Decentralization and Governance - Decentralization

the local government code of 1991 devolves and decentralizes power resources and responsibilities from the national government to local governments the national government makes general policies local governments create specific actions to respond to local issues they also contribute to developing national policies decentralization serves many purposes for flexibility and efficiency so that LG use can respond quickly to unique and changing needs for innovation because LG use know the local situation best and can find appropriate ways of responding to local issues for greater commitment and ownership because LG use are the main stakeholders on the ground your local government whether province is a municipality of a guy will have to take it to this section 16 entitled general welfare it is every local government unit shall exercise the powers expressly granted those necessarily implies that from as well as powers necessary appropriate or incidental for its efficient and effective governance and those which are essential to the promotion of the general welfare within their respective territorial jurisdiction local government units shall ensure and support among other things the preservation and enrichment of culture promote health and safety and has the right of the people to finance ecology encourage and support the development of appropriate self-reliant scientific and technological capabilities improve public morals enhance economic prosperity and social justice promote full employment among the residents maintain we should order and preserve the comfort and convenience of their inhabitants among other things but which we determine staggered ito so what does it mean you are the game changers from the national government and on and on the board completely agriculture I'm a pilot soonish another extension workers a municipal government healthy stable signifies a new municipal doctor and stop another Hindu I'd are you social welfare municipal social welfare development officer and the Shah and you the you have a very sophistication support in my home town housing program for them what the whole theory is functioning on the mayor's are closest to


the job and under the local government code of 1991 whatever happens your respective town or municipality you are responsible the success or failure of your town will depend light sleep or primarily to your leadership to complete the decentralization process you have to organize your development council there is a merengue Development Council there is a municipal development council there is a City Development Council there is the provision velopment council and regional development council but responsibility and authority will be meaningless if you do not have the resources to address or carry out your responsibilities and exercising your authority Michelle sighs Internal Revenue taxes sixty percent goes to the national government forty percent will be divided among the local government units the property cities municipalities and Brandeis produces 33 percent facilities 33 percent municipalities 54 percent and paradise 20 percent if you love funds still you can ask for assistance from the national government you can convince your Congressman focus okay the game on Monday to eliminate all sir about Jessica's public works for Usman Iligan am a little item later some budget none Department of the education congressman for Kayla gave me two identical quadrants upon tour or whatever it is and so for sports development in my home town is upon half that katpa the create in your pajamas that in you both do


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