My Near Death Experience

in #death6 years ago

I don't want to waste my time no more. Last week, I was so close to my own death. I was riding my flying dragon (a honda scooter) and behinde me was an SUV. All of sudden, I heard a very loud bang! I looked back and saw the SUV behind me was hit by a car came out of an alley. This car came out of alley at a high speed causing the SUV to spin and smash into a light pole. The driver was injured severely. I imagined if I was 1.1 second too slow, that car could have hit me. I wouldn't be here writing my blog. Another sceneraio is if that car came out of the alley by 1.1 second earlier. I wouldn't be here typing this blog.

I realized that I can be dead so easily and accident could happen any time. I want to focus on the mission of my lilfe. I want to inspired millions to eat a plant strong whole food. I want to inspire millions to do meditation. I want to inspire millions to give love and gratitudes. That is how I would like to be remembered in 100 years.

On the other hand, what I would love to do may not making me money for now. I still have to do some kind of job for now. Until, I'm able to generate income from doing what I love.

Maybe what I should be doing is to have a plant-based whole food restaurant and from this restaurant also offering free meditation classes. And with meditation classess, I can also teach about love and gratitudes.

Can somebody without experience, doesn't really know how to cook and make a restaurant become succesful? Can somebody not a meditation teacher and begin to teach meditation and become succesful. Is love and gratitudes teachable?

Sometimes, we don't want to over think about our future plan. Certain things take some time. For now, what I'm doing is perfect with a minimum to cover my basic. And opportunity for bigger sales and commission. At the same time building up my strength in video, in online presenses and other necessary skills.

If I'm thinking about influence millions I really have to think about using the Internet and social media. Look at the Lil Tay's story. A 9 year old able to generate 2 million followers and create influence and impact on the world much more than I can in the matter of a few months.

If somehow, I keep working on it witht he right mindset and the right opportunity. Something awesome could really come.

The key to stay positive no matter what happen is to have gratitude. Even though I want do live my life to the most, it doesn't mean I can make that transformation right away. I still need to let that seed grow slowly into a bigger trees and someday in the future begin to have lots of fruits. And that is the time, I can really enjoy the result. Right now, just dreaming about me promoting plant-based whole food to the world with my youtube channel with very few people looking at it and my website with very few traffic. Keep working on it, one day, it will become a big tree with many fruits. We can never connect the dots looking forward. We can only connect the dots when we looking backwards. Until know, didn't everything work out fine from your school, meeting your love, and work. You keep learning, expending and growing. There are ups and downs but everything seems to work out magically in the end.

This is kind of a nice free writing and brain storming. No need to worry if it would make snese to anyone. Just let whatever come to your head come out. It's a healing process. Work has some stress especially with that cat head. Sometimes you are workdering if that cat head maybe a control freak. And it maybe a difficult product to sell, but are there easwy products to sell. If so, that wouldn't have so much commission or bonus. Everything sort of balance out and equal out. Remember to always think about gratitude. If that control cat head do not give you this opportunity, how would you ever get 10 thousand dollar from your own friend. And maybe there are a lot more cash coming in soon. Shouldn't a dog be barking like crazy. If a dog doesn't bark, then something is wrong.

What if a person die really early because of bad diet. Are you going to feel sad? Would there be another dog? Than you can never find peace of mind. Ah, I can see that is a sign of cancer. Maybe some really bad news are comming. It comes down to if I can generate sales and income with my own acitivities. Can my blog, my stories, my videos, my production become so good that people love it so much and it beocme a center of Vegan, meditation, and gratitude information, and product and service space. Can my website really become valuable? Can I become a world class speaker and traveling the world giving out keynote speeches. Would people pay to see me? Can I write a new york time best selling book. Do I have anything valuable for the world to know? Can I make awseome video for people to wath. Do I have what it takes to become succe3sfulo. Can I really make this happne?

These are very interesting questions and I can go on whole day or whole flight about it and perhaps, it will never end. Maybe in this self discovery process, something important could come out. Maybe my emoti9on and my fear would be heal. Oh yeah, tomorrow is the not tomorrow, THursday is the toastmaster and still haven't got any email from the chair, perhaps I should step in and make it happen. I kinda need to know in order to prepare my toast.

Ok. It's good for know. Right now, Let's focus on making an aweosme taostmaster speech.

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