Loki's Intro for Dawn Fundseeking

l0k1, aka elfspice, aka Loki Verloren, aka David Vennik
I am not concerned to confess some of the more difficult bits of my personal history, because they are all over and done with and the experience was so difficult that it is not repeatable. I am putting this at the beginning because before you go any further, I need to disclose the fact that a great deal of my experience and skills was derived in activities that are designated forbidden in many jurisdictions (but not all, nor by all within those jurisdictions).
I prefer to go by the name Loki, and indeed I legally changed my name with the birth registry and it's my legal name in Australia. I chose this name because I aspire towards being a disruptor, specifically, through the means of innovation in technology.
My primary employment positions over the years have been, in descending order of frequency, computer technician, administrative cleric, graphic designer and database administrator/data entry operator.
In my clandestine activities, I have been a researcher and experimenter specifically focusing on both production of and the utilisation of mainly psychedelic compounds and stimulants, which have both caused me problems as well as leading to the inspirations from which my current position in designing an elastic peer to peer network architecture is one of the primary products.
I also, in part inspired by the foregoing, developed many novel theories of physics and evolutionary biology, of which the key concepts behind my Dawn Network architecture specification are derived. I have been a voracious student of everything that has caught my attention, of which in many cases has been because of onerous burdens that have been imposed upon my productive process by uninvolved interdictors.
My cognitive abilities are top 1% outliers, at the end of my time in primary school, tests revealed this, and up until the very last year of my schooling, I was a top student in mathematics, physics, chemistry and information technology with A results through many years in these subjects, and to a lesser degree, B's, in arts - music, visual arts and theatre.
Through the process of my growing up with these disadvantageous advantages in my ability to learn, I also acquired a very strong interest in psychology, sociology, philosophy, law and economics. The latter two areas I did a lot of work studying in during the period about 2007 to 2013, and they are relevant because they feed into the architectural designs that I have conceived for the Dawn Network.
My views in these two areas, in particular, are unconventional, because I believe the mainstream is wrong and this is the reason for me wanting to build the Dawn Network - to demonstrate to the world at large that a major change is required in order for the demanded changes that politicians and big business continue to promise but never deliver, to be in fact realised.
What I bring to Dawn
Because my competencies are broad rather than deep, except in the area of the study of study of Systems, I have the ability to work with more specialised workers as well as helping define a clear development process, as I understand sufficient of these specialisations to be able to hear what they are saying, and translate this into a form that can help both management and peers horizontally in a group, I am in part therefore an intermediary as well as originator of ideas.
My skills in computer programming are good, on the level of theory, but less so in the coordination of the many different parts, though when I do produce code, I tend to be meticulous as regards to correctness and resilience for the many conditions that must be judged by the code in order to produce the result. Thus I would suppose that I would be quite good for ensuring that code produced is correct, I am very persistent and enjoy engaging in the often difficult process of debugging, which is also why I am so interested in proper construction of algorithms.
Besides all these things, I am the one who has developed the architecture design that links together many disparate elements and brings coherence to what many others in the industry are working on right at the moment, as well as, because of my breadth of understanding, I can very quickly discern the strengths and flaws of their architecture, which in most cases, are not founded on rigorous adherence to economic laws, leave out important parts and ignore important stakeholders, and in this respect it is my opinion that this is why the hierarchy of market capitalisation in the various cryptocurrencies is as they are. Thus I believe I can present the criteria that justify the reasons for every element of my architectural designs.
People who are brave enough to do a pre-emptive strike upon the myopic state get my support! However, I shall need to re-read this a couple of times in order to be able to produce a decent precis! Thank you my brave friend! Namaste.
Sure, I wasn't precisely sure what to cover, but I wanted to be thorough while remaining broad. Edit it as you want to condense it for your purposes :)
This looks clean and very professional @l0k1! IMPRESSED :)
My buddy ed thought it needed some cleanup. Well, he is targeting corporate clients... This whole thing is so goddamned complicated... it takes time to fully process how to go with it.
Just make sure your not shorn of all your Steemit anarchistic ways ;) Good luck!
if they didn't get me into line at the age of 41, i think they never can. i'm a rogue.
I've heard the age limit for that is 30, so like me at 46, your f- mate!
ah but i'm still alive and kicking!... hard.
Be a long time before you and me kick our air addictions @l0k1 - hardened old Steemians that we are! - ain't nothing we ain't seen on this platform!!
well, i'm fairly sick of the huckster brigade, personally. but there is many ways to skin kitties. the idea makes me pretty upset though (i don't wanna skin no kitty)
mycket bra inläg jag tycker thanks