Deep Dives 16 | Jeffrey Epstein - Black Books, Sexual Blackmail and Child Prostitution

in #deepdives5 years ago (edited)

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Deep Dives 16

Welcome back to another edition of the Deep Dives Research Challenge. This time round we're moving into unchartered territory as we will be diving deep on the stunning case of billionaire socialite and convicted sex offender - Jeffrey Epstein.

Up until now, #deepdives has always anchored research to a specific archive of publicly available information. This edition marks the first departure from this blueprint to explore the dark and sordid tale of the Epstein case. Archival material is available in the FBI Vault which contains a dossier on Jefferey Epstein that can be accessed using the link below. But as you may expect it is heavily redacted.

Jeffrey Epstein FBI Vault

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Title: Jeffrey Epstein [Redacted] WSTA - Child Prostitution

Despite the redactions, there's still a significant amount of information that can be gleamed from the 21 part FBI file on Epstein.

For instance, the very first file describes a 2006 West interview by Palm Beach PD with Epstein's former houseman and butler Mr. Alfredo Rodriguez. Rodrigues was employed by Epstein from 2004 to 2005 and is responsible for leaking Epstein's "Black Book" which he believed would be his insurance policy. It was reported that Rodriguez circled the names of individuals he believed would be material witnesses to the crimes of Mr. Epstein. Rodriguez unsuccessfully attempted to sell the Black Book and its contents to (attorneys/prosecutors) for 50,000 USD. However, Nick Bryant, author of the "Franklin Scandal" came into possession of the Black Book and after finding little interest from mainstream outlets and after numerous attempts to publish, the material finally was made public by Gawker in 2015 .

Furthermore, in a separate disclosure of the passenger manifest from pilot flight records aboard Epstein's private jet The Lolita Express, the names of more high-profile guests traveling to his Caribbean Island were published by the UK tabloid the Daily Mail. Even with such evidence, the information generated little attention by the mainstream press at the time much to the surprise of Bryant and those who had been investigating Epstein.

Together, Epstein's Black Book and the "Lolita Express" flight logs contain the names and contact information of some of the most well known and powerful individuals in American and British society.

Flight Logs

  • Bill Clinton
  • Prince Andrew (The Duke of York)
  • Alan Dershowitz
  • Doug Band
  • Larry Summers
  • Ghislaine Maxwell
  • Naomi Campbell
  • Kevin Spacey
  • Chris Tucker

Epstein's Pilot Flight Logs


Black Book

  • Donal Trump
  • Prince Andrew (The Duke of York)
  • Alan Dershowitz
  • Ehud Barak
  • Les Wexner
  • Ghislaine Maxwell
  • Peter Soros (nephew of George Soros)
  • Bill Richardson
  • Bruce King
  • Courtney Love
  • Sarah Ferguson (The Duchess of York)
  • Edouard de Rothschild
  • Evelyn de Rothschild
  • David Rockefeller
  • David Koch
  • Henry Kissinger
  • Michael Bloomberg
  • Steve Forbes
  • Richard Branson
  • Edgar Bronfman Jr.
  • Ted Kennedy Jr.
  • Senator Edward Kennedy
  • Andrew Cuomo and Kerry Kennedy
  • Senator John Kerry
  • Jean Luc Brunel
  • Saud Prince Solman
  • Princess Firyal (Jordan)
  • John Paulson
  • David Blaine
  • ...


Link to Epstein's Full Black Book

It's plain to see that Epstein was well connected to high society but exactly what sort of relationship Epstein cultivated with the rich and powerful remains unclear. To this day, one of the most intriguing aspects of the scandal is that no one knows just how Epstein was able to a masse such a large fortune. Where does the money come from?

2019 Federal Indictment Against Jeffrey Epstein

The Epstein Deep Dive

Black Books, Sexual Blackmail and Child Prostitution

Since this is the first Deep Dives to focus on a single individual, it may seem to some to be limited in scope. Yet, if we consider Epstein's extensive connections which reach to the top of the western power pyramid there are numerous angles in which to investigate the case. Exploring just a handful of individuals Epstein's contacts have the potential to open up new insights into the case.

Suggestions for Research / Reporting

  • Epstein is Intelligence (CIA / Mossad / etc.)
  • Sexual Blackmail / Brownstone Operations / Honey pots
  • Origins of Epstein's wealth
  • Epstein's connections to elite figures (Black Book / Flight Logs)
  • Research into a select individual from the Black Book / Flight Logs and its implications
  • The FBI dossier
  • Connections or Comparisons to other child trafficking and pedophile rings (Franklin Scandal / Dutroux Affair / The Finders / White House Call Boys / Jimmy Savile / NXIVM / PedoGate-PizzaGate / Open Secret / Weinstein / etc.)
  • Victim Court Filings (PACER)
  • Acosta's Resignation
  • Victim / Witness intimidation
  • Examine mainstream narratives and propaganda
    For example:
  • Re-examine work produced by other researchers on the topic
    For example:

In recent weeks there's been an avalanche of reporting on the Epstein Case from both the mainstream and alternative media. One of the most fascinating reports related to the Epstein case was recently published by Whitney Webb at Mint Press News.

The article shines a light on the history of sexual blackmail in American society and politics. The superb Mint Press News article demonstrates how sexual blackmail has long been employed by American Mafia predating Epstein's operations by nearly a century which effectively compromised political leaders and ingraining organized crime within US political system.

This article is highly recommended and may give some would be researchers out there a fresh take on Epstein and stimulate some new angles to pursue. For instance, Trump's mentor, Roy Cohn, politically well-connected in Washington while also having extensive ties to America's mobster underworld.


The Deepstein Challenge


  • Support with documentation wherever possible
  • Optional to make use of the FBI Vault archive at
  • Try to highlight any overlooked, underrated, underreported or obscure FBI / Government / Law Enforcement document on a topic that interests you.
  • Build a post around your findings
  • Provide additional sources to make your case and strengthen your position
  • Explain the significance of the document and why it’s an important piece of news that should be communicated to the public.


  • Help spread the word, resteem this post
  • NO LIMIT to contest entries per account
  • PLEASE do not make ACCUSATIONS about anyone's guilt here as it is a SENSITIVE topic and could attract DMCAs - so be vigilant
  • Submissions must be made in a separate post (not in the comments)
  • Submissions must be posted before the deadline (UTC - Monday, August 19th 2019, UTC 12.00.00PM)
  • This research challenge is open for 4 weeks
  • Use the lead tag “deepdives” and/or "epstein"
  • Provide a link to any supporting documents or page
  • Make an attempt to keep your post concise and to the point
  • You may leave a link to your entry in the comments below

  • Please, do not plagiarize the work of others

Note: This round of Deep Dives is open for over three weeks. Also, contributors are allowed to make 2 entries during this extended challenge period!


The Winning Post Should

  • Meet the rules criteria
  • Winners will be announced 72hrs after the submission deadline
  • Well researched
  • Sourced
  • Clearly presented
  • Original Content (not widely reported on in the media)
  • Significance should be clearly articulated
  • 3 Outstanding contributions will be acknowledged


  • Liquid STEEM (or SBD) earned by the original contest post will make up the total rewards
  • Example: 100 STEEM – 1st place = 50% // 2nd = 30% // 3rd = 20%
  • Bonus @v4vapid & @ausbitbank upvotes and resteems for exceptional and/or original contributions
  • SP earned from challenge announcements and the winner’s announcements will go to the community account @deepdives


Those that do not ‘win’ should not view their work and efforts as being wasted. All submissions are valuable and will be contributing to building a body of research on the blockchain. We hope that contributors support each other’s efforts wherever possible whether by sharing tips, links or through constructive feedback to their fellow researchers.

Good luck and happy digging!

Deep Dives Community

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Be sure to check out some of the great work done by Deep Dives contributors over the last several months. Past winners and contributors include:

@palikari123, @krnel, @geke, @natepower, @bifilarcoil, @thoughts-in-time, @direrat, @an0nkn0wledge, @gregorypatrick, @deliberator, @angryman, @elchacal6, @richq11, @tarazkp, @valued-customer, @v4vapid.

Deep Dives Aims

  • Promote original content
  • Promote investigative journalism
  • Promote focused and quality research
  • Encourage community engagement
  • Encourage collaboration and teamwork
  • Recognize and reward high quality original content

    Over time, Deep Dives aims to build a repository of high quality research and original content preserved on the blockchain.

    We hope you join us in building this unique resource.
    It truly is a community effort and your exceptional contributions are what fuels this project.

Sources and Resources



Try to make sure that we don't accuse anyone of a crime, well Epstein was already a convicted sex abuser, but while investigating others just choose your words carefully.

Recently, a 2 year old post made by @rebelskum received a DMCA and Steemit removed it from their front-end. Even though the post in question was thoroughly sourced a take-down request was issued. Just be sure to source your material and think about using the words "allegedly" "claim" "purport" "assert"... just to be on the safe side.

Our good friend @ausbitbank pointed out the DMCA notice.

Original Post:

@ausbitbank is a legend. I saw one of his posts referenced today off chain.

Thanks for the good advice.

Just read and commented on your post on the Mint Press piece, i also read it and included it in this post. It's indeed a shocker but perhaps essential for understanding the Epstein case. I think, as i'm already seeing, that the msm will try to focus solely on Epstein as a sick individual acting alone trying to blackmail people in power. They dare not look at the overarching narrative or connections to a greater abuse and blackmail operation.

Posted using Partiko Android

Also, one of the books linked in that mint press article is available on archive for free as a pdf:

CIA as Organized Crime:

As linked in my recent video on Epstein - an unredacted and more complete flight log is here.

Here's my introductory dive on this topic, I made it before I saw your post here - so let me know if it doesn't meet the criteria. I might make another one after I review the info here too.

Great work! I am going to have a good read through this tonight, I have been under the weather last few days so been off the net a lot, so missed this great post!

Thanks for the support ED!
Great to have you onboard for this and we appreciate all your work covering the case.
And a big thanks for promoting @deepdives / #deepdives in your videos. Cheers!

Hey, that's cheating! You already gave all the answers! Or should I say all the blanks in the case of the FBI?

In all seriousness, I think this is going to be a nice change of pace that will hopefully get more interest from a wider audience, as it's front and centre in the current news cycle. I also think that it not being limited to only one archive, will make for varying types of entries and different angles to be explored.

Lol, yeah we let the cat out of the bag with all that redacted-goodness!
Well, since the Epstein case is now front and centre maybe it might draw in a few more contributors and at the very least showcase what our little community is capable of! Cheers, thanks as always!

Can’t wait to see what blooms out of this contest!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Here's a 2nd post on Epstein, in light of the claims that he wanted to set up a breeding program and was into eugenics!

Our purpose on steem is to encourage posts discussing information war, propaganda, disinformation, and liberty. We are a peaceful group of truth-oriented individuals. The topics we write about are those that the controlled social and mainstream media actively suppress. You can learn more about our mission, various websites, and membership benefits by clicking here!

Ways you can help the @informationwar!

Hidden cameras make him a voyeur not a blackmailer. Your attempt to link this to nonsense like pizzagate makes it impossible to take you seriously. Bill Clinton's name appears in the flight logs because Epstein let him use the plane to go to conferences and he could write off the expense. People keep saying Clinto made 30 trips to lolita island, which he did not.
But even going to the island in no way means these people were pedos. Most child molesters don't tell all their friends. Its entirely possible, no fuck that, it's most likely that Epstein was banging underage girls and his guests were not involved in any way.
It makes no sense for any pedophile to tell all his friends, they keep it a secret. You can speculate all you want about giant conspiracies involving elite child trafficking rings, but I call bullshit. All these guys, Epstein, R Kelly, Michael Jackson all operate the same way, they have paid members of their entourage who recruit underage victims. There is no ring, and this is not an intelligence blackmail operation.

But even going to the island in no way means these people were pedos. Most child molesters don't tell all their friends. Its entirely possible, no fuck that, it's most likely that Epstein was banging underage girls and his guests were not involved in any way.

Let's stick to facts instead of your personal conjecture. Let's just take a look at the list of people from the flight logs, shall we?

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