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RE: "Dear Dawne" Live Today! - Gaining Visibility Requires Increasing Exposure

in #deardawne7 years ago

This is just an opinion, I have not been following you long. I have only heard good things about you when mentioned though.
Myself I have problems at times of where to put a vote. The limitation on the votes you can do I think is essential. This limits users to a voting max of 10 votes per day possibly 11, or your voting power will keep going down not having the time to replenish.
I also like to only vote four posts at a time and wait a few hours before voting again, Unsure but I feel this gives a slightly stronger vote when I do.
I also use probably half my votes up-voting myself trying to get that extra vote for myself and possibly a reward. Those who comment in my blog or reply to comments I have made I also like to up vote where I can.
Between the self vote and the vote on replies to me, I trap myself at times with nothing left to vote with or my voting power will decrease faster then I can accumulate.

In the past week or so I have only began to expand/change where my voting goes, This is down to reading comments like your own and @simplymike @Spiritualmax @ilyastarar also my steem power has built some and I feel I am beginning to grow, more of my votes then I give to myself as the need for voting for myself is deminishing as I grow. 1 vote for myself now is like 2.5 votes I needed a month ago.
You and those I mentioned are a positive influence on myself and I am guessing many others.


I don't know if this will help you or not @brayias but this post from @simplymike, highlights 4 ways to get an early vote slider- - - - - - - Also has a manual vote slider, my self or a couple of the others can help with that if you need help.

Steemworld is my go-to page. I have it open daily and use it often throughout my steemit work.

I stopped UPvoting myself months ago... why? Just my personal preference. I have no issue with it, but I would rather UPvote another member and make connections that way then use (at the time) limited UPvotes for me. But againm this is my personal preference.

I know you can get the slider bar from before you reach the 500SP mark. Maybe check into that.

Thank you @goldendawne! I use Steemworld thus far only for the Manual Vote. I really like it because even though my vote isnt worth much, I can spread encouragement around to more people if I am not Upvoting @ 100%. As for Upvoting myself, I am not certain if I did that and if I did, that was inadvertent - not something I will be doing deliberately.

Like I said to @bashadow, my only challenge with the manual vote slider is that I cannot figure out how to use it for comments. On posts I have no trouble

For the slider on the comments it should be the same. My slider bar comes up whether it's for the actual post or the comment section.

@brayias, the Voting Slider on steemworld works like a charm! Thank you so much for your patience in explaining it to me @bashadow. I still can't figure out how to do it with Upvoting comments though! Thanks again for your help!

@steemchiller is always working on his program, so things may have changed a little bit. You will need you posting key to use the slider. I did this write up about a month ago, - - - - - - Stop by the chat or just leave a note on any of my newbieresteemday post if you need help. That last 'z' thing can be tricky, so when posting the link in the link box even if the right name shows in the author box "Remove the 'z' and put it back'

Thank you @bashadow for your response. Thus far, I have no problem with the vote slider to upvote posts. I will check the link you added to see how to use it for "Comments". Thank you again!

@bashadow will show you, he is the king that taught us all @kismet2005! ;)

He sure is, @davemccoy! Because of his unbelievable patient step-by-step instructions, like you give, Dave, I can now give support to more people because of the Manual Slider. @bashadow, you'll be proud of me! I finally figured out what you were talking about with the "z" and manually upvoting Comments! I am thrilled about that, because I really like many comments, and up till now, I didn't know how to do <100%. So, we are good to go here! Thank you again, both of you!

Glad it helped, it does not work all the time, but sometimes is better than no times.

Probably one of the coolest things I learned at the time @bashadow... It really helped me think about how to use my votes!

awesome @kismet2018!!! I'm thrilled you figured this out!!! Yes its a way to really manage yourself and spread your love!!! :)

Looking into them now.
thank you

I didn’t know about a manual voting slider on Steemworld. I’ll need to check that out.
To be honest, I’ve been using the site for months, but it wasn’t until last week that I found some tutorials by @steemchiller that showed me a bit of the real potential of that site. :0)

ask @bashadow... he is our professor when it comes to the manual voting slider... and yes steemworld is great! I love the account operations page and teh coming author rewards. I couldn't possible manage my replies without the first's ability to sort and focus on what I want to see. And I couldn't manage my gameplan without the 2nd to know what is coming and when.

again for the 3rd time tonight... welcome back :)

Not an alt of Tuck ;) I just was unsure where I knew your name from.

Awesome @bashadow... thanks for taking the ball and helping here! It is appreciated! And also thanks for helping @simplymike... you really helped her feel comfortable through that whole ordeal!

Hey @brayias, first thank you for coming here and giving such a thoughtful comment! It is important to express yourself more than anything here on steemit. I understand your points about voting and that is something that we all go through. I'm glad you are giving it consideration because it is how you will learn what works best for you!

The things you will weigh as you continue to grow here on steemit, is how you plan on growing and what methods will you use. Most people don't plan, they just do a little of everything. You seem like a planner, so I will be glad to assist you with ideas.

To give you the higher view and break it down broadly, you can grow by maiximizing every available tool for yourself to use (which there are many more productive ways that just upvoting yourself)... or you can grow by growing your network of friends and followers and helping them to grow with you. (this way looks at the deepness and wideness of the relationships as a measuring stick for success). And of course you can do both if you are a superstar.

The reason I bring this up is that you can focus on a strategy to fit your individual style. There is no "right" way to do things, there are just many tools you can use to accomplish your goals here.

If you are interested, please let me know and I will be glad to either assist you myself if I can or point you in the right direction!

Thanks for stopping by and for making a great comment!

Hello @Davemcmcoy,
For been a planner, I am not so sure, I come prepared with a decent amount of ad-lib. I am definitely a Dreamer, dreams they can begin anywhere tho, unlike the reality where something must have a beginning. I am just taking my first steps in a dream right now. The world is changing in many ways and will change in ways we cannot foresee. Some changes are already happening as seen with Crypto and now I see with my introduction to the Steemit platform.
On my own morals, I cannot buy votes, so the use of bots to gain an advantage I avoid unless they are offered free.
I do not use other formats of blogging or Twitter at the moment and will be a while before I would begin to use. I see the advantages of but I would prefer to learn a bit more about Steemit before expanding. Within Steemit, I am not chasing followers, Well I am but not in a hurry to find a massive audience.
My strategy right now is aligning myself with people like yourself, Following you, commenting on your posts, should I have a view not expressed, possibly at times speaking in a manner of opposition to the view stated. I do not do so in a negative manner but more to show or state something which I have not observed but came to mind. @simplymike started this line of action for me inadvertently. Not all your comment I will post a reply to. some will be beyond my thinking, others, where I see an opinion from me, would not do anything for the post or opinion. I see yourself and other users I have mentioned in other posts above, as mentors to the community in a positive way. while you gain from the upvotes to your comments you all have contributed back with the sharing of your votes not to mention the obvious knowledge you share. I waffled on there a bit. Open minded people who are willing to contribute in some form are my target audience.
I want to take back the world.
Where I could use some help, is in the creation of a blog list.
I believe strongly! there is a need for greater equality and now is a pivoting point where we can begin to introduce different methods to achieve these positive goals.
A blog list to create would provide a roadmap in a sequence which I could write on and the topics could follow each other.
For this, I would have to discuss in detail with yourself or any other who might show interest in picking my brain. If you chose a platform to use with a faster communication it would make it much easier on my part at least.

This is @brayias the account is logged in and the key code thing has been painted a lovely tree :) once the software can no longer be upgraded the account will not be usable. I still use it to play poker freerolls with to try boost the Steem I can have with the winnings.

wow... @jan23com that is a comment!!! Awesome! You have several issues in there for me to address and some I don't fully understand.

First, let me say that I am thankful for the time it took you to send the message. And I am appreciative that you pay me a compliment saying that I contribute to the community.

Also I want to point out that it is perfectly fine with me for people to disagree. I don't believe in "groupthink" and I encourage all views (even more so when they are meant to be constructive!) So fire away anytime, I always like the truth as you see it!

Regarding your strategy, I am a bit unclear, but I do get the point you are not looking for gimmicks and want real interaction with real people. Did I get this right?

I know you asked my help about creating a "blog list"... I will be happy to help if I understand what you want clearly... Do you want a list of the people that I think are "real" and "create value" ie @simplymike?

You can contact me on discord at anytime at davemccoy#2479... If you aren't on discord, then let me know and I will send you an invite link. I would be thrilled to discuss your concepts deeper!

I want to take back this world too... While I understand it might not happen in my lifetime, that doesn't mean that I shouldn't do my part. The reason I originally stayed here and was my original motivation, was exactly that mission. Since I've been here though a funny thing happened, I made friends. Now I must admit that I am equally motivated to help them here as much as I was originally to change the world.

I think the last point about your account is that this is a new account for @brayias... I don't know why you switched, because I don't understand the comment about the software can no longer be upgraded. But it makes no difference to me. I make connections with people not accounts... ;)

I will either see you on discord or hopefully a reply back here for me to send you the server link.

I hope you have a fantastic day and it is great to connect to someone who is as thorough as you are! :)

contacted through iisiascaire on discord

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