Who killed Jesus?
Today‘s Christians must be able to answer to the question “Who killed Jesus, and why?” But more importantly, we must be able to provide a solid answer to the question “How can the Son of God, conceived by the Holy Spirit, possibly die?” This is because even though we humans are conceived by the seed of the flesh and born in mortal bodies, Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit without the seed of the flesh, therefore, cannot die and must not die, due to immortal life. However, the Apostles’ Creed states that Jesus died on the cross and was buried, that his dead body was raised again on the three days.
We must die because of our body of sin, and after death, our body must resurrect in order to live an eternal life. Nevertheless, it says that Jesus also died as sinners, and his body was buried in the tomb and resurrected in three days later. Then what makes Jesus different from our humans? Knowing this, can we say that Jesus is the Son of God and who is different from us? I think that today’s Christians must first know and address this fundamental issue.
Jesus is the Son of God, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit that came to this world as Savior in order to save the dying souls in sin. Who dared to kill the Son of God Almighty? To the question “Who killed Jesus”, today's Christians say without hesitation that Pontius Pilate was the one that killed Jesus. That is because the Apostles’ Creed or pastors say that Pontius Pilate was the one that killed Jesus. However, the Bible is recorded that the Jews killed Jesus, not Pilate.
Does that mean today's Christians believe in the Apostles’ Creed and the Pastors over the infallible Word of God? Not believing or denying the Word of God written in the Bible is not believing and denying God himself. Can today's Christians truly say that they believe in the one God and that they are his people and his children? In any event, Jesus came to this world to save the people of God and was nailed to the cross only after three and a half years of salvation work at the young age of 34.Jesus did not die of injustice or disease or of suicide, but die of the act of some beings. I think that Christians who believe in Jesus as savior should properly know who killed Jesus and why. Today's Christians simply believe that Pontius Pilates is the one that crucified Jesus. That is because Christian’s profess faith through the Apostles’ Creed, which states that Jesus suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified and died. However, the Bible is recorded that those who tortured and crucified in order kill Jesus was in fact the people of God, the Jews and their priests, not Pontius Pilates.
That is because in Matthew 26, Pilates continually tries to save Jesus after he realizes that Jesus had not committed sin, while the Jews and their priests frantically try to find fault with Jesus and kill him once and for all. But because of the Apostle’ creed, an innocent Pilates is still blamed for crime even after 2000 years. Those who most accurately know the situation and circumstances of Jesus’ crucifixion are the apostles who were with him at the time.
The fact that the apostles wrote Pilates, who was trying to save Jesus, killed Jesus in the creed and that they confessed their faith through it is completely unreasonable. If so, who recorded the Apostle’s creed and when? Today's Christians must know the roots of the Apostles’ Creed. The Apostles’ Creed began for the first time in the catholic church of the Early Church. Since then, church members professed their faith through the Apostles’ Creed, and the Apostles’ Creed was mainly used during baptism. However, even until today, no positive ground or evidence has been found indicating that the Apostles’ Creed is in fact the Apostles’ profession of faith.
It has been reported that the Apostles’ Creed originates from excerpts of a document written by Ambrose and Rufinus in the end of the 4th century. In this document, the Apostles’ Creed is in twelve clauses, and it is introduced as written by the twelve Apostles of Jesus. It is said that the creed was the essence of faith professed by Jesus’ disciples’ one clause at a time, after receiving the Holy Spirit, before leaving to go to preach the gospel. Based on these documents, the Apostles creed has been handed down intactly the early church to the middle ages, however it’s authentically has been questioned by modern day scholars. Nevertheless, the Apostles’ Creed has been used for centuries in the Christian community even until today. However, the Apostles’ Creed was arranged and started to be used as its present from by Firminaus in beginning of the 8th century. The rearranged Apostles’ Creed was used entirely in the early Middle Ages by the Catholic Church during baptism, and in the 9th century, it was generalized as a educational content for new comers. Entering into the 12th century, the Apostles’ Creed became the official creed of the Church. The translated Apostles’ Creed used in Korean Churches slightly differ in context and content, depending on whether it is used in the Catholic Church, Anglican Church, or the Protestant Church.
The Apostles’ Creed has been preserved by the Christians even till today for its legitimacy and historical background. Thus, the Apostles’ Creed was not a confession of faith written by the disciples, but excerpts from documents written by Lupinus and Ambrosius in the late 4th century, which people believe and use the Creed which has been used since then as the Apostles’ professions. The problem is that the content of the Apostles’ Creed is different from what is written in the Bible.
In the Bible, it is recorded that the person who killed Jesus is not Pontius Pilate, but are the people of God, the Jews and their priests. The false Apostles’ Creed is making Pilate as well as the apostles guilty sinners, and is making today's Christians commit perjury. Therefore, through the Bible, today's Christians must be able to discern who really crucified Jesus. Now, lets find out those who really crucified Jesus through the Bible.
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