Hillary Clinton's Pedophile past True Story

in #dc8 years ago (edited)

I took an oath to keep your information confidential and I will. If you are still out there and alive I hope you reach out. I left an important part of the story out, on purpose to identify you, should you reach out.
In 2012 I was working on a locked Mental/Behavioral health unit in Upstate NY. A young woman was brought in by local-PD with a bizarre story. The police had picked her up from the FBI, who didn't want anything to do with her. I seems the FBI had actually picked her up from Homeland security earlier, at the US Canada border. The woman was trying to enter Canada, she was asking for political asylum. The woman claimed that she had been part of a child sex slave enterprise in DC. and that the people she was running from were high up in government and had assassins after her.
Her claims were bizarre and fantastic, crazy even.
My unit took this patient, and over the course of 2 or 3 months the Psychiatrists took her to court three times for treatment over objection. That's where they can force you to take anti-psychotic drugs, even if you're not "acting out", it takes a lot to get a shot. She never raised her voice, her behavior was just normal, but the story was outrageous!
The woman was well educated, with a Masters degree in sociology very active in the LGBT movement out west, then nothing for 10 years until she showed up on our radar. (We who shall remain nameless, did an Extensive background check) She claimed to have been in hiding, I guess she did a good job, she left no trace of her life for about 10 years post college and nothing at all before college. It was like she just showed up on earth for college, and later for my unit.
This woman claimed that she was sold to the child sex slave trade at the age of 5 by her grandfather. She was then given to Hillary Clinton as a toy. The woman claimed HRC tortured and raped her for months, until she got bored and passed to another DC pedophile.
The entire time she was with us on the unit, she was trying to make phone calls to anyone who could help her escape the killers she was sure were coming for her, but to use the phone you needed to have quarters. Yes, we had 2 payphones on the unit, and if you didn't have quarters, well you were shit out of luck. I collected quarters from my friends and neighbors for the patients that were too poor or had no family to give them quarters.
On the eve of her 3rd court date for treatment over objection, so far 2 attempts to forcefully medicate her had failed. The judge wanted more proof that she was indeed a danger to herself or others, necessitating monthly injections. Monthly injections are for non-compliant patients, and she was supremely non-compliant.
The woman was running low on quarters, and my unit manager threatened to write anyone up who gave her quarters. I had just returned from the bank with a couple of rolls of quarters. She was on the phone with the UN and I heard her say, "Please I'm almost out of quarters will you just take the number and call me back" I slipped her a roll and told her to finish her call. Yup got my ass chewed out. Staff were furious with me for feeding her "delusion". I got a 4 day unpaid vacation, (it was glorious) but I missed her court date.
When I returned to the unit most of the staff were giving me dirty looks, except the cleaning lady, truly a gift to the unit. She took me aside and gave me the details of the court fiasco.
The judge found in the woman's favor and ordered the hospital to release her immediately.
I don't know why I believed her, there was one other RN who believed her too, and maybe someone from the UN. I never saw her again, I don't know what happened to her, or where she went. It's been almost 5 years. Maybe she reads this someday and I find out she's alive. I feel like we failed her, didn't keep her safe. You could argue it was our job to make her sane not safe, but really we fucked up. And, she left there further traumatized.
There were others after her, survivors of the child-sex pedo rings, mostly African. They're in the mental health system now, in and out, no real support.


Thanks for sharing this story. It's unfortunate that people won't believe this. This has been happening a long time. What's worse, is that the authorities fail to help.I believe many of them are aware of what is going on, but are afraid of being ostracized.

Thanks, I appreciate you taking the time to read it.

Thank you for sharing this.

Times have changed. If she came into your Unit today, you'd immediately know what was going on and help her more. You didn't know. None of us knew it was so widespread or involved the Clintons. We all just thought Bill was a sick rapist horndog - of adult women.

Thank you, I never stopped thinking about her, and the others. I've been in constant battle with myself over her right to privacy and my oath to keep patient confidentiality. That's why I was purposefully vague with some details.

You did what you could do.
“Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase.”
― Martin Luther King, Jr.

Maria I have resteemed it for you but suggest you make the headline clearer to get more people to read it. Eg True story: Hillary is a pedo

Changed the title, what do you think?

Much clearer! :)

Thank you I hope she sees it

Typical story. The only fallacy is that there wasn't really any hitmen after her. If that was the intended ending, it would have been done and she would never have been released from one govern-cement unit to another.

But, she has every right to be in fear for her life.

The trouble is, there is no govern-cement to turn to. The UN is an even bigger group of pedos, power brokers and money sucking leaches than the govern-cement she escaped from.

And now, the typical handling is to "finish your pizza" then the bodies get cremated.

I sincerely hope there were no real hit-men, for her sake. And, now that I think about it I worry that the UN was a set up. I know she talked to them because they called the desk looking for her and left the number. I hope she didn't walk into a pile of UN shit. The world has changed.

The world has been messed up for a while; in the 80's it was the Franklin cover up, White House call boy scandal, Presidio day care... all documented, all hushed up to protect the elites and their proclivities.

Resteemed, upvoted and following. Thank you for sharing this story with the Steemit community.

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