
I'm not sad about not having seen 4 feet of snow though!
The deer in the wild, yeah, I'd like to see that :)

4 feet of fresh snow... it's ton's of fun!

Random story from January 2000: It started snowing heavily in the middle of the night, I pinged the kid from a few houses up the road on ICQ to meet outside and enjoy the fun. After a short while we decide to warm up and hopped into his car parked in the driveway. We hot-boxed in there for a while. Stoner time is a bit distorted, but we couldn't have been in there all too long. When we wanted to get back out, the doors just wouldn't open. Unbeknown to us the snow had intensified like crazy, so much, that the doors were blocked from outside. We had to roll down the windows and literally punch our way out through the snow!

Certainly one of the most memorable nights of my life. Digging through waist high snow-dunes high as a kite... no, not the dunes... me! Officially it was apparently "only" like 2 feet of snow, but adding some wind it was plenty enough to bury cars entirely.

and that's what 2 feet of snow look like:

so now you've seen that for yourself, too!

Hahaha, great story! I can picture it, you guys high, fighting your way out of the car :) hehe


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