
Thanks for the question. The shipping will initially be arranged by the seller. The tracking number submitted as part of transaction verification. Once delivered, escrow will release funds from escrow.

It would be not advised to accept shipping without tracking numbers.

Cost of shipping will be paid by either seller or buyer.

eBay offers the Global Shipping Program for international orders in which seller sends item to their shipping center after which they take care of customs etc. Lot less headache

Will there be something like that on the roadmap or will their be something in place to offset the incentive for sellers that may need to ship out of country?

I use eBay but trying to weigh out my options. Final value fees kind of making my profit margin thin. Thanks!

Posted using Partiko Android

Even eBay had its humble beginnings. Did you know that its first item sold via auction was a broken laser pointer? It had no global shipping program back then.

Yes, dCommerce too will be aiming for such features. Once we can sustain $1Mil to $5 Mil per month in total transactions, more enhanced shipping features will be made available.

Okay and in case of loss or deterioration of the product is there any type of insurance that covers these cases? And the shipping cost is canceled with the purchase or upon receipt?

The assurance of product is secured between buyer and seller. We will use escrow where payment can be held until Product is shipped.

Can we completely eliminate scams or poor products? No, but the reputation score of buyer and seller should be a good guide.

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