Online Dating Profile Do's and Don'tssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #dating7 years ago


This is an article I recently read, found it quite interesting and went on to recommend it to a friend.
His response was a favorable one just like mine... so as I recommended to him, I recommend it to you... Enjoy :)

Recently many individuals in my divorce programs are waiting patiently to meet the man or woman of their dreams, but it just isn't happening. Can you relate?

In truth, there are a few simple things you must do in order to attract the love of your life and this starts
with knowing what you want, writing a good profile, date preparation, creating a strategy to make it
happen and then taking the necessary action.

We should put in the same effort and strategy to dating as we would our career. Don't you think it is strange that to find the ideal job we often go to great lengths? Starting with the education, qualifications,
and certifications we complete and goal setting and then the consistent action we take to make it happen.

Many don't stop until they get what they want and are willing to move thousands of miles away from home. Yet for our ideal mate, we often don't put in any effort and just hope that one day we will bump into Mr or Mrs. Right.

Or give up at the first hurdle. And after one bad experience, we give up at the first hurdle. It would be insane to attract the job, car, house, holiday, family, you want by just wishing and waiting, so why do we do this for relationships?
We all deserve to be in a loving, passionate and rewarding relationship.

Online dating is an area I see many struggles with. Did you know that today 1 in 6 marriages meets online and that 1 in 3 couples now find love on the internet? In this fast-paced social media-dependent world we live in, we now rely on the internet for so many things, so it seems logical to use it in our quest for our ideal match.

The most important part of online dating is getting your profile right. Get it wrong and you will be overlooked or worse hounded by weirdos. Here is a list of online profile do's and don'ts.

Online Dating Profile Do's and Don'ts

Do - Spend at least 80% of your profile about yourself. Not what you want in a partner, or don't want, people want to read about you to make their decision to date you or not.

Do - Be Safe - Never give any personal information and contact details on the profile, play safe.

Do - List Sociable Hobbies: People have to imagine how they could fit into your life, so describing yourself as an internet surfer, a keen reader, may make them feel like they won't be able to join in or see you. If you do love reading and books are a big part of your life, then consider writing something like "I love to read about x and discussing it, reviewing it and sharing views on... " etc. It is advisable is to list activities where others can join in with you.

Do - Show Passion. People are attracted to passionate people, the truth is it often doesn't matter what you are passionate about if you show in your profile and when you date your passionate about something it is endearing and compelling.

Do - Stay Positive. Avoid negative comments and always be positive about yourself. This is your chance to entice the reader to say yes to start chatting with you, so why wouldn't you want them to read anything other than positive.

Do - Make them Smile. The main purpose of your online profile should so make someone smile or laugh, it's a great icebreaker and can get your talking off to a great start. Show you have a sense of humor and that you don't take yourself or life too seriously. This is definitely an excellent way to attract more potential dates.

Do- Elaborate and Give Examples. Many profiles say that they love traveling but don't explain. Use this as an opportunity to share more about you, for example, say what type of traveling you like, city breaks, beach holidays, adventure treks, list your favorite trip and why. The more detail you give the more you draw in the reader, as opposed to writing a long list of one-word likes.

Do - Take Your Time to write it. Take your time to edit and rewrite your profile until you are happy with it. An online profile is your dating CV. If you were applying for a new job, you would take time to ensure it was good enough.
You may also get an expert to review it and then make changes incorporating their comments, so be sure to take time to perfect your profile or get some support.

Do - Ask Friends. Sometimes our friends know us better than we know ourselves. Get your friends to help you write a good profile and check it represents the real you.

Don't - Use text speak, Have Spelling or Grammar mistakes. Many people find poor grammar, spelling mistakes off-putting. Trust me I know how easy it is to make common mistakes, so re-read it or get it checked.

Don't - State the obvious or use clichés - for example, "I want a kind-hearted man/woman" Think who doesn't want to meet a kind-hearted person, especially on an online dating site! Similarly, avoid clichés like "I like walking along the beach... " " I like romantic dinners" It's too much of a cliché everyone says that.

Don't - Be Dishonest. Lying doesn't get you anywhere in life especially in the dating world. Honesty is always the best policy, this applies to your profile and details you give when dating.

Don't - Write your Whole Life Story. You wouldn't tell your whole life story when you introduce yourself on a date (at least I hope you wouldn't) similarly a chronological or long profile about you could turn your potential partner off. Keep it short, interesting and sweet.

Profile Picture

You need 3 to 4 good ones ideally. Dating experts and online dating agencies all say that your picture is the most important part of your profile, so you should definitely ensure they show you in your best light.

Here are some musts for your profile picture

Smile - laughing with your mouth half open or moody pouts are not attractive.

Be the focus - don't choose a picture of other people, cars, pets, your children etc.

No Selfies! Self-taken pictures are a disaster - they scream tacky - avoid this at all costs.

Ensure you have a picture, many people will refuse to chat to you without a picture.

Ensure your photo is recent and portrays the real you.

In summary, take your time and choose your image and words wisely.

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10 Simple Steps You Can Take Now to Create a New Life after Divorce OR
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Nicola Beer - International Relationship and Divorce Coach
[email protected]
Article Source: Nicola Jane Beer
Article Source:

By Nicola Jane Beer

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