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RE: Debunked: The Illuminate

in #debunked6 years ago

I'd like to think it isn't the case. But there are just so many "high ranking" people that are connected. There are so many events connected to each other how could they not be actioned by the same group of people? If their goal is to obtain a one world government, it's pretty much already happened, just no one realises (at least for Western nations). But maybe that's not the goal either. Maybe the goal is completely something else and these things about illuminati and secret society are just a distraction like so many other things nobody realises until after it's happened. Or maybe you're right and I'm just a crazy conspiracy theorist haha.


For example the Georgia Guide stones are low hanging fruit on this topic and that is "hidden in plain sight", which is part of there modus operandi. I'll ask a simple question and see what we get. What are the three city states on earth(city state being a city that is sovereign territory from the country surrounding it)? I'll give you the first one Washington D.C.

The other two are London and Vatican city, though I'm not sure I'm entirely following what you are trying to say so I would love to hear more. I don't have much (any) knowledge on the guide stones either so I think I'm in for a lesson.

The guide stones are of unknown author but lay out a world population control agenda. Complete eugenics genocide if it were followed through on and I believe is currently under way. Our children are vaccinated by force with unsafe,unproven, and largely unnecessary vaccines which is causing massive increase in infertility and autism in this generation our food is "modified" and out air is being poisoned( yes Chem trails are real, this has been proven and acknowledged which puts massive amounts of metals in the air as well as when aluminum combines with glyphsphate.....wam! You get a horrible damaging combo. Does it not seem odd to any one that the rait of autism has skyrocketed in the last couple decades? Used to be 1 in 1000 I believe now its 1 in 15. Not a natural increase at all especially when you factor in vaccines which there is a very heated debate on obviously. World mercury project has some pretty solid data and reports on that whole shit show not to mention the vaxxed documtary does a pretty good job.

For those that say that has all been debunked, please check your sources and take the time to find out who paid for the research to "debunk" those things. As cliche as it sounds, follow the money. As well I am trusting that we have some common sense left and realize that mercury doesn't magically become non toxic when you give it a different name.....just saying. I am passionate and intelligent, my motivation for all of this is I love the world genuinely and don't wish to see those I love suffer for no reason and worst for the benefit of others, I don't enjoy being called crazy but I am willing to follow facts were they lead instead of where I want them to go. That simple fact is of key importance.

I have some beautiful and wonderful things I have found in this whole process,it isn't all gloom and doom in fact there are beautiful "conspiracies" in fact free energy is not a myth and that I can prove pretty easily in fact I have some proof that is easily verifiable, as well as a cancer cure which can also be proven. I will end this comment with a simple comment I hope we can all ponder on, do cures make money? Who benefits from cancer? #conspirafact #hiddeninplainsite

Sorry for being long on the reply, non the less some interesting information you have put forward.

I have to disagree with your standpoint on vaccination as the autism debate is one that has to many other factors involved, there are know more autistic people than ever before people just understand autism better, in the 1920's if you would only be diagnosed if you had severe autism as less severe autism wasn't understood at all, people would be told to tie up their boot straps and keep going, their autism was overlooked it still existed.

You can't just say vaccines cause autism when there is no real information to say that, there is a very, very slim correlation between the two things, it's almost like me saying cars make people fat because over the years we have had cars people have got fatter, completely ignoring the fact the people now exercise less than ever and eat hugely worse diets and so on.

Maybe not the best example but I hope you understand my meaning for it.

I do agree with the view that medicines are put forward as a godly cure with no downsides and have written about the subject in recent times, covering things like how there are no 'side effects' of medicine just direct effects, some desirable and others not desirable but because they are marketed as 'side effects' they are looked over. Modern medicine is wonderful in many ways but needs to be questioned more and used less. People need to let their bodies fight some aliments on their own to get stronger and at times natural remedies are a good thing to use.

Its a difficult area to discuss as we are still learning so much about the body and DNA that we find out new information to work with constantly, but then there is the matter of finding the good info and the propaganda spread for the gain of money.

Having high ranking people being connected really means nothing, I mean if you were on of the most powerful people in the world would you not aim to work with other people of similar power to actually benefit from the situation. People also all have their individual goals so powerful people work with other powerful people to help realize these goals and if the relationship worked well why not continue it? I'm sure there are many people who are very powerful but don't get involved with other people of the same power because they feel no need to. Really I'm trying to say that people serve themselves over organizations, so powerful people may work together but that doesn't mean there is a great conspiracy, I see it as no different than 'normal' people working together.

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