are supposed to do and win!

That sounds great. It looks like that honesty you were talking about the other day really paid off.

I agree with your point about panic. Living on the "edge" is never helped by freaking out. Other people sense desperation and it ends up causing the consequences you were afraid of.

Always always always. I used to be that kid, for so damn long.

Haha yeah I have let panic screw me up more than a few times too. That's how I used to write all my papers and do my reading assignments for at least my first 45 credit hours lol.

You have my support! What is your discord address? I would like to connect.

I’ll send you a message, it’s the same as here.

As so often you speak from my heart.
These days I am constantly reminding myself that the seeming detours from my mission are all part of my mission, and within the same day I get some great surprises that... seem to reward my willingness to trust the flow of things and not try too hard to force life to behave to the standards my ego set out for the day.
It works every time, yet forgetting to trust life seems so inviting - especially on bad days. Much continued success on your heart journey dude, when can we hear some licks? <3

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