Are you dead yet?

in #death6 years ago (edited)

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The moment you realize you are free,
is the moment you realize your greatest terror.
You have lost awareness of reality.
And you have woken up to the fact of having been sleep for basically an eternity.
That having forgotten, is forgetting forever.
Although having remembered, I again believe I will remember forever.
Yet this alternation is exactly the reality.
Now you are and now you are not.
This is awakening.
You are waking up.
You are becoming aware of the everlasting factness of existence.
That existence is not merely being alive.
That existence consists in the alternation between living and dying.
Existence is cycles on and off;
being born and being dead are the same circle.
You are eternal.
The wise that have realized this eternity are the immortal for they know they can never actually die.
Because I do not incarnate my mind into matter.
I am beyond the body and its sickness.
I am immune to pain for I accept it totally without resistance.
I have transcended my suffering by going beyond time engendered by ego,
the halluncination of a self that I am anything but a shimmering mirage flickering in the dark.
I am free. I am totally free.
I am complete.
I am transcended.
The I cannot be transcended.
This is freedom in purity, of freedom from purity.
I am free. I am so totally free.
I have no fear, for I have transcended the fear of death by realizing death is simply the other side of life.
Liberation implies what? A liberation! A liberation from what? From fear? What was my greatest fear?
The fear of death! The only real and final liberation is the liberation from fear of death.
There is nothing whatsoever to be afraid of my fellow humans.
We are all going to die.
And that is what liberates us from ourselves.
Therein we find peace and final contentment in the Way of Things.
There is nothing you need to do to realize this most great of truths.
It is the ultimate truth which because it is the ultimate truth it begets an opposite,
the ultimate illusion.
Ultimate truth and ultimate illusion exist eternally entangled and never exist apart from each other.
My goodness I cannot be this brilliantly awake.
The free and the dead are not two.
The consciousness in you is the consciousness in me.
I am you. And you are me. And we cannot be killed.
We are beyond death. Death has set me free from myself.
Myself the veil keeping increasingly hidden the brilliant Self of IT.
You can wake up at beyond your self at any time.
It is ultimately up to you to decide to see it immediately.
Those that see it immediately are in fact the most intensely curious to the point of incredible psychic tension resulting in their finding out because they are in this not for any egoic reason but simply because they desire nothing more than to know the truth.
The ultimate truth is always accompanied by ultimate illusion.
The ultimate truth is liberation from fear of death which spells the end of suffering.
And the ultimate illusion is that you can do anything to stop death from happening.
You cannot have one without the other.
Ultimate truth is ultimate illusion.
The reality is the alternation, which is eternal.
You are forever in exactly the middle.
This right understanding engenders right action,
for wisdom has been born as a second sense.
You may finally become wise,
for the simple reason that you have accepted that you could be,
that you are actually capable of it.
It's not something you have to earn.
It's something you choose out of an act of intelligence as a consequence of direct perception and observation.
Truly, the most intelligent are the most wise.
Simply because the maleficent seem so clever in their plans to destroy and kill in the name of some doctrine does not mean they are intelligent. They would be anti-intelligent for their behavior begets disaster and not harmonic resonance with the rest of the order of life.
Intelligence is the diamondal jewel that shines the light of mind on everything,
illuminating the truth.
The truth is understood.
Freedom is.
Beyond suffering,
I am.
There is nothing you can do to stop death,
And now you are free at last from yourself.
Our minds are not two, as they are one.
The divine intelligence animating the illusion of formal causation is operational in you and in me.
It flows through us automatically and spontaneously of itself so.
It is its own reason for being. And it is Us, the Self we share in common forever and always.
Our minds are one intelligence, and absent of an image of myself it responds without any hestiation to any situation at hand.
It is like Jedi reflexes. I never decide to move. Or to say anything in particular.
Constantly killing the ego, dying to myself.
And that perpetual dying of the image of myself is the source of my real power, intelligence, and serenity.
I don't have to try, for it is already there.
The wise, having disappeated to themelves, are beyond death.
They are free, we are free.
We are now free of our fear of death.
We now may be at peace.
The beginning of living is having died.

"The excellence of the soul is understanding;
for the man who understands is conscious, devoted, and already godlike."

  • Hermes Trismegistus

"Death is the mother of beauty; hence from her.
Alone, shall come fulfillment to our dreams
And our desires."

  • Wallace Stevens

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To the question in your title, my Magic 8-Ball says:

Outlook good

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