The problem with death positivists

in #death7 years ago (edited)

The problem with death positivists

Hi all, and behold - i'm back on SteemIt :)

I've actually been planning this for a while but was waiting for a good article subject that wasn't just more of the same so here we are.

As the title suggests, this article is about the problem with death positivists or the "death positive" movement. To understand what i'm talking about we'll first need to agree on some definitions. First though, one important principle must be understood: the dictionary (or self-stated)  definition of any social or political movement is often not the same as the actual reality of that movement.

To avoid excessive controversy i'm not going to give examples of that principle, but keep it in mind as it's key to my criticism here.

So, the first definition is this: the definition of the death positive movement as given by death positivists themselves.

For their definition, I can find no better example than this one:

Upon reading that, it's not really objectionable at all and is essentially about being honest and open about death and related subjects, talking about end of life wishes etc. That's all good stuff and to be encouraged.

Another definition, one that most who read this blog will already know but which i'll restate is the definition of transhumanism, or at least the definition of the term as used by myself. That one is simple enough: the idea that we should use technology to enhance the human condition and to overcome our limits.

"Our limits" includes our lifespan of course - I believe that we should use whatever medical technology we need to extend the human lifespan and to live longer, happier and healthier lives - I also believe that this is self-evident to anyone who ponders the subject for long enough and isn't held back by superstitious religious beliefs.

Finally, the term "deathist" or "deathists": this is a term used by people (like me) who believe that radical life extension is a good thing, to refer to those who believe in the opposite: that death is desirable and/or good. This term is also often used to refer to religious beliefs that believe death isn't real (like the vast majority of religions that teach belief in an afterlife - that is not death, that is continuing to live in some other form) and therefore physical death is fine or a good thing.

Deathism is a related term that simply refers to the worldview of deathists - the belief that death is a good or desirable thing.

So what's the issue?

Earlier today I caused a bit of drama on twitter when I ranted about a death positive conference taking place, going so far as to say "fuck deathists" referring to the people organising and attending the conference.

The reason for this comes down to that principle I mentioned above - although death positivists claim to just be about open discussion about death and making our wishes clear etc (to be clear, all good things - no subject should be a total taboo and death is an issue that very much should be discussed) it seems whenever they get together in large groups they both attract and promote deathists and deathism.

I really wish this wasn't true, but so many of the speeches and talks at this conference revolve around the concept of death being something natural to accept and not to fight, and plenty is filled with outright scare tactics against transhumanism with references to "evil robots".

The conference today for example has a decidedly feminist bent and the keynote speech had the speaker discussing why the future is "not evil robots, it's female" - inherently suggesting that transhumanist ideals are anti-women or sexist.

The other speakers are a mix of professionals such as funeral directors, some of them giving quite neutral (and from where i'm standing actually quite interesting looking) talks and some of them giving rather more ideologically charged talks and a few artistic types. As someone with some darker tastes in music and art i'd probably love some of the arty stuff put out by these folks in any other context, and in my teens I would undoubtedly have been trying to nervously chat up all the goth girls and buying up all the cool little macabre gifts, but as an adult something about this disturbs me.

What disturbs me is I know that the mix of art, music and ideology on display here is following the same patterns as seen in every religion and cult in history. When you go somewhere and have a fun time with all the right aesthetics that appeal to you (it's no surprise that goths are flocking to this event - the goth aesthetic is everywhere) while someone presents an enemy (those transhumanists want the future to be evil robots!) it's going to lead to deeply ingrained views that no amount of rational and scientific evidence will shift anytime soon without a lot of work.

It's not just this one conference either - every time i've seen someone say they're "death positive" they've let slip that they're against life extension and actively want to die.

The phrase "death positive" does not have the meaning stated by its proponents, it very clearly has the actual literal meaning of the phrase - these people actually want to die, but worse - they want you to die and me to die and they will pull out every excuse in the book to justify why that is the good and natural thing.

For those who don't believe me on this: ask someone from the death positive movement if they're interested in researching how to actually prevent death - their "let's be open about death" is limited to anthropological study at best and their "let's be open about our wishes" actually has an implied "unless we wish to be frozen or wish not to die".

I really wish it WAS just a bunch of goths partying - I love it when goths party. I love it even more when augmented goths party, where are my augmented goths?

[edit] I feel obligated to update this with one thing - I'm very much for goth girls, but I want them to be immortal goth girls - this update is not entirely serious

[another edit] this one more serious, here's a few examples of what i'm talking about:
Some slides from the keynote speech:

Note that the above tweets are NOT necessarily examples of the relevant twitter users themselves being deathist, just examples of people who were present to witness the keynote speech talking about the content of that speech. I reproduce the links here only to show the nature of the keynote speech and the individual twitter users above may or may not be in agreement with that general message.


CrimesATHblog Abigail Whittall tweeted @ 22 Jul 2017 - 08:41 UTC

Phenomenal keynote: @TheGoodDeath on female-led death positivity as antithesis to male-led transhumanism (evil robo……

MsMaggieMayhem M. Mayhem tweeted @ 22 Jul 2017 - 09:03 UTC

Very interesting keynote contrasting transhumanists and death positivity. #DeathMaidenConf

GesaGottschalk Gesa Gottschalk tweeted @ 22 Jul 2017 - 11:44 UTC

"I hope the future is not robot but female." @TheGoodDeath on #Transhumanism #deathmaidenconf

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

All I see is groups of people labeling other groups of people, and believing that each member of each group is exactly the same and can only see things as black or white. Sad.

Deathism is a particular ideology that I believe should be resisted with all possible means - yes, it's a group of people who share that ideology, and yes i'm making blanket statements about that group - but that's because the ideology itself is a dangerous one.

When I say it is a dangerous ideology I mean that quite literally. The spread of deathism in popular culture directly impedes campaigns to fund aging research and life extension in general and the more we delay a cure for aging the more people will die as a result.

The death positive movement is on paper a good thing based on the stated definition, but in reality it attracts and helps to promote deathism, and that is the problem I am talking about in this post.

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