I saw chocobo kill a bear today

Chocobos are no joke. Just like their ancestor, the ostrich, they know well how to use their powerful legs and nasty claws to wreak havoc on anything, and anyone, who dares to get in their way. Yes, you read the title right. Not only did I witness a plain ol' wild chocobo kill a bear, but it was a full grown male KODIAC (brown) bear in the prime years of it's life. A big, strong, healthy Kodiak bear that spilled all of it's organs onto the ground beneath it, as the aggressive chocobo that it attempted to hunt down sped off into the distance.

It was quite a sight to behold. It's also a useful reminder of why wild chocobos demand our respect.

Don't mess with these guys when you come around them. Give them their space and make sure that you move away from them, should you have a close encounter with one. Luckily, they tend to be mild to docile around humans, with the exception of when a mother is caring for her babies, but they will certainly attack you if you pose a threat to them in any way and there have been a few rare occasions where they've attacked humans without being provoked into aggression.

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