Blowback is the history of the CIA or deep state department swamp thing

in #deep-state7 years ago (edited)

Harry Truman Writes:
Limit CIA Role
To Intelligence

By Harry S Truman
Copyright, 1963, by Harry S Truman

Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify and manage your own emotions and the emotions of others.

TOP SECRET AMERICA: A hidden world, growing beyond control


The Pulitzer Prize is an award for achievements in newspaper, magazine and online journalism, literature, and musical composition in the United States

In secret private international banking meetings in 1913, the Federal Reserve, occult acts of masons, Skull and Bones sort of Oddfellows formed the Federal Reserve. The Morgan's the Rothschild's, and other banking capitol elite have a direct correlations with the Federal Reserve, secret societies, occult activities. Word to your great, great, grandmother.

Kevin Shipp, CIA Officer, Exposes Shadow Government

21 members of CFR were in CIA and all taking secret oaths... state secrets privilege

Meanwhile, former CIA Director Mike Pompeo rejected the possibility of a "deep state" existing at the CIA

Donald Trump sacks Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State, replacing him with CIA director Mike Pompeo

Okay, shhh, secret swamp thing, this draining tactic is great! 1,271 secret agencies, and 1,931 big US corporations involved with US secrecy. I am sure your mom or your dad or uncle or your local Rabi or Priest of the Fireman told you. Oh they didn't?

Burglars Who Took On F.B.I. Abandon Shadows

It is probably more.... 4,800,000 people hold government security clerance and have taken oaths of secrecy. You random US citizen... Did you happen to know that about five million people in USA have taken sworn oaths of secrecy and are involved in a shadow government? How about you random person on planet earth. I'm sure the Deep State Department with the five million or so people involved in this secret government hanging out with the Swamp creature are too legit to quit.

John McCain Crashed or Damaged Five Warplanes, Not Three

Response to 9/11 Offers Outline of McCain Doctrine

John McCain makes surprise visit to rebel leaders in Syria

Northern Trust owns ABA, IRS and Serco owns USPTO

Mr. Trump also named Gina Haspel as his choice to become the next C.I.A. director.

Gina Haspel, C.I.A. Deputy Director, Had Leading Role in Torture

Rex Tillerson has been fired as secretary of state and President Donald Trump announced Tuesday morning that he's naming CIA director Mike Pompeo to replace him. Castling is a special type of chess move. When castling, you simultaneously move your king, and one of your rooks. Castle Bank & Trust

1982 ITALY'S MYSTERIOUS, DEEPENING BANK SCANDAL Banco Ambrosiano was an Italian bank that collapsed in 1982. At the centre of the bank's failure was its chairman, Roberto Calvi and his membership in the illegal Masonic Lodge Propaganda Due (aka P2). Was Pope John Paul I murdered?

Draining the swamp? After Snowden, Another Booz Allen Contractor Accused Of Stealing NSA Files What you're not being told about Booz Allen Hamilton and Edward Snowden

NSA domestic spying, executive order with FISA court, secret supreme court, grant warrants to spy on citizens - and in Silicon Valley, companies are approached with contractors CIA/NSA, entice or make them sign, and deploy extortion as necessary with secrecy oath with the CIA/NSA if mention anything, and penalties, some quite severe... make America Trump the Swamp Thing! Now that would be a showcase showdown for the price is right.

The Murder of Pope John Paul I...


1 CFR - General Provisions
37 CFR - Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights
Shhhh, skull and bones secret swamp thing!

JSOC Presidents secret army (shhh, I'm doing heinous crimes in a secret department, took a secret oath with the skull and bones to not reveal the crimes against humanity committed past the treason, so shhh, top secret!)


DNI 17 intelligence federal agencies (where is that emotional intelligence?)
DHS (Paranoia will destroy you, brought to you by Xanax and like millions of secret government employees pledged secrecy for our homeland and the secret horrible things no one should ever talk about for Jesus Christ and apple pie USA wholesome goodness).
DOC Clinton Free Syrian Army moderate Islamic rebels, Free Syrian Army become armed and then become Isis from Iraq departments, tanks Clinton, Bush and Rockefeller. Sort of like, let's have a secret genocide and psyops our way out of it as part of the secret banking games for warmongers, shhh, squealers get squashed by Bigfoot.
DIA US citizens spy on other US citizens, involved in torture program... sure that kind of swamp thing tactic is all,
NRO all spy satellites in NRO nanotechnology, fun for the whole family
NGA approached Google to set up Google Earth because the US constitution, what the operation Mockingbird, Operation 40, with the Operation Gladio for secret swamp thing science fictions with Korea and Iran with the CFR and Skull and Bones secret war games because that is so misprision award winning but with Northern Trust owning the ABA American Bar Association and IRS and then with the Serco, owning the private prisons and prison transportation services with the role in sourcing prison labor contracts for Auschwitz sake, with DC laundering their secret military campaigns with Vatican secret society what the Moloch mess at Bohemian Grove and Malta Island, it's like a deep state fried swamp thing meets the US State Department of Swamp thing State. Oh Sure, that's just nifty. Make America Great, for sure.


Access denied: Behind Trump's review of security clearances
By DEB RIECHMANN, Associated Press

Associated with
Traitors, Trump, traders as Reckless, Erratic And Incompetent

Associate with
CIA Officer Exposes the Shadow Government

Associated with
C.I.A. RUNS THE PEDOPHILE RINGS, N.S.A. Darpa global Sex Slave Industry

What is Misprision?

Negative misprision is the concealment of treason or felony. By the common law of England it was the duty of every liege subject to inform the king's justices and other officers of the law of all treasons and felonies of which the informant had knowledge, and to bring the offender to justice by arrest (see Sheriffs Act 1887, s. 8). The duty fell primarily on the grand jurors of each county borough or franchise (until the abolition of grand juries in 1933), and is performed by indictment or presentment, but it also falls in theory on all other inhabitants. Failure by the latter to discharge this public duty constitutes what is known as misprision of treason or felony.

Misprision of treason, in the words of Blackstone, "[consists] in the bare knowledge and concealment of treason, without any degree of assent thereto: for any assent makes the party a principal traitor". According to Bracton, de Corond, seq. 118, failure to reveal the treason of another was in itself high treason, but statutes of 1551–1552 and 1554–1555 made concealment of treason misprision only. Most of the statutes regulating procedure on trials for treason also apply to misprision of treason. The punishment is loss of the profit of the lands of the offender during life, forfeiture of all his goods and imprisonment for life. These punishments are not affected by the Forfeiture Act 1870.

Misprision of felony is the concealment of a felony committed by another person, but without such previous concert with, or subsequent assistance of the offender, as would make the concealer an accessory before or after the fact. The offence was (and in the United States still is) a misdemeanour punishable on indictment by fine and imprisonment.

Under the old common law hierarchy of crimes (as treasons, felonies and misdemeanours), misprision of treason was a felony and misprision of felony was a misdemeanour. (There was no such offence as misprision of a misdemeanour.) These categories were abolished in 1967.

In the United States, misprision of treason (18 U.S.C. § 2382) is defined to be the crime committed by a person owing allegiance to the United States, and having knowledge of the commission of any treasonous crime against them, who conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the president or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor, or to some judge or justice of a particular state. The punishment is imprisonment for not more than seven years and a fine of not more than one thousand dollars.

The United States Code also includes misprision of felony (18 U.S.C. § 4).

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