Ben and Jerry's has totally lost all credibility.
"...rooted in and results from..."
There is zero evidence or hard data to support this premise of causation. It is an assumption, an opinion, nothing more. You are expected to accept this assumption without questioning it.
If you question this assumption, you run the risk being labeled a racist, so people are pressured by fear, guilt, shame and social ostracization to accept it and assume it is true without questioning or evidence. Premise #1.
"This system can't be reformed." Premise #2
Now that you have accepted Premise #1, without any hard data supporting it, it follows naturally that the system is pathologically corrupt and is in need of significant reform.
Premise #2. Is that it can't be reformed. Again no attempt is made, nor exists, to justify this. Also missing is what "dismantling" the justice system actually means.
Also missing is what the consequences of dismantling it would be. What the new and improved system would look like. How it would function, any supporting evidence to lead someone to rationally conclude that it would be an improvement over what we have now. Nor the potential unforeseen consequences of the new system that could actually make things worse, which happens a lot whenever we make sweeping wholesale changes based on feels.
This statement is nothing but assumptions and emotionally charged feel good proclamations. It's textbook example of virtue signalling. A self-serving lashing out, at a tragic event, in order to make the virtue signaller look and feel more virtuous.
It's nothing more than emotional reasoning and a childish, narcissistic "LOOK AT ME!!!"
If this tweet were a new Ben and Jerry's ice cream flavor, the ingredients would be:
Rotten meat, Rhinestones and French Perfume.