I want to take of break from my homestead adventures to let you know a few things...
Yeah, I know it's probably an obvious one, but it's always nice to hear and feels great to say.
Thank you sweetheart for being the wonderful daughter that you are. You have grown into everything I ever hoped for you to be. Thank you for being so caring and compassionate. Thanks for being there for Evan and doing all you do for him. Thank you for being there for me when i needed someone to talk to or a place to vent.
This one is very multifaceted. You are an amazing human Abigail. An amazing lover of humanity, and of our great beautiful Earth. You are going to change the world, I know it. Because you understand the power in your words and the smile on your face. How they have the ability to change someone's day from glumy to well.... amazing.
Don't change who you are for any reason other then for yourself, or to make the world a better place. Don't succumb to the world's wicked ways or the corporate mentality. Give love freely baby, as it is our most powerful tool we own to help bring about change. Love most those that it feels deserve it least, for they need it most.
All that you have been through and you have came out on top...and continue to climb. It brings me to tears how proud I am of you sweetheart. You always seem to achieve what you set out for and you are a shining example of much can be accomplished by sticking to it and having the determination.
And I've already gone, be strong. I'll be with you. My body is gone, but my energy cannot be destroyed. You are one of my four proudest most beautiful things I ever created. Yous are all I have to leave this world now that I'm gone. You will make me so proud I know, so go out into the world and make it a better place....one day, and one sweet act at a time. Pass your loving, caring ways down to your children and know they will do at great as you have done. I love you so much sweetheart and while I know you'll be missing me, remember, I am here with you. We can always talk...you will just need a place of silence to hear me. Call on me, and I'll be here. Listen for me from within your heart for that is where I am. I love you forever, my little turkey.