The Deep State tyranny.
The Powers That Be are getting ever closer to a complete loss of legitimacy, which is why they’re rushing to impose their long planned authoritarian tyranny.
The problem is that liberals and Democrats refuse to recognize the criminality of the coup plotters because their hatred of Trump is so visceral... so they’re not only accepting Deep State tyranny, they’re embracing it.
It’s almost as if Trump was selected by the cabal for precisely this purpose... to get liberals and Democrats to accept and embrace a criminal coup, followed by a permanent authoritarian tyranny justified by a manufactured plandemic.
This game is now for all the marbles... defeat of the criminal cabal which has ruled over humanity for centuries, or Total Control and what Manhattan Project physicist Charles Galton Darwin referred to as the perennial ruling elite goal... “a more perfect form of slavery.”
That’s exactly why things are so crazy this year. We’re seeing the culmination of a four year coup attempt to remove a duly elected president, dividing the public more deeply than ever before in the process, together with a manufactured plandemic which is being used as the excuse to impose medical martial law and a global authoritarian technocracy.
The unprecedented craziness and the increasing speed of implementation is no accident. It’s necessary because the Establishment is increasingly distrusted by the public and rightly perceived as illegitimate. As Klaus Schwab himself says, their window of opportunity is narrow and closing fast.
It is people who fail to recognize this obvious agenda who are enabling the tyranny to happen. Ironically, those who most fail to see it are liberals... many of whom actually embrace it as a way of getting rid of Trump, apparently unaware of how dangerous it is.