DeepOnion - The Hidden Cryptocurrency Goldmine

in #deeponion7 years ago

 DeepOnion – The Hidden Goldmine 

Are you looking for a solution to send and receive untraceable payments? Well, your search ends now! We present you with DeepOnion, a TOR based highly secured cryptocurrency that guarantees 100% anonymity, privacy and security from any threats.   

The excitement in the DeepOnion community keeps growing each day as our development team fulfills its promises on the distribution of free coins via airdrops with the release of new features. It is a high time crypto-investors realized the truth behind DeepOnion. It has the potential of attaining the level of popularity gained by Bitcoin and Ethereum over a short period of time.   

If anyone still has doubts about this cryptocurrency, then I wonder if they ever learned a lesson from the missed opportunity of not investing in Bitcoins in 2009! DeepOnion offers a higher level of security and anonymous features over many other cryptocurrencies, a much-sought feature by crypto-investors. There are many reasons to invest in DeepOnion since the price is very reasonable and the payment is very secure.   

Before we go into many details, it is important to understand why DeepOnion emerged as a cryptocurrency and what is unique about it.   

Here is a video I just made explaining more about DeepOnion:

An overview of DeepOnion 

DeepOnion is a hybrid cryptocurrency that implements the x13 proof of work algorithm (PoW) and the proof of stake (PoS). It also implements The Onion Router protocol (TOR) that ensures all peer-to-peer connections are not only secure but also anonymous.   

In simpler terms, the main purpose why DeepOnion emerged as a cryptocurrency was to protect the identity and privacy of individuals by creating a payment platform that is anonymous, secure, instantaneous, scalable and untraceable.   

It has incorporated anonymity-centric networking protocols as well as an industry-leading cryptography that reduces the likelihood of identification by both legal and illegal entities. DeepOnion believes that privacy is an inherent right and that no individual should have their finances or identity scrutinized by Financial authorities and Government entities.   

Our mission was to create a 100% anonymous cryptocurrency that would fulfill the requirements of the modern financial world to ensure that your anonymity and privacy are adhered to. Having a core community is one of the critical components to the success of the DeepOnion project – a family with a common belief in financial obfuscation and online privacy.  

 It puts more effort in meeting the changing demands of technology, privacy, and security to remain at the leading edge of cryptocurrency advancement.   

Why are we better than the rest?  

  • Send and receive untraceable payments 
  • Instant payment confirmations 
  • Secure wallets for Windows, Mac, and Linux 
  • Deepsend – a feature that brings anonymity to a whole new level. This is the perfect solution to keep nosey people out of your financial business, and giving you the security and privacy you deserve.   
  • DeepVault -  A powerful new feature that uses the blockchain technology as a verification tool to see if your important files have been tampered with or changed.   
  • E-commerce plugins allow you to accept DeepOnion as a payment method on your online store. Get paid instantly and stop credit card fraud and chargeback scams immediately.   
  • DeepOnion is proudly listed on several high secured exchanges. This makes it easier to purchase the Onion currency.   
  • Apple and Android wallets are currently being developed and will be released soon.    

Primary features of DeepOnion    

  • High Secure Transactions 

The highly secure wallet is designed to protect your identity from government agencies or illegal entities. This means your payment is very secure and that all prying eyes are blocked from access.    

  • Instant confirmations 

You no longer have to wait for several hours or minutes to receive a payment confirmation. Send and receive instant payments with DeepOnion. Unlike Bitcoin, DeepOnion gives you the advantage of sending transactions quickly and worldwide.    

  • Secure Wallet 

Download the secure wallet for Windows, Linux or Mac. A paper wallet is also made available in case you need it too.    

  • Untraceable payments 

It is common for hackers to trace your payments if your accounts are not secure. Since DeepOnion provides a highly secured payment system, you can send and receive payments anonymously. This helps you hide your identity and any payment made cannot be traced. All transactions are made private and sent through the TOR (The Onion Router) network.    

  • High secure listings 

DeepOnion is listed on the highly secure Cryptopia, Kucoin, Stock.Exchange, Bisq and more. It is very easy to buy and sell DeepOnion in the full list of exchanges.    

  • Free Airdrop 

The proof of work algorithm (POW) + proof of stake (POS) + No ICOs or Crowdfunding means free coin distribution. We also offer up to 40 rounds of free airdrops!

Main Rules to Apply for The Airdrop  

  • Have 50 ONIONs or more   

To apply for the airdrop, you need to have at least 50 coins and more. The first option of getting these coins is to buy 50 of them in or any of the other exchanges we are listed on. If you don't want to purchase here, then there are a lot of giveaways in the forum. You can even win up to 150 Onions weekly for making a video, meme, and article. 

There is also a bounty program for making a tutorial, an article or a video. Our developers will send you some coins depending on your efforts, and the type and quality of the bounty.  

Finally, you can earn some extra coins for performing some tasks in order if you are a VIP member. After a successful completion of 10 tasks, you can apply for the VIP member and our developers can consider your efforts. It is strongly advised to use good English and avoid spamming as it lowers your integrity.    

  • Posts on Bitcointalk and DeepOnion 

Have at least 3 posts in DeepOnion forum or 1 post in Bitcointalk in a week so that you can't get skipped from the airdrop (both with 50 or more characters). There is still no problem if you are skipped since you can always join the next airdrop after completing the number of posts and characters. Note that all posts and threads that are created in an off-topic forum are not accounted.    

  • Avoid being rude 

Always use polite and decent words in the forums to avoid being banned from the community. It is very easy for the developers to spot rude talks whenever one insults other users or poses fake claims that the coin is a fraud.    

  • The right signature 

Have the right signature in your Bitcointalk user and obtain the Jr Member role. If you are not certain where to find the signatures, then you can check it out at (Deep Onion)


It is critical to have a fair distribution for any new cryptocurrency that seeks mainstream adoption. DeepOnion offers an additional bounty program and a free airdrop to meet this requirement. The fact that many folds create the rationale behind this method. The 40-week airdrop period enhances the holding of the coin because the distribution model has received the trust of owners who previously received their airdrop. This means that they will start maximizing their accumulation after waiting until the completion is in order.   

Proof of stake (POS) provides more rewards for individuals who are willing to hold. The longevity of the campaign gives an ample opportunity to new users to participate, thus boosting the number of members holding ONION within the community. As the number of participants grows, a tapered emission of airdrop distribution ensures that the number if airdropped coins are increased. A huge amount of ONION is held within bounty wallets and the development to be utilized either as an extra developer venture or as an advertisement – when the additional recruitment is necessary.    

This distribution model faced an initial criticism in the event of a developer dumping their coins in a situation where the critical points are met. Here is the manner in which DeepOnion mitigates this risk;  

  • There is a low current volume that prevents a ‘dump' scenario. It is attributed to the air distribution method that promotes holding. This, in turn, results in a low number of ONION on a given exchange.   
  • 2 million is held by the founding members of DeepOnion. The percentage of the overall ONION that is distributed falls with a successive airdrop each week.   
  • The project is considered as an open-source and it will be possible to work with minimal disruption given the size and skill set within the community.   
  • This nature of a dump will defy the future vision for the DeepOnion ecosystem and the work ethic of the development team.   


DeepOnion draws all its strength from its massive community, support and reputation of its network. The reason why most available cryptocurrencies have fallen short of their mainstream adoption is that they have a lackluster promotion and a small user base. The social aspect is essential from inception as it has always placed utmost importance on the community formation.   

We have also introduced a voting platform that enables our users to shape the future of the DeepOnion project. We have created supporting technologies and a plethora of social media outlets to ensure that this requirement is fulfilled. You can check out our notable official forum at The platform is the heart of our community and it boasts a variety of features that are not available in other forum software.   

DeepOnion has had a successful strategy since inception and is considered as one of the most popular and largest threads on the established We will continue to pass this social outlet because the level of exposure is highly beneficial. Not only does it reflect people's sentiments towards the DeepOnion project but also their willingness to participate, support and get involved in one of the best alternatives to Bitcoin.   

The Official DeepOnion forums are used for social interaction and a platform for coordinating our "call to arms" in promotional events. An exceptional growth has been witnessed over the past six months, a pivotal reason behind the continued success of DeepOnion. Our diverse community is comprised of a number of talented individuals and you can always join us at any moment.   

Analysis of DeepOnion Technologies 

DeepOnion's strength is manifested by the myriad of technologies that have been incorporated into its wallet and blockchain, enhancing its multi-faceted approach to privacy and security. Although it has several popular technologies seen in other currencies, DeepOnion boasts a number of proprietary solutions that offer additional security, privacy, and anonymity while furthering the state-of-the-art.   

Below are some of the common terminologies shared by all blockchain cryptocurrencies;  

  • Blockchain 

We can define a blockchain as a continuously growing list of records (blocks) that are linked and secured using a cryptography. Typically, a hash pointer is contained in each block as a link to a previous block, transaction data or a timestamp. Blockchains by design are inherently resistant to the modification of the data. An effective solution to a variety of problems that face existing financial systems is by utilizing a blockchain.   It provides a public ledger that is immutable and contains all transpired transactions on the network in its entirety. This, in turn, creates the ability to verify any transactions since the inception of the coin making it easier to resolve a conflict. 

The scalability of a blockchain 

It is important to understand the concept of throughput the fact that blockchain is a continuous ledger of all transactions. The maximum throughput of Bitcoin and Ethereum is 4 and 7 transactions per second respectively. The limitation arises as a result of the amount of data that can be stored in each fixed block size and the block time i.e. the average time taken to process the hash of a block and add it to the blockchain.   

This can cause BTC transactions to take a longer time to complete in a supposedly instant payment system. The introduction of PoS, faster block times and larger block sizes has allowed DeepOnion to improve the situation. In turn, this provides a theoretical throughput of 62.5 transactions per second as indicated below; 

DeepOnion block size is 1.5 MB with an average transaction size of 500 bytes. This implies that each block can approximately hold up to 3000 transactions. 

DeepOnion is a mixed PoS/PoW coin, PoS is a lot more frequent targeting at 60 seconds while the PoW interval is about 240 seconds on average. Therefore, our combined block time is 240/5 i.e. 48 seconds.   

  • Cryptocurrency 

Cryptocurrency can be defined as a digital asset that was purposely designed to operate as a medium of exchange that secures its transactions using cryptography, to control the creation of additional units as well as verify the transfer of assets. Bitcoin takes pride being the first decentralized cryptocurrency that was released by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009.   

  • Decentralization 

This is the process of dispersing or distributing people, powers, functions or things away from a central authority or location. The term decentralization with respect to cryptocurrency is the removal of a central processing authority. Each node, typically a miner or wallet verifies independently on the network through a process of cryptographic hashing functions.   

Decentralization in cryptocurrency minimizes the reliance on trusting the payment processor and increases the level of security. Given different protocols and operating systems as well as the global distribution of nodes, it is not feasible to compromise 51% of the network.   

Another benefit is that every node has the ability to verify each block. The introduction of the POS system takes DeepOnion a step further than BTC, which is another form of mining and verification. It creates the necessity to compromise a significant share of the network across two channels. 

The primary reason why transactions take considerably a long time compared to the traditional methods of payment is that each transaction affords maximum security.  The ‘lighting network' is a technology that provides one of the approaches to solve the scaling option. However, you will be reducing security each time you take transactions off the core chain since the number of verifications is reduced. A complex problem affecting the major cryptocurrencies is the number of verifications required.   

DeepOnion Innovation Technologies 

DeepOnion intends to implement a novel of blockchain technologies that will meet the changing demands in crypto world. It raises the necessity to improve anonymity and privacy beyond the current efforts.   

It was cloned and then further enhanced and perfected from an anonymous coin, SuperCoin, with stealth transactions facilitated by the coin mixing processes. It provided a solid base to build and make improvements. Below are the novel blockchain implementations of DeepOnion and the rationale behind their selection. 

  • DeepVault 

DeepVault is an information store with an immutable data held within the blockchain. In simpler terms, it allows you to store file validation credentials within the blockchain. There are several benefits accrued to the DeepVault as it allows users to verify the integrity of a file over time.

 A change in the hash of the file implies that the file has been altered or corrupted. Therefore, this tool is extremely useful in checking the security of your essential documents and to affirm that they are still intact. An obvious use for this feature entails legal documents as it enables the person to verify that the document has not been altered, erroneously, maliciously or through file corruption.   

It can be thought of as an expansion of smart contracts where integrity or conditions are validated through cryptography. It is highly intuitive and is seamlessly integrated into the DeepOnion wallet. DeepVault is a novel feature that not only improves the process of hashing but also the process of file verification.

Benefits of the DeepVault  

  1. The hashing process uses the trusted and secure SHA-256 algorithm.   
  2. A GUI embedded within the DeepOnion wallet is used to generate the file hash. 
  3. File verification can be locked to the user to prevent other entities from validating the file. 
  4. DeepVault ensures the protection of the hash itself from alteration within an immutable blockchain. 
  • DeepSend 

DeepSend is a transaction-side security feature that was designed to obfuscate the transaction traces within the blockchain. This is one of the problems that were identified earlier with Bitcoin and DeepOnion seeks to correct the situation. The TOR integration is distinctly different from this feature as it secures and anonymizes network traffic at the transport layer.   Some technologies comprised in DeepSend include;  

  • Ring Signatures by CryptoNote: This includes Monero and Bytecoin 
  • Zero technologies by Zerocoin and Zerocash: This includes ZCoin and ZCash. 
  • Coinjoin technologies: It can either be random mixers such as SuperCoin and Dash or the centralized mixers such as master nodes.   

Each technology comes with its own benefits and disadvantages. For instance, you must burn and "mine" new unrecognizable coins in Zero-Knowledge technologies each time and this requires an additional space in the blockchain. DeepSend intends to provide a cutting-edge privacy and anonymity by being a Coinjoin/ Mixer technology based on multi-signature technologies that are trustless.   

  • TOR (The Onion Routing System) 

TOR is a circuit-based anonymous communication service with a low-latency. It is a second-generation routing system that adds perfect forward secrecy and congestion control to address the limitations in the original design.   

This also involves providing directory servers, configurable exit policies, integrity checking and a practical design for services with hidden location through rendezvous points.   

TOR requires no internet, no kernel modifications or special privileges as it works on the real-world internet. It provides a reasonable tradeoff between efficiency, anonymity, and usability and requires little coordination or synchronization between nodes. The provides the perfect platform to build an anonymous cryptocurrency. DeepOnion is upgrading to the latest protocol 0.3 to introduce the latest anonymous features to our wallet that are most secure to protect all users.   Stressing the point that all DeepOnion Wallet connections are made over the TOR network and your public IP address can never be exposed at any point.   

  • Mobile Wallet 

The DeepOnion mobile wallet is about to make its way this 2018 affording similar functionality to the desktop experience. Since all the final features have been confirmed, it will protect your identity while on the move by operating naturally over the TOR network. DeepVault is also an essential feature of the mobile wallet that protects your documents and photos. 

As a user, you will be in a position to view your transactions, address book, and send and receive ONION naturally. DeepOnion is currently in the initial stages of hiring an iOS developer to make the DeepOnion mobile wallet available to the Apple devices. The mobile wallet was designed to promote a homogeneous user experience across all our community platforms. 

  • VoteCentral 

This is an open voting platform that enables the DeepOnion community to vote on the tasks and suggested proposals by community members concerning the future direction of the DeepOnion project. On this platform, members contribute massively to the community decisions that influence the direction and expansion of the DeepOnion project. 

Although it comprises of many parallels to existing democratic voting systems implemented in modern politics, it possesses the additional benefits of the blockchain technology that help mitigate voting fraud. Our development team, holders, and airdrop founders will evaluate the community suggestions or new directions that are registered through VoteCentral.   

Since VoteCentral is a layered approach, the hierarchy can be idealized in three concentric circles;  

  • The inner circle (core) – it is comprised of the initial founders and our development team. 
  • Airdrop founders – These are founders who have the right to vote in vote central. 
  • Long-term Deep-Onion supporters – these are individuals who have made significant contributions towards the project.   

Voting is normally based on the proven contribution of a member to the community or can be a status that is granted through long-term support. VoteCentral is comprised of two phases. The first phase includes a centralized solution that is solely supported by web technologies while the next future phase will be supported by the blockchain.   

Wallet-owners will vote on community tasks and suggested proposals using this software based on the number of ONION held in their wallets.   

  • VIP Domination Tasks 

VIP Domination Tasks is DeepOnion's community reward program that allows a community member to earn ONION because of their contribution towards the project. Our primary goal is to reward members who create exceptional content that mainly focuses on driving targeted traffic to people interested in cryptocurrency.   

There are flexible and dynamic criteria used for DeepPoints. It comprises of a model that suits the rapid development experienced by DeepOnion as well as the spontaneous realm of cryptocurrencies. Our ability to adapt and target our entire community towards a particular goal or objective strengthens this approach.   

It has been successful in various ways with respect to the exchange listings such as Satoshi Exchange and KuCoin. It is quite simple for our members, they simply need to complete Domination Tasks with good quality comments. 

This is a real opportunity for our members to earn lucrative rewards from their active participation. The DeepOnion team will always reward the loyal followers.   

Is DeepOnion the Right Choice for You? 

DeepOnion has a verifiable market growth record than many other altcoins. The market capitalization at the time of writing was about $41.15 million with an onion trading for $8.54. The market capitalization surged up by 500% after being listed on Nova Exchange few months back and has continued to grow at tremendous speed ever since. DeepOnion is now listed on several secure exchanges such as Cryptopia,, Stocks.Exchange, Trade.Satoshi, Bisq.Network, Next.Exchange, and many more coming in the near future. The main reason why DeepOnion was created was to provide transactional privacy that lacks in the mainstream cryptocurrencies. It also serves as a file verification tool, which extends its role to ensure the integrity of legal documents using DeepVault, a vital feature of DeepOnion's wallet.   

Unlike most scam ICOs, DeepOnion does not offer a guaranteed percent return on investment (ROI). The opportunity to create a lasting value from scratch is what is on offer and it will yield returns over a long period based on the investment dynamics.   

The development team has been transparent about everything regarding DeepOnion and the guiding rules is widely publicized. There have been a lot of efforts and commitment by the founders to make DeepOnion a sustainable digital asset over time. There are Smart Contracts that are yet to be launched. It has been a remarkable selling point of major cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum that opened up several opportunities for investors and developers. 

The digital asset will further solidify the potential of DeepOnion as a real investment opportunity as it continues to support Smart Contracts. One can only think of an oncoming self-executing anonymous contract since DeepOnion is a privacy-based digital asset. This means that it will be immune to prying eyes of third parties whether legal or illegal entities. It can only be visible to the parties who are involved in the contract. This is something most crypto-investors are looking for and it is never too late to be a member of DeepOnion.   

At this point, it is good to reiterate that DeepOnion is a legit cryptocurrency that has great potentials as hinted earlier. The fact that our community is growing by leaps and bounds each day makes the development team focused and motivated despite the negative media making rounds. One of the primary strengths of DeepOnion is the sense of community and the commitment of the development team. Deep Onion has a brighter future with all the positives around it including lesser transaction fees, faster payment systems, and unique privacy features.   


All DeepOnion members are very proud of the coin and all developers know that without them, this project wouldn't be a success. DeepOnion has a very promising future with great support from users worldwide. It is one of the best alternatives to Bitcoin. The high demand for the coins, the anonymity that gives the TOR network and the strong community makes DeepOnion one of the best opportunities for crypto-investors. The current and continuously added features by our dev team and the community make sure we will stay ahead as the leaders of anonymous cryptocurrency. What are you waiting for? Visit to join our community. 


Not sure if you have a Masters yet, but you could certainly do one on DeepOnion. Voted up of course :)

Thanks for the article. I like vote central. looks like it will be next big thing in crypto world.

Great article! Extremely informative, and one that should be on the newbie list in Forum, if it isn't already.

Great article! It was all very easy to understand.
Thank you for sharing your knowledge in this text!

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