Why The Importance Of Diwali Is Celebrated Not Only In India But Also In Many Countries Of The World
Why The Importance Of Diwali Is Celebrated Not Only In India But Also In Many Countries Of The World
Saying Deepavali is the most sacred festival, I wish you all a very happy Diwali and congratulate you on this day. We all know the meaning of Deepavali very well and we know that whatever the purpose was, Lord Ram arrived in Ayodhya and the villagers celebrated that day with joy. And we welcomed Shri Ram with a series of lamps, so Deepavali came, but this Deepavali creates new joys in our lives and we greet all the days that have passed so nicely from now on so that those days also grow with our age towards each other. Let's get rid of the bad and wrong thoughts we have. Build new relationships. These are new things. We increase Brotherhood, more love, more affection them in us. As the head of the family, we elders have a responsibility toward them. That's why we become strong and who have small and big children When we live this love in the shadow of our umbrella, and Bharatji ruled the state for the first 14 years of Ram Bhagwan Ayodhya Badhayana but never told him that I rule this state when Ramchandra Bhagwan gave him Charanpaduka As he sat down and as a servant Rama belonged to God, the ideal way to wear the rule and rule over the state was very golden at that time. There was no sorrow, no one was poor, no one was suffering from disease, happiness was very much from nature, but so much happiness was on earth then but we also remember that time because these are festivals and are to be kept alive. With the spirit, Whether one does it or not, we have a sense of Lord Ram kingdom and a word to see inside our mindwe officers, and tomorrow is a great new day that the new year begins according to the Gujarati calendar. There are many states in India where different New Year is celebrated in different places but inside Gujarat, this new year starts from Kartak Sud unit and it will also be completed in 2077 and the new year will start from 2078. The last day is 2077 and next year is 207 Vikram. But let's meet family 2078 and our family on that day. Now ask each other's news and this is the first day that the first impression we have made in our minds on this day is the day for which we have to spend the whole year. Till Tomorrow is Friday. Happy New Year to all who wish for happiness and peace.Happy New Year to you all.
How is Diwali celebrated? How is Lakshmi Puja performed? Presenting all the discussions in this way gives you complete information. Diwali is celebrated. India is one such country. It is called the land of festivals. According to Hindu mythology, if there are 33 crore deities, each one day we are celebrating a festive atmosphere. One of these yagnas is a special festival known as Deepavali. And this day is celebrated. It is celebrated with much fanfare not only in this country but also abroad. Even Diwali is celebrated. What is the reason for this? How is Diwali celebrated? Lakshmi Puja is the biggest thing. Depending on how you feel about it, Diwali is celebrated. Many stories have been received about the celebration of Diwali. But with these five facts, I present the stories for you. Three of these five facts belong to the Hindu community. One belongs to the Sikh community. One belongs to the Jain community. Everyone knows the reason for the community. Why is Diwali celebrated? Why the lamp is lit and why mother Lakshmi is worshiped. Diwali is celebrated exactly twenty days after Dussehra. First of all, let us know why Diwali is celebrated
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