Getting fast loans along withThe Deal Coin
- Almost every entrepreneur faced problems at this or that stage of his business development. Sometimes such difficulties can ruin the very idea. Now it is much easier to find investors and develop their own business. Progressive and decentralized platform The Deal Coin issues p2p loans at minimum interest.
It uses blocking technology, which allows you to conduct fast and secure transactions in large volumes
Specificity of platform activities
- The lending market is developing rapidly. Its capitalization in 5 years will come close to 1 trillion dollars. The Deal Coin is a fundamentally new way of attracting cash. Now investors benefit, but borrowers do not suffer at the same time. A rational approach for both sides allows us to find a compromise option that will suit everyone.
"Combining all companies into a global network is an ambitious goal that will enable not only to save small and medium-sized firms, but also to increase transparency of ongoing transactions. The financing of individuals - will allow them to get out of a difficult situation and can really save entire families.
The platform uses smart contracts, through which you can enter into safe and verifiable transactions. The special register of credit data will contain information that will allow the investor to find out everything about the project of interest.
Issuing Own Tokens
- The platform is dynamically developing and is already going to start releasing its own tokens, through which it will be possible to pay for the operations performed. Initially, they will need to be purchased, then a loan is issued in them. From them, the investor receives a percentage, which is agreed in advance with the recipient of funds.
While the token at the rate will be pegged to the British pound, which will allow it to actively distribute it among a wide range of potential investors. To get the necessary amount, it is enough to go through a simple KYC procedure, and also to post information about the proposed asset.
Thanks to the technology of blockade, it will be possible:
• Improve the security of ongoing transactions;
• increase the number of transactions;
• minimize losses.
Cooperation with The Deal Coin is a chance to take a different look at the problems that are prevalent in small and medium businesses. The decentralized platform is actively developing, which reliably links the two sides of the process.
Security and transparency - this is what modern business strives for. Many firms need help, and now they can get it from various parts of the globe.
Fast loans are the absence of uncertainty and the resolution of urgent problems. At the same time, users do not take risks, because the costs are minimal. The presale started this spring and already now the available investments exceed all expectations. The project is actively developing, and significant efforts of developers are aimed at its popularization among the general public. Refer to professionals to see for themselves the benefits provided.
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