Are We Really Going To Have Decentralized Internet Or It Will Become Just A Good Idea?

in #decenternet7 years ago

At certain point, we all are having our own comfort with the internet system that we all use at the moment. Inspite of realizing that we all are loosing a lot of our privacy and being controled by certain “organizations”, but it seems that there is nothing much that we can do about it. Some of us, perhaps even most of us, even do not care about it, as long as there is internet than everything should be fine. I found it hard to make other people understand about decentralized internet or net neutrality, they think that it is a good idea but it will never happened. The thing is, for them it is impossible to make this actulized the idea of decentralized idea and compete with the traditional centralized internet. They are talking about the money in here.


I do not want to write that much about the system about blockchain technology or about decentralized internet that I read from the whitepaper of decenternet and or its operating system anuvys, I prefer to discuss about the idea of having it in this world and its impact to the world and future. It is not easy to make people understand about the system, especially to those who do not know about IT at all. Besides, as I said earlier, people do not care about it, as long as they still be able to have services the way internet do, than they will just following the flow. Then, it becomes a real challenge to make sure that we can get decentralized internet as soon as possible, make people accept and familiar with it, then we can get their support.

It is too simple, isn’t it? We are talking about a huge amount of investment to make it come true. It will be so much easier if we do it in centralized system, but well, we are talking about decentralized internet, there is no way to get money the same as it is used to. Especially when there will be no ownership in the blockchain system, there is only the founders and the owner is all who take part of the community. When people think that it is no way to do it since all must want to have profit when they invest the money, then they just do not understand about the future investments. I never want to debate about it, I choose to give them a view about a new way to actualize the idea/projects/programs without have to worry about loosing it just because the investors always want to be that dominant and ask too much shares. While we are the one who have the idea, they are the one who have all the money because money is more important than idea in the old way mechanism of investment. This approach always works well enough to make other people, especially those who are creative and have a lots of ideas, and those who never like those “ capitalist bosses”.

I explain to them about IPO or “go public” that they are familiar with and compare it with ICO, the new system hey are still do not really understand. The ICO is actually similar to the IPO, but the IPO are selling some of their shares to the market, while the ICO is sharing their coins in the cryptocurrency markets. Both are actually crowd funding which needed to actualized the projects/programs. The thing with the ICO, all of the coins are belong to the community who have the coins which means that projects/programs are fully belong to the community who have the coins. The value of the coin in the market is very much depend on the community activity as the investors and also the owners of the coins, and that is how we can generate the money to actualized the projects/programs. So, it is different from the IPO, we all who have the coins are obliged and open to the development of the projects/programs which needed to be success. Not only for the success of the projects/programs, but also for the whole community, the higher value of the coins in the market, means the bigger profit as well we can get as the owner of that coins.


So, when we are talking about decentralized internet, we are talking about Decenternet (Dnet) coin, which called Spyce. When Sypce lauched in cyrptocurrency market, it means that we all could take part of the new history of creating decentralized internet. Along with it, Anuvys will also launched Coineru which backed by gold and designed to recover trust by decentralizing all planetary economic activity. We could even have the Coineru d-Card (debit card) in the future and use is just like ATM. This is gonna be awesome! It will no longer just an idea that will never happened because of the huge amount of money which needed to compete with the traditional centralized internet, but we can not only have a faster internet, we could also have our freedom. We could say good bye to all of those capitalists and organizations who controlling our life, and we could say welcome to the liberty.

“Who is going to buy and willing to have that Spyce and Coineru anyway?”, I know exactly what is in their head. Let me say this, there are a lot of people who really wants to have their freedom, and they are very seriouse abou it. They are sicked and tired of being manipulated and under controlled by those heartless people, including myself. If there is no one who believe in this whole thing about blockchain and cryptocurrency, then you will not see it on the news every time you open your gadget, and there will be no 4500 ICOs at the moment, it will be more and more later on.

It is just about how soon we realize about it, the sooner the better because we do not want to be left behind. Once we realize that this whole world is already move to the next step of civilization, then it will be too late! We better think about it now when decentralized internet is still on planning and Spyce coin will be launched in the market in 2020. We still have time to understand to confirm ourself that we do really need decentralized internet and willing very much to make it come true.


For further information that will be needed for us to make the right choice, please :
Check out Decenternet’s website:
• Check out ANUVYS website:
• Follow the Decenternet Facebook page:
• Follow the Decenternet Twitter page:
• Join the Decenternet Telegram group:

Bandung, 28 July 2018

Warm Regards,

Mariska Lubis


At this all-sophisticated era, we seem to be dominated by technology. In fact it all forces us to share our personal data as one of the conditions in using the media technology. Some people consider this to limit the freedom and freedom of one's opinion. But some are not too concerned about it, perhaps because some of them do not provide real personal data. But this is also considered not good. Technology itself will continue towards the protection protocol data more secure. Warm regard from Bandung

True, this is actually a choice and it very much depend on personal needs and views. We can not stop technology to develop, this world will continue to move forward anyway, then it is up to us, where are we going to stay, I mean yesterday, today, or tomorrow. Thank you.

Apa kabar kakak @mariska-lubis
Semoga berkah dan sehat selalu.

Saya merasa sulit untuk membuat orang lain mengerti tentang desentralisasi internet atau netralitas bersih, mereka pikir itu ide yang bagus tapi itu tidak akan pernah terjadi.(orang-orang yang tidak mengerti IT)

Iya ....saya sependapat dengan kakak.
Orang susah percaya karena mereka tidak mau membaca dan belajar itu mungkin salah satu sebabnya
Sungguh disangkan emang.
Di era globalisasi ini seharusnya kita dipicu dengan teknologi dan perkembangan yang ada
Jangan hanya duduk diam --- ya kan kak!
Apalagi decenternet yang semakin nyata membawa kita bebas tanpa monopoli (internet rakyat) ini.
Tapi kembali pada watak manusia yang keras yang hanya mau jadi penonton itu yang tak bisa saya pungkiri.

Terimakasih kakak
Salam hangat buat kakak dan keluarga
Sehat selalu pastinya.....amin

Terima kasih, terus pelajari blockchain agar tidak ketinggalan, kita tidak bisa hanya menikmati penerapannya saja jika ingin sukses dan membantu banyak orang, benar-benar kita harus paham dan terjun di dalamnya. Salam hangat selalu.

Like the things that we've discussed before that privacy is all we need, and decenternet was offering that.

Yup, hopefully decenternet will provide what we do really need.

Sukses selalu buat buk mariska.. salam kangen dari saya.

Terima kasih dan salam hangat selalu.

Belajar banyaaak...,.duh rasanya pengen ketemu sama kakak cantik ini...

hehehe ayo ketemu...

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