Are We Reincarnated or Recycled After Death?
A large portion of us have perused various conclusions about death and what occurs in the afterlife. However, there is no certain confirmation for the presence of spirits, undying karma, rebirth, or any profound after-life. I don't have anything yet regard for contrasting perspectives dependent on religion, science or rationale. In any case, in the long run truth and understanding will liberate us. Not my fact or your reality but rather genuine truth...
While all religions concede the presence of soul, yet they contrast in what occurs in the afterlife. For instance, Hindu idea of soul rotates around immigration and rebirth. Muslims and Christians have faith in the Day of Judgment when its destiny will be chosen.
Thusly, the spirit of Muslims and Christians is secured in the grave of an individual holding up the Day of Judgment when its destiny will be chosen, while the spirit of a Hindu who trusts in immigration is promptly delivered after memorial service so that it's prepared to go into another body.
Science says equivalent to religion: We are reused as the lines from Sikh Scripture Guru Granth say air converges with air, light converges with light, dust sinks into dust... We are established from this climate and we return to the climate.
All matter is a structure made from nebulous Energy, i.e., Him/God/Creator/or whatever other name you like to pick. The innovativeness is boundless and the strategy for self-inventiveness is a genuine miracle when we take a gander at the creation and development of living creatures. A researcher can't deny the sensation of being surprised at Nature's totally wonderful and the most wise work of self-creation into all the convoluted living things including a person through an incredibly insightful and coordinated way.
Thus, we all are made out of general energy and now at the hour of death become part of widespread energy. Most religions mean a similar when life is envisioned as a wave emerging from the sea and converging once more into it. Seen along these lines, rebirth is an extravagant name for reusing. All living creatures get reused. That is the law of nature and nobody can keep away from it.
The essential units of life (electrons, protons, neutrons, iotas and particles) don't kick the bucket yet change frame and improve themselves. These fundamental units of life don't develop old either and are ever-enduring and ageless. The particles in a kid or a seedling are no more youthful than that of a wrinkled individual or a yellowing leaf. So we can say that the spirit (part of energy of the universe) never bites the dust yet body does. Soul doesn't kick the bucket; it doesn't suffocate or swim across (na jio marai n doobai tarai (Guru Granth, page 151). The charged particles (electrons, protons, neutrons, iotas and atoms), which are fundamental units of creation including human body and Soul (atma) are made from and end up with the widespread energy (parmatma) that we have clarified above as heavenly power or most noteworthy of all or Lord of the Universe or all-powerful God... Along these lines, the God of which we are essential for is all inclusive energy/energy of the universe, on the grounds that the universe is all energy and the energy is all universe.
In the entirety of things resurrection, resurrection has neither rhyme nor reason.
Since issue and energy may change structure however are neither made nor annihilated, it implies that we will consistently be around in some shape or structure.
Coherently, figuratively rethought, the terms resurrection and immigration truly imply that after death everybody and each specie that shows life become some portion of the more prominent organic life cycle. That is the intelligent method to take a gander upon entering the world and resurrection, rebirth or immigration.
In this idea of a bigger natural life cycle, it stays irrelevant whether one winds up pushing up roses or turning into a taking care of furor for worms; either is similarly significant. Creepy crawlies, worms and others have tasks to carry out as have plants, trees and shakes.
It's just when we take a gander at life in a particular structure then passing has an importance, and we succumb to our partition from rest of things. That detachment is known as the conscience, by and large a result of left side of the equator of mind instead of soul which is important for right half of the globe of cerebrum. The personality is a bogus self that we made up dependent on the prospect that we are isolated. That iron blind of self centered conscience isolates us from Universal Spirit/Universal Energy or God. When we acknowledge the God inside and understand that it's unrealistic to be isolated from God and that we are unified with God; at that point we realize that we are love and we are harmony and we are euphoria and we are bliss and we are endless; and nothing to sit tight for in the afterlife. It's acknowledgment that happens to a few and not to others in this life and nothing to do with after death when every iota of our body converges with the climate and can turn out to be essential for a plant or a creature or something different.
We have attempted to give substitute perspectives utilizing science and rationale to questions that were seen to be confounding and conflicting shifting from one confidence to another. The equilibrium of thoughts among science and religion is given as much fair-mindedly as humanly conceivable. We trust these will be more adequate to our up and coming age of science and innovation. Despite the fact that it would be great if strict individuals would focus yet I question it. Have we settled the conversation on soul and resurrection? Not likely, despite the fact that we have given intelligent answers.