My friend @paradise-found nominated me for The Daughter Challenge started by his wife, @wrladyhawk. Of course, I'm a sucker for challenges, especially challenges that aren't even really challenges! You mean I get to showcase the people I love? This isn't hard at all! Thanks for the opportunity!
At first I thought I'd have to choose just one daughter, thereby playing favorites, as the original post says daughter, not plural, but @paradise-found said I could make a post about all of them! Phew, that's a relief! I really wouldn't have known who to pick! 😅 I took this selfie of us today.
There we are together! Me and my four girls! From youngest to oldest we have 3 year old Sophia, 5 year old Priscilla, 7 year old Chloe, and 8 (almost 9) year old Naomi. I'll write a bit about each one, going from youngest to oldest.
Sophia's my last child, and maybe that's why she is the most well behaved 3 year old I've ever had. Yes, she has her moments like everyone her age, but I've learned over the years to practice the idea that you catch more flies with honey. I used to always be strict and irritable toward the children, and it just caused and compounded rebellion. It took until my last child to master using the right tone of voice when asking her to do something, the art of distraction when she's having a breakdown, and learning to choose my battles. She's a joy and to be honest I would be happy if she stayed this age forever. ❤
She's so much fun, and is always moving! She absolutely loves music! She dances and sings all the time, and her ability to memorize a song is pretty impressive. For instance all the songs from Moana. She is a cuddler and loves "huggles." 😍
Out of all the kids, I have the most confidence that Chloe will keep a clean environment when she grows up. I have never known such a thing as a child begging to do the dishes, but she will. The other day she wanted to help me clean, and after a while I suggested we take a break. "No mommy, I want to keep cleaning!" This is very strange to me lol. A true fashionista, she loves accessories, especially her purses. Where else would she put her Shopkins? 😘
If I was to describe Naomi in one word, the word would be real. She tells us everything, and isn't afraid to tell us when she does something wrong. I hope this never goes away. Another way she's real is that I believe she's truly incapable of hiding the way she feels, as she expresses raw emotion to the full extent, both good and bad, elation, joy, sadness, anger... and we think she's starting to go through puberty already. I'm scared. Oh, and she likes crafts. 😂
Today I nominate awesome father of daughters and #thealliance founder @enginewitty, the amazing mama @arrliinn, and @allforthegood. (I see you're here, as you just upvoted me! Want to try the challenge? Hope all is well!❤) I'll also just open this up to anyone who wants to do this. If you want to make a post, make a post!
My word you've had a busy time giving birth every two years!!! I'm glad you can reap the rewards now and enjoy all the fun and love and laughter they all bring to you. 💖
Love the selfie with all your daughters. What a happy looking group! It looks and sounds like you are doing an amazing job of raising them to be productive and happy adults.
Things remain pretty much the same. Men in black uniforms with large guns all over the country. Supplies are still short and the costs of buying food keeps on going up. People are still dying in the streets and the kids don't go to school. I will have a post about my encounter with the health system here coming out shortly.
Thank you very much @smithlabs! Oh my, I already can't wait to have grandchildren haha! I have a looooong way to go though. How many grandchildren do you have?
My word you've had a busy time giving birth every two years!!! I'm glad you can reap the rewards now and enjoy all the fun and love and laughter they all bring to you. 💖
Yes, I feel as if I spent the majority of the last 10 years pregnant and barefoot. 😂 I'm glad you stopped by @livinguktaiwan!
Thanks @snowpea for the nomination... <3 you have very wonderful daughters! xoxo
Thanks for joining in! Looking forward to seeing yours! :)
I see 5 daughters and NO mother. At least one that looks old enough to be one :)
Aw, thanks @robertandrew! You always know exactly what to say! 😀
Love the selfie with all your daughters. What a happy looking group! It looks and sounds like you are doing an amazing job of raising them to be productive and happy adults.
I'm so glad you liked it!
This is my ultimate hope. :)
How are things going for you and your family? Is the situation improving?
Things remain pretty much the same. Men in black uniforms with large guns all over the country. Supplies are still short and the costs of buying food keeps on going up. People are still dying in the streets and the kids don't go to school. I will have a post about my encounter with the health system here coming out shortly.
That sounds so scary! I'll be on the lookout for your post.
Competition over. I declare you the winner, everyone else should simply pause and admire your lovely daughters.
They're a joy to watch. May they be a profound source of happiness to you guys
Yay, I won!!! So what's my prize? Lol this is very sweet of you to say @empress-eremmy!
Lovely girls, you have the right to be very proud!
Chloe reminds me of my Daughter at that age, always drawing!
Enjoy them, and this time, it is gone too soon. But it is replaced by better things (grandchildren, LOL), so it is all good.
Stay blessed!
Thank you very much @smithlabs! Oh my, I already can't wait to have grandchildren haha! I have a looooong way to go though. How many grandchildren do you have?
I have one, he will be 1 year old, in a week.
He has an adoring public, LOL!
Aww, he's so adorable! What a cute little button!! You must be very proud. :)
He is really special, LOL, of course I'm not biased!
Daughters are the blessings and one can understand the love by having one...good to meet cute4...👌👍👌👍👌
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Very true! You have daughters too? How many?