In Debt? How To Become Debt Free Without Making Any Payments!!

in #debt7 years ago (edited)

Debt is a horrible experience and not something i would personally wish on anyone. If you are in debt i have good news for you as long as you are willing to take the red pill!

In 2009 at the height of the so called "Credit Crunch" I not only was without work as my 25 year business had gone but also my wife had lost her business as well and we found ourselves £1000s of pounds in debt we had built up a property portfolio of 5 properties that were repossessed as well. Times were bad to say the least.

We tried to find help from the state but with a mortgage to pay they were absolutely no help what so ever, try living on £100 per week when your mortgage is that. We decided to "Start Again" but if saddled with £1000s of mostly credit card/loan debt used to finance short term property renovations that the banks would no longer remortgage, like they previously did
( banks stopped lending so pulled the rug from under us) we would be permanent debt slaves.

After always working and being told that before we would get any help "we would have to be evicted then on the day of eviction we will put you in lodgings" i was very bitter towards the system.

I also could not understand why property with equity was suddenly now not worth anything!! One property that was repossessed was valued at £135,000 with £70,000 equity after repossession it was sold to "Bankster Freemasons" for £35,000 . I started to hate "Banksters" as well!!

I then decided that if i was not going to receive correct values for the properties i had worked so hard to acquire and renovate then why should i be saddled with lots of debt.

With no job debt collectors hounding me but lots of time on my hands i started the most incredible journey what i refer to now as going "Down The Rabbit Hole".

I first learned that all loans/credit cards even mortgages are created out of thin air and interest is then added on top. Banks are allowed to 10x money they have on deposit so say you deposit £1000 in to your bank that bank can then advance £10,000 as a "Loan" to someone else and charge interest on the loan. No i am not making this up for the best explanation on fractional reserve lending look up Edward G Griffin "The creature From Jekyll Island"

If i could make £9000 plus interest on every £1000 wow would i be rich i thought. I then thought "Why have banks stopped lending then?". I then came to the conclusion after more research that at times "Banksters" deliberately crash the system to harvest the wealth created by the debt slaves to steal their wealth but leave them in debt.

Why you may ask? Simple answer as a control system. If you are in debt you have to work harder to pay off the debt plus feed yourself etc. Have you ever felt you seem to work harder to get nowhere? Now you know why.

Governments are complicit in this system because Governments are "Brought And Paid For". Proof all central banks eg Bank Of England or Federal Reserve are not owned by Uk or Usa they are in fact PRIVATE COMPANIES with shareholders that run for profit. Governments give these private central banks licences to "CREATE MONEY OUT OF THIN AIR".

Central banks create money from nothing by creating a "Govt Credit" often a "Bond" for say £1million the Govt then spends this credit on whatever they want to ( can you now see why Govts are in the Banksters pockets) but now comes the kicker they are allowed to earn interest on the "Bond" as well. That's were your taxes go to pay the interest on govt loans!!

These central bankster's are the real rulers of the country and in fact the world the Rothschild's have an interest in all central banks apart from 4 in 2017 those 4 they do not control are Cuba Iran North Korea and Syria now you know why we are at war or a potential threat of war with all of these countries

After learning the above i started to question whether or not i was morally obligated to pay my so called debts. Like most "Debt Slaves" we are programmed to "Pay Our Debts" and to make sure our "Credit Rating Is Good" but how do you pay debt when you have little monies coming in?

I decided that unless i was to be in servitude until i died (that's what the bankster's want)i was going to challenge the agreements on the basis that i had been mislead. I was not told that loans were created out of thin air and in fact Banks provide nothing of value only a imaginary credit and had i known that i was receiving "Imaginary money payable plus interest " I may have decided not to borrow the credit. Banks had mislead me!!

I immediately stopped all payments even small payments and was constantly threatened with court but i constantly asked for a copy of the agreement to see where i had been informed that a credit was to be created out of thin air with interest before i signed the agreement.NOT ONE BANK responded i was on to something!! Without an an agreement how could they prove the credit?

All but one creditor basically disappeared over the next few years, some backed out of court at the last minute they seem to be unwilling to provide copies of signed agreements or DO NOT HAVE THEM when i said i would be willing to pay what they said i owed on production of a signed agreement stating that they were creating money out of thin air they simply refused or ignored my request.


Only one credit card company took me to court and after a long process i ended up with a CCJ. Lesson learned that Judges are also in the Bankster's pocket (Court System Topic For Another Article) so do not expect judges to go in your favour with debt they are just bankster's puppets and nearly always rule in their favour. If you want to challenge the Court system search "Freeman on the land"

At the time i was only just "Going Down The Rabbit Hole" since then i have educated myself more and have wrote more Bankster debt off without going to court and would now try a different approach by not taking part in their rigged theatre. I once called a judge "A bankster's Moll" at an hearing for repossession of our home (We still live here). To get back on our feet i didn't pay our mortgage for over a year (interest free loan) she threatened to arrest me i asked "WHAT COMMON LAW HAVE I BROKEN AND FOR THE RECORD WHAT COMMON LAW AM I TO BE CHARGED WITH?" she backed off she knew i knew "THE GAME".

After fighting the Bankster's on my own for at'least a couple of years i stumbled across a website that provides free template letters to write debts off.Since using these i HAVE NEVER BEEN TO COURT!! Please have belief and use them they work.Educate yourself with knowledge comes belief and with belief success and FREEDOM FROM DEBT.Here is the link again


In dealing with Bankster's and Collection Agents and Legal Firms if you decide to go down this path NEVER AGREE TO MAKING EVEN A TOKEN PAYMENT even a £1 because if you do YOU HAVE ENTERED IN TO A NEW AGREEMENT.

At times the path can be cloudy but if you are resolved to never give in i can assure you that all your unsecured debts will disappear.Some go quickly others take years.

One ploy i have also used with success is that when a statement is sent with a paying in slip. Write to them by recorded delivery offering a small token payment by cheque "IN FULL AND FINAL SETTLEMENT" send the cheque at the same time with the payment slip filled in, give them a time limit say 2 weeks to return your cheque or by not doing so and cashing your cheque they have accepted your "IN FULL AND FINAL SETTLEMENT"

If the bankster's cash the cheque(Which greedy bankster's usually do and put the letter on one side) they have accepted your agreement "IN FULL AND FINAL SETTLEMENT" i offered £20 for a £5000 loan they accepted and cashed the cheque then spent the next two years asking for the balance i just reiterated the new agreement they had entered in to by cashing the cheque they had accepted my "IN FULL AND FINAL SETTLEMENT" they huffed and puffed but i kept to my guns and they eventually went away!!

Lesson learned never give in and your unsecured debts will disappear. I am now debt free apart from £1 per month i pay for the one i lost in court have thought about challenging again but hey whats £12 a year small price to pay to have gone from £1000s in debt to basicl'y debt free.

After awhile you will even start to enjoy the process of becoming debt free, do not let bankster tyrants enslave you. Please become the person you was meant to be as jfk stated "FREE AND INDEPENDENT".Incidently want to know why Jfk was assassinated truth here hint its all about the control of money

If you have enjoyed my story and are in debt yourself please take back control and educate yourself the road is bumpy but what do you have to lose? only your debts? Please resteem or post on social media so others struggling with debt can have hope for a better life.

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