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RE: Deep Dives 14 | Operation Condor | The FBI Vault

in #deepdives5 years ago

Who profits? I didn't have room in this one to get into it but weapons sales got a big boost from the Dictator puppet regimes in South America during Op Condor.
The Red Scare is such a seminal piece of propaganda that has literally shaped the world we live in. It's always fascinating to learn the dealings that go on outside the public view - whether it's giving food to the USSR or approving war crimes privately while condemning human rights violations publicly.
The world is a theatre.


Another thing I wanted to mention about this post topic and the FBI Vault, is they don't show you it in the index as a "popular" thing to look into

This reduces visiblity, as you won't be browsing it form the index and won't know about it as a topic there. It hides it. I suspect they have moreseriously damning topics like Op Condor missing in the index.

For sure, I do not like the Vault search. It does seem to be poorly designed. I found the Condor docs from the recent archive dump at I dunno if I would have found it if not for the recent release.
Also, I wouldn't doubt it if this was done intentionally if they indeed wanted to make it difficult to find more significant documents. I completely agree, the 'popular' section is full of celebrity names and reports and does not highlight anything particularly interesting.

Hehe, yeah, we know who always profits in conflicts, banksters and the weapons makers, those are the Lords of War. No matter who wins, they always make moeny and grow in power. As Trump recently acknowledged and I posted about, the MIC wants war, always, because they make money. It grows and grows. Trump tries to act like he's not with them, but then why does he say he won't jeoprodize the Saudi $100 billion arms deal while htey massacre the Yemens? More bullshit from a politician. He might not be as hard on about starting wars like the MIC, but he sure wants to keep the $ deals going no matter the cost to others :/

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