Decentralize Social Network, Sphere.

in #decentralize7 years ago

Capture d’écran 2018-04-03 à 20.56.56.png

Social Networks, are they Really for Free!

The social networks have taken not only our personal data they also are making money with our search behaviours in the commercial universe of the Internet, on top of it for to get in these social networks we are forced to sign and give consent to use our personal information as they please including photographs and even lose the ability to remove them from the network.

Although every day on the Internet universe is for a lot of us an incredible source of information that feeds us intellectually, or simply help us to over carrier our lives, dreaming about possible trips and have new experiences, buy a car, read a book, find the perfect price, get the products we use in our daily lives, will be brought to our home. And all this is supported by us, not only because we pay for an internet service at home including our 4G mobile phone, but because all our profiles at the moment have a tremendous value, there are people who sell and others who buy these profiles, incredible, right? today all this money movement believed or not? it worth more than 500 billion dollars.

And so, where is the part that belongs to us, and the most important thing is our privacy, which is priceless, because we shouldn’t be monitored?

Any Solution?

It is because of this problem that, although most of us are not aware of all this, there are a few who have risen up and thanks to technology and the Internet are trying to change the way things are done today, offering first of all security for our data, giving us the ability to manage our accounts ourselves, with a more attractive solution for the environment, making it possible for our personal computer at home to participate in the networks. And if you think this is not enough it is also coming with an easy to access and intuitive interface developed to make our visits easier.

And this is where the magic word comes in. "Decentralized Social Network"
It is a set of options that bet first on the respect of the privacy of individuals and the best thing is that it is possible now, no more “ between lines” crystal clear!


It is born of these needs and they not only thought of a "decentralized social network" no! they also offer us how to make economic transactions easier, they have included in this avant-garde project a Crypto currency, called SAT (Social Activity Tokens) of easy access, but 100% secure, which will have a positive effect on the direct exchange of goods and services, inside internet.

With the use of BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY, SPHERE once again facilitates the absolute independence of our data and goods stored on the network, without having to go through third parties that generate costs for services that we can provide ourselves.

One of the ways of opting to win SAT in the very near future is to sell our data, when we deem it convenient, to advertising campaigns to partner companies in order to create smarter advertising. And it is natural that only the data filtered by the users themselves will be sold, we have the possibility to adjust our privacy ourselves.
And once SAT is in use we can use them at our convenience. The SATs will be issued in a limited amount, at the opening of this new form of interaction anyone can also access the SATs as a form of short or long term investment.
All this can be managed from home or from our phone using the applications created for this purpose, available in the Apps Stores of your choice.

Beta Android App Release v.2.1.41

Beta IOS App Release v.1.2

Sphere is based on the idea that we must protect our data, with a transparent and secure company, should be totally inviolable because they are the most precious elements and without a doubt this should be the priority of this and any other platform.

Introducing Sphere App


Among the multitude of features that Sphere will have, the MarketPlace...

Where our users will have the ability to offer goods and services directly to other co-users, so people or even company businesses of any size can connect, and with our interface you can make advertising so simple that anyone can develop a profitable business with a simple mobile phone or a simple computer.

"AD Platform" advertising platform

Sphere will create a fully functional advertising portal.
The platform will allow users to create ads that feed at Sphere news where they can be viewed.
Advertising space will be paid with SAT tokens There will be pay per click and per Print options. Payments and costs will be deducted automatically from advertisers' web portfolios.

Whenever developers find useful to create new functions in the platform, users will be consulted in order to bring this platform together in an efficient and transparent way of process and a better way to the interaction with users.
These interactions lead the common user help to developing with participating ideas and in developing future strategies to add economic value to our platform that will translate into a positive positioning of our SAT.

Some additional information.

ICO, Initial corner Ofering

SAT Crowdsale
Name of token: Social Activity Token
Symbol: SAT
Token Standard: ERC20 Standard
Decimals: 8
Role of Token: Utility Token. Use for purchase goods and services on social media platform
Total supply: 1,000,000,000 SAT
Available token for sale: 650,000,000 (65% of supply)
Emission: All unsold and unallocated tokens will be destroyed, and additional release of
tokens will not be possible
Period of Sale: 12 February 2018 UTC 21:00 to 9 April 2018 UTC 21:00
Cost of 1 SAT: $0.14
Softcap/Minimum Goal: $1.5 million – softcap goal reached
Hardcap/Maximum Goal: $40 million
Accepted currencies: Ethereum, Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Fiat

"Roadmap "is how the company organized for their market entry.


great article

Thanks very much for your support, I hope you will enjoy the coming ones!

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SBD 0.67