Dear Diary Regarding 2020.
Dear Diary,
It feels like I am watching a world gone MAD. I mean angry not crazy.
2020 has been so hard for many with a pandemic and racial wars, a President that many have extremely strong feels about. 24 hour news channels to help reinforce anger and self righteousness I'd like to say I'm mostly unimpacted, but I would be lying to myself. I feel anxious, uncertain and sometimes angry as well.
On a personal level, my health is good and we both still have work so we are doing okay. I've watched my friends and kids struggle and I fear the worst has yet to come.
Mostly I think the whole thing is a perfect storm of a virus we didn't know enough about and over reacted. Once that happened no one could admit they were wrong, because the damage was too great.
With political sides and media wanting attention it was more profitable to sell fear and divisiveness than it was to react one step at a time and things just got out of control
I watched powerful people use their power to bully and manipulate less powerful people, and I saw spin, hatred and narrow narratives take hold. And I saw most give into the temptation to view complex issues from one single point of view.
The end result is more racial tension, more fear, fewer small businesses and more profits for the most powerful people and companies.
While it is too soon to know if crypto will become a safe refuge for those devastated by the up and coming economic crisis I am very glad to hold some and know how to use it.
During this same turbulent time I watched Steem a project that I have enjoyed for nearly 4 years get ripped apart also by politics, racism and power struggles. I watched powerful people (small pond powerful) use their power to bully and manipulate less powerful people, and I saw spin, hatred and narrow narratives take hold. And I saw most give into the temptation to view complex issues from one single point of view.
I guess some are fighting for the status quo and others are fighting for change. Some are fighting for power, money or even survival.
I think we have a system and society in need of a good reset, but honestly, I dread going through it as my current position is pretty comfortable.
My specific opinions on it all are changing but here is where they currently stand.
Two party politics as they are playing out in the US are evil and I honestly have a hard time respecting those who take it seriously. RNC and the DNC are evil and corrupt.
Covid-19 is real and dangerous but the risks of not carrying on with life are more dangerous than the virus itself. We made a huge mistake locking down everyone, We should return to normal as quickly as possible and put the brightest minds on treating and protecting those who are immune compromised.
Black Lives Matter and there is racism and it is difficult to move past it.
Police have too much power and it is hard to hold them accountable
Police are trained and instructed by those on top of the power system and while we should look at reforming the Justice System, hate and violence against them does nothing to fix the problem
Middle class and poor people fighting each other on the streets is completely idiotic and I refuse to participate.
The parallels between events on Steem and those in the world at large are striking. Talk about a "perfect storm".
I am hopeful that Steem is settling down into a new normal (but last time I said that, HF23 happened). I am less optimistic about events in the real world. I am afraid that current events will have ongoing negative consequences for decades. Here's hoping I am wrong on that point.
It's really hard to control the situation because the pandemic affected many people. Their food and their freedom are being taken. I don't know how to take control about this now. I'm lucky that our country doesn't have that racism issue.