There are Fates Far Worse than DeathsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #death6 years ago

I made a comment about this on another post and I wanted to expand upon it a little more.

Humans are complex creatures. Our emotional and psychological capacities grant us abilities that are unmatched on this planet. As human, we have the ability to feel fear, pain, sadness, anger, and remorse in ways that other animals cannot do. Because humans have a high range of feelings, this opens the door for more ways to hurt them.

Still we are animals, so naturally we fear certain things like death. We know this and that is why many suicide tactics involve putting yourself in a position where you cannot escape. Take suicide by rope for example; people will hang themselves from an elevated position. Or suicide by drowning. Or firearms. Why? Because the body has a built in survival instinct that will use any opportunity to avoid death.

Because death is the anthesis of life, one might believe that the death is the worse fate one can imagine, but as the title shows, this is not the case.

Due to these strong emotions, I would argue for example, that a lifetime of abuse is a worse fate than death. Why? Because like life, death is short. Abuse can last a lifetime. The same goes for slavery, heartbreak, depression, isolation, failure, bullying, shame, and mental illnesses.

These feelings can leave scars that can affect you severely for life. We are already starting to see evidence of this with the rise in suicide rates. These feelings can drive people to death because experiencing them is worse than death; these are huge emotional burdens that you will wake, live, and sleep with. It can be overwhelming for most people.

And fixing them is not easy. Physical pain is easy to detect because there are clear eternal signs that someone is dying. How would you know if someone is being abused emotionally, or psychologically? There are no external signs so abuse can go on for years. The suffering may never end because no one can be there to help. Every day, every hour, every minute, and every second, the emotional and psychological scars cut a little more deeply. No one can hear your cries for help and when you are outside, you are expected to bottle it in. Pretty much a never ending nightmare.

Death isn't that bad because we can be so much worse.

Millions of other stories like this. And this nowhere near the tip of the iceberg.

It is a sad indictment on humans when the grim reaper is their best friend.


Great writing and very poignant points. However, I feel it to be very important to mention that we do not possess more feelings than that of any other animal, only the ability to catergorise and distinguish them from one another. As well as the capability of being able to communicate those feelings in a coherent and comprehensible manner.

When it comes to suicide, we must consider the energetic processes that are at work in the universe - something science is finally catching up with being able to explain.

If the individual has explored all possibilities and their resulting probabilities, and suicide still comes up at the top of the best courses of action, would it not be selfish to attempt to prevent such proceedings. Thusly, creating a larger imbalance in the equilibrium of the universe.

Though I say this, after enduring my own personal hell for decades, I can give those who contemplate such actions, the notion that maybe, just maybe, there is a reason that they are going through their experience. Sometimes you need a little faith in yourself and the universe, and it will deliver.

Only time will tell, but not if you're dead.

Great comment and thanks for dropping by.

If the individual has explored all possibilities and their resulting probabilities, and suicide still comes up at the top of the best courses of action, would it not be selfish to attempt to prevent such proceedings. Thusly, creating a larger imbalance in the equilibrium of the universe.

Humans are intelligent and thus they have found ways to circumvent death even when that is the path that nature has laid out for them.
In some ways suicide can be considered a balancing act, as we continue to overpopulate the planet.

Though I say this, after enduring my own personal hell for decades, I can give those who contemplate such actions, the notion that maybe, just maybe, there is a reason that they are going through their experience. Sometimes you need a little faith in yourself and the universe, and it will deliver.

Life throws a lot of questions in front of you, but that doesn't mean you will find the answer to all of them before our short time on earth runs out. I think that this uncertainty contributes to rise in suicide; when the time and the universe both don't have the answer, then we create our own.

Thanks @snoreball,

Life does indeed throw plenty at us all. I would argue that it is more a case of illogical behaviour and apathetic interaction with our habitat that causes imbalance, as opposed to overpopulation.

Personally speaking, the balance must always be acheived, it just depends on what your electromagnetic frequency is out-putting on the individual level, as to how you will harmonise into the 'bigger picture'.

I'm looking forward to going through some of your previous posts and reading your new ones!

Also, if you get the chance, any feedback on my writing would be greatly appreciated - I try not to post too much mindless clickbait, but always welcome new concepts, ideas and debates.

Again, thank you.

@snoreball great post, I have to agree that people can have emotions that are at times worse than death. Crippling fear, heart attack inducing anxiety, and soul sucking depression.

All that into consideration death would be the easy way out! I am going to follow you as I am intrigued by your work!😁

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If you think it's bad now give it a few more years.doompaul.JPG


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@skbaridi naww boy hell is fun. Come to Vegas I'll show ya

Esoteric dream... like my style ;-)2017-09-30 21.56.59 1615489854404980832_4968259507.jpg

Смерть бояться глупцы,люди бояться боли и неизвестного а не смерти.

I feel grateful for the many blessings we as a race have been given to have such a beautiful home which provides EVERYTHING we need to thrive and be happy. Yet we as a race squander it, pollute it, fight over it, destroy it, the ONLY home we have. I am sorry to admit those actions say a great deal about the human race ALL OF IT BAD. If there are other beings out there in the vastness of space (which I have come to believe there has to be) why would they EVER want to contact us after seeing what we DO TO EACH OTHER AND OUR HOME.! As I have gotten older I am sorry to say I have come to view the human race as a virus killing its host. If you look at all of history and make a side by side list one side GOOD things we as a race have done and next to it the BAD things we as a race have done. The Bad side iis so much longer then the good side it is sickening. If we continue to do and act as we have. we will wipe our selves out one way or another. Take you pick WAR, POISONING THE LAND, AIR, AND WATER, OR A PANDEMIC. all of which ARE preventable. All we have to do as a race is STOP allowing and doing these things. It is that simple. The problems are too big bla bla. That is a copout, but that is what I see our race doing. The reason why I believe this is. To stop those things EACH AND EVERY PERSON ON THE EARTH HAS TO CARE ABOUT THIS PLANET. Not just once a fucking year but every fucking day! Call me pessimistic but I do not see humans ever understanding this simple action until it is too late. Think about this WHERE YOU GONNA GO TO!

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