[스팀蟲: 펌핑] Steem, Netcoins Coin Listing Contest 우승 축하 및 최후의 전쟁 아마겟돈의 시작 (@SteamSteem Creativity 독창글)

in #dclick6 years ago (edited)

Congratulations on Steem's winning Netcoins Listing Contest, and Steem Freedom final war Armageddon started.

[스팀蟲: 펌핑] Steem, Netcoins Coin Listing Contest 우승 축하 및 최후의 전쟁 아마겟돈의 시작 (@SteamSteem Creativity 독창글)
[스팀蟲: 스팀전쟁] 겸용글
( https://steemit.com/dclick/@steamsteem/-steem-netcoins-coin-listing-contest-steamsteem-creativity--1540246950362 )
2018.10.23.화.06:40, by @SteamSteem,

지난 며칠간
Steem 의 Netcoins 거래소 상장 및 상장피 면제 또는 할인 등 관련하여,

Steem 창립자인 @ned

Netcoins Coin Listing Contest 투표 독려글

등을 비롯하여,

국내외 스팀인들 사이에 수많은 투표 참려 독려가 있었다.



[스팀蟲: 펌핑] Steem, Netcoins Coin Listing Contest 우승 축하 및 최후의 전쟁 아마겟돈의 시작 (@SteamSteem Creativity 독창글)

[스팀蟲: 스팀전쟁] 겸용글
( https://steemit.com/dclick/@steamsteem/-steem-netcoins-coin-listing-contest-steamsteem-creativity--1540246950362 )
2018.10.23.화.06:40, by @SteamSteem,

내가 처음 http://contest.gonetcoins.com/ 투표에 참여했을때,
3위 하던 스팀이 많은 스팀인들의 참여로 1위를 달성하였었는데,

다른 코인의 집중 투표로 2위로 끝나고 말았었다.

그러나, 초반부터 부정 중복 투표 논란이 있었기에
주최측에서 부정 중복 투표는 가려내겠다는 발표가 이미 있었었고,

최종 순위가 발표되었다.

스팀이 1위로 상장피 면제,
아마도 @ned 와 Steemit Inc 가 이 혜택을 직접적으로 받을 것으로 보이지만,
상장피 때문에 상장 여부를 달리 결정할 수도 있는 것이고,
또, 그 여력으로 펌핑 활동을 한다면,
많은 스팀인들도 혜택을 조금이라도 받지 않을까 생각된다.

이것이 이 글을 쓰는 중요한 이유 중의 하나이지만,
이것은 어짜피 내가 알리지 않아도, 급속하게 알려질 내용이고,

나의 또 다른 관심사와 관련하여,
아주 중요한 사건이 발생하고 있다.

내가 Steem 의 Netcoin Listing 우승 소식을 접한 글은



오래 전부터 의견을 내고 있고,

@ned 의 투표 독려글 에서도 의견을 남겼지만,


https://steemit.com/steem/@ned/steem-needs-you#@steamsteem/re-steamsteem-re-dana-edwards-re-ned-steem-needs-you-20181020t132613010z ,

Steem 이 아무리 많은 거래소에 상장된다고 하더라도,

스팀에는 자뻑 정의감에서 인민재판 죽창질하는 공산 홍위병, 컨텐츠 나찌, 컨텐츠 파시스트들이 스팀투자한 작가나 큐레이터들을 다운보팅 죽창질하고, 많은 스팀투자작가/큐레이터 들을 쫓아낸다는 사실이 외부세계에 알려지고 있고, 더 많이 알려진다면,

스팀의 미래는 암울하기만 할 것이다.

이와 같은 의견 댓글을 우승 축하와 함께, 그 우승 축하글에 남겼는데,


여지 없이 스팀 대표 죽창 학살자 @patrice=@mack-bot 의 다운보팅과
나의 업보팅 및 언론의 자유와 반대의견 보여질 권리와 인간 생존권을 향한
글 재생 항쟁이 이어졌다.

그 동안 kr 이나 영어권에서도 국소적으로 전쟁을 하면서,
적들을 파악하고, 우군을 확보하면서, 입지를 넓혀가고 있었는데,

드디어 여기서 최후의 스팀 자유 전쟁, 아마겟돈 에 대한
전초전이 벌어지고 있는 것 같다.
이 전장에서의 공방전을 계기로 많은 적들의 실체를 파악하고 있는 것 같다.

그 중 하나가, 스팀에 근무하고 있다고 공언하고 있는 @inertia.

이 죽창들의 어둠의 파워의 근원이
@misterdelegation 에게서 부여받은 막대한 스팀파워이고,

스팀인들은 내쫓는 죽창들에게 스팀파워 무상 임대를 중지하라고 촉구
Stop delegating to the following Enemies of Steem, the worst Abuser to Steem.
하고 있는 와중에,

새로 심하게 다운보팅 학살을 시작한 자를 보니,
바로 스팀잇 회사 근무자 임을 스스로 공언해 놓고 있다.


Oh, @inertia, you stupid bamboo-spearing man-slaughterer, Contents-Nazi, Contents-Facsist is ? was ? working in Steemit Inc.

Thank you for this information and also down-voting the following comment of mine.


Congratulations to your joining the Worst Enemies of Steem Club.



kr 에서 일부 자뻑 정의감 인민재판 죽창들에게 항쟁하면서 시작된
자유 스팀을 위한 전쟁이
드디어, 최종 전쟁, 아마겟돈의 단계로 접어 들고 있는 느낌.

가즈아, 자유 스팀 !!
축출하자, 자뻑 정의감 공산 죽창들 !!


Click this part below to see the on-Stemm p2p advertisement page, and this writing will be rewarded more and longer than 7 days by the advertisement.
7일 지나서도 보상하고 싶다면, 아래 광고부분 클릭해주시면 됩니다.

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@SelfVoteJustice campaign writings related.


[SelfVoteJustice : Why ]

My Mission is to make Steem a PEACEful world..
2018.06.30.Sat.07:30(utc+9), @SelfVoteJustice

Why is Self-Voting Justice and good to Steem ? (v.1 part 1 : fair for investment and labors )
( https://steemit.com/steem/@selfvotejustice/why-is-self-voting-justice-and-good-to-steem-v-1-part-1 )
2018.07.04.Wed.16:40 (CST), July4th, Independence Day by @SelfVoteJustice (wrote in utc+9 zone)

Why is Self-Voting Justice and good to Steem ? (v.1 part 2 : Two realities - selfish human and anonymous Steem )
( https://steemit.com/steem/@selfvotejustice/why-is-self-voting-justice-and-good-to-steem-v-1-part-2-two-realities-selfish-human-and-anonymous-steem )
2018.07.11.Wed.03:49 (utc+9), @SelfVoteJustice

Why is Self-Voting Justice and good to Steem ? (v.1 part 3 : Good even for the poor )
( https://steemit.com/steem/@selfvotejustice/why-is-self-voting-justice-and-good-to-steem-v-1-part-3-good-even-for-the-poor )
2018.07.21.Sat.06:41 (utc+9), @SelfVoteJustice


[SelfVoteJustice : WhatToDo ]

Self-Vote-Justice campaign - what to do ? (v.1 part 1 : Just Do it ! )
2018.07.07.Sat.21:30 (utc+9), @SelfVoteJustice

Self-Vote-Justice campaign - what to do ? (v.1 part 2 : Dot Writing. )
( https://steemit.com/steem/@selfvotejustice/self-vote-justice-campaign-what-to-do-v-1-part-2 )
2018.07.16.Mon.11:19 (utc+9), @SelfVoteJustice

When they go down, we go up !! (Self-Vote-Justice movement, what-to-do, part 3)
( https://steemit.com/steem/@selfvotejustice/when-they-go-down-we-go-up-self-vote-justice-movement-what-to-do-part-3 )
2018.07.18.Wed.05:43 (utc+9), @SelfVoteJustice

Don't worry, be happy ! (about down-voting; what-to-do, v.1 part 4 )
( https://steemit.com/selfvotejustice/@selfvotejustice/don-t-worry-be-happy-about-down-voting )
2018.07.31.Tue.12:45 (utc+9), @SelfVoteJustice

What to do as @SelfVoteJustice supporter when others are downvoted ? (what-to-do, v.1 part 5 )
( https://steemit.com/selfvotejustice/@selfvotejustice/what-to-do-as-selfvotejustice-support-when-others-downvoted-what-to-do-v-1-part-5 )
2018.08.06.Mon.12:47 (utc+9), @SelfVoteJustice


[SelfVoteJustice : HowTo ]

[Self Vote Justice] Dot Writing Farming Field Open 2018.10.03
( https://steemit.com/selfvotejustice/@selfvotejustice/self-vote-justice-dot-writing-farming-field-2018-10-03 )
2018.10.03.Wed, 05:40 (utc+9), Korea Sky Open Day Holiday, by @SelfVoteJustice,

[Self Vote Justice] Dots Writing Farming Field - Evolution 1 of Dot Writing, 2018.10.04.
( https://steemit.com/selfvotejustice/@selfvotejustice/self-vote-justice-dots-writing-farming-field-evolution-of-dot-writing-2018-10-04 )
2018.10.04.Thu, 03:14 (utc+9), by @SelfVoteJustice,


[Self-Vote Justice : Not Abuse ]

[Self-Vote Justice : Not Abuse ] But, Disclosing Anonymity is Abusing.
( https://steemit.com/selfvotejustice/@selfvotejustice/self-vote-justice-not-abuse-but-disclosing-anonymity-is-abusing )
2018.10.07.Sun, 06:58 (utc+9), by @SelfVoteJustice,

[Self Vote Justice : Not Abuse ] Definition of Abusing 1, talk with down-voters.
( https://steemit.com/selfvotejustice/@selfvotejustice/self-vote-justice-not-abuse-definition-of-abusing-talk-with-down-voters )
2018.10.08.Mon, 04:11 (utc+9), by @SelfVoteJustice,

[Self-Vote Justice : Not Abuse ] Definition of Abusing 2, talk with down-voters. (dClick.io Steem Advertise 1st test )
( https://steemit.com/dclick/@selfvotejustice/selfvote-justice-not-abuse-worst-abusing-talk-with-downvoters-dclickio-steem-advertise-1st-test--1538955817670 )
2018.10.08.Mon, 08:31 (utc+9), by @SelfVoteJustice,


[SelfVoteJustice : Witness ]

To Witnesses: Which side to stand for, Variety Liberal Capitalism vs Uniformity Suppresive Communism ?

( https://steemit.com/witness-category/@selfvotejustice/to-witnesses-which-side-to-stand-for-liberal-capitalism-vs-suppresive-commuism )
2018.07.27.Fri.08:12 (utc+9), @SelfVoteJustice

[Self-Vote Justice : Witness ] whom to support, whom to drop. v.0.7, 2018.10.08 (dClick.io on-Steem advertise testing)
( https://steemit.com/dclick/@selfvotejustice/selfvote-justice-witness-whom-to-support-whom-to-drop-v07-20181008-1538992162323 )
2018.10.08.Mon.18:24 (utc+9), @SelfVoteJustice,

@SelfVoteJustice witness classification, whom to support, whom to drop. v.0.2.1 (2018.08.21; revive from @tipU's 1 M SteemPower 100% downvote=$-40 USD)
( https://steemit.com/selfvotejustice/@selfvotejustice/selfvotejustice-witness-classification-whom-to-support-whom-to-drop-v-0-2-1-2018-08-21-revive-from-tipu-s-1-m-steempower-100 )
2018.08.21.Tue.17:07 (utc+9), @SelfVoteJustice, revived from record-high 1 Million SteemPower 100% downvoting at ..

the following got the record-high 1 Million SteemPower 100% downvoting

@SelfVoteJustice witness classification, whom to support, whom to drop. v.0.2
( https://steemit.com/selfvotejustice/@selfvotejustice/31jc8u-selfvotejustice-witness-classification-whom-to-support-whom-to-drop-v-0-2-2018-08-21 )
2018.08.21.Tue.17:07 (utc+9), @SelfVoteJustice,

Talk with Stupid Self-Fucked-Justice Bamboo Spearing Red Guard Supporting witness.
( https://steemit.com/steem/@selfvotejustice/talk-with-stupid-self-fucked-justice-bamboo-spearing-red-guard-supporting-witness )
2018.07.27.Fri.07:35 (utc+9), @SelfVoteJustice


[SelfVoteJustice : Enemies ]

To the stupid who don't understand the variety of people and opinions.
( https://steemit.com/selfvotejustice/@selfvotejustice/to-the-stupid-who-don-t-understand-the-variety-of-people-opinions-and-writings )
2018.09.06.Thu,07:53(utc+9), @SelfVoteJustice.

@SelfVoteJustice : Who bamboo-spears Self-Voting ? v.1 part 1 - robot industry
( https://steemit.com/selfvotejustice/@selfvotejustice/selfvotejustice-who-bamboo-spears-self-voting-v-1-part-1 )
2018.07.30.Mon.07:07 (utc+9), @SelfVoteJustice


[SelfVoteJustice : DownVoters ] List of Content-Nazi Down-Voters or Self-Fucked-Justice People's-Court-Bamboo-Spear Commie Red Guards, 2018.10.04
( https://steemit.com/selfvotejustice/@selfvotejustice/self-vote-justice-list-of-content-nazi-down-voters-or-self-fucked-justice-people-s-court-bamboo-spear-commie-red-guards-2018-10 )
2018.10.04.Thu, 03:40 (utc+9), by @SelfVoteJustice,

List of stupid self-fucked-justice people's-court-bamboo-spearing Red Guards or content-Nazis, content-Fascists who expel humans from Steem
( https://steemit.com/selfvotejustice/@selfvotejustice/list-of-stupid-self-fucked-justice-people-s-court-bamboo-spearing-red-guards-or-content-nazis-content-fascists-who-expel-humans )
2018.09.06.Thu,08:02(utc+9), @SelfVoteJustice.


@adm is man-slaughter terminator robot killing human accounts in Steem.
( https://steemit.com/selfvotejustice/@selfvotejustice/adm-is-man-slaughter-terminator-robot-killing-human-accounts-in-steem )
2018.09.06.Thu,08:02(utc+9), @SelfVoteJustice.

Asking opinions on @mack-bot's down-voting @traveltrips and @gameguy cases.
( https://steemit.com/selfvotejustice/@selfvotejustice/asking-opinions-on-mack-bot-s-down-voting-traveltrips-and-gameguy-cases )
2017.09.14.Fri, 06:23 (utc+9), @SelfVoteJustice

Confused. Stupid @changyoon=@topping for or against @SelfVoteJustice campaign ? (v.2 : revive & upgrade)
( https://steemit.com/selfvotejustice/@selfvotejustice/2nur9z-confused-stupid-changyoon-topping-for-or-against-selfvotejustice-campaign-v-2-revive-and-upgrade )
2018.08.06.Mon.13:09 (utc+9), @SelfVoteJustice, revived and upgraded from downvoting slaughter of the original..


[SelfVoteJustice : Victims]

Another victim left Steem by the people's-court-bamboo-spearing Red Guard or the content-Nazi or Facist.
( https://steemit.com/selfvotejustice/@selfvotejustice/another-victim-left-steem-by-the-people-s-court-bamboo-spearing-red-guard-or-the-content-nazi-or-facist )
2018.09.04.Tue,08:51(utc+9), @SelfVoteJustice.


[SelfVoteJustice: WarTools]

War Announcement v.2 (revived; for the Freedom of Speech, Right to be Shown.)
( https://steemit.com/steem/@selfvotejustice/war-announcement-v-2-revived-for-the-freedom-of-speech-right-to-be-shown )
2018.07.28.Sat.08:45 (utc+9), @SelfVoteJustice

[War Announce, 전쟁선언문] v.3.1
( https://steemit.com/selfvotejustice/@selfvotejustice/war-announce-sample-head-for-copy-and-paste )
2018.08.09.Thu.07:51 (utc+9), @SelfVoteJustice,

[War Announce, 전쟁선언문] v.4 (@tipU talk included; revived from downvote-hide )
( https://steemit.com/selfvotejustice/@selfvotejustice/war-announce-v-4-tipu-talk-included-revived-from-downvote-hide )
2018.08.14.Tue.02:31 (utc+9), @SelfVoteJustice, revived from downvote-hide of the original

[War Announce, 전쟁선언문] v.4.1 (@tipU talk included; revived from downvote-hide )
( https://steemit.com/selfvotejustice/@selfvotejustice/7yrcgs-war-announce-v-4-1-tipu-talk-included-revived-from-downvote-hide )
2018.08.14.Tue.02:31 (utc+9), @SelfVoteJustice, revived from downvote-hide of ..


[Self Vote Justice] Dot Writing Farming Field Open 2018.10.03
( https://steemit.com/selfvotejustice/@selfvotejustice/self-vote-justice-dot-writing-farming-field-2018-10-03 )
2018.10.03.Wed, 05:40 (utc+9), Korea Sky Open Day Holiday, by @SelfVoteJustice,

[Self Vote Justice] Dots Writing Farming Field - Evolution 1 of Dot Writing, 2018.10.04.
( https://steemit.com/selfvotejustice/@selfvotejustice/self-vote-justice-dots-writing-farming-field-evolution-of-dot-writing-2018-10-04 )
2018.10.04.Thu, 03:14 (utc+9), by @SelfVoteJustice,

[Self Vote Justice] Digit-Writing Farming Field - Evolution 2 of Dot Writing, 2018.10.05.
( https://steemit.com/selfvotejustice/@selfvotejustice/self-vote-justice-digit-writing-farming-field-evolution-2-of-dot-writing-2018-10-05 )
2018.10.05.Fri, 06:53 (utc+9), by @SelfVoteJustice,

[Self Vote Justice : Free Steem War ] Why War, Not Peace ?
( https://steemit.com/witness-category/@selfvotejustice/self-vote-justice-free-steem-war-why-war-not-peace )
2018.10.06.Sat, 06:41 (utc+9), by @SelfVoteJustice,


[@SelfVoteJustice : HF20] Timing for Self-Vote? Not before 15 minutes later.
( https://steemit.com/dclick/@selfvotejustice/selfvotejustice-hf20-timing-for-selfvote-not-before-15-minutes-later--1540112319210 )
2018.10.21.Sun.17:53 (utc+9), by @SelfVoteJustice,


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이 글은 스팀 기반 광고 플랫폼
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Looks simple and cool!

Thank you @gnyumen for your visit and comment.

멋지네요. ㅎㅎ 선생님 덕분에 잘 된 것 같습니다. ㅎㅎ

우리 모두의 힘이지요.
스팀인들의 힘을 확인하는 계기라고 생각됩니다.

홧띵 입니다.

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