Tapmydata: Decentralized blockchain solutions that reward data owners

in #data4 years ago (edited)


At this present time: data of any sort can at the same time be both extraordinarily helpful and damaging. For instance, an email address, can be an incredible model. At the point when you give your address to an organization for future communications, while it's conceivable numerous organization who gather your email will send you special promotional, you agree to this and realize it will occur.

Yet, when an organization gets your email address without your consent, the worries become more strong. The gathering included never gave you the choice to dodge communications and mined your data without your express consent or data.

The situation is much more terrible on account of more delicate data, for example, your telephone number, your place of residence, family data or even your Social Security number or other individual identifiers.

The risk isn't generally on the grounds that an organization has shrouded thought processes, by the same token. Numerous portable apps and examination apparatuses, for example, can do things like track the time you spend at work, improve your productivity and execution and help you settle on better choices.

These apps and ecosystem aren't an issue, however the weakness of the data they gather is. In case of a data penetrate or digital assault, the intrinsic dangers can work out as intended.

How Big Data gets abused

In the present hyper-advanced digital environment, data is important to participate in countless encounters. Shop online by means of retailers like Amazon, and the site tracks your request history and buy data.

At the point when you peruse web-based media, your #1 ecosystem mine your associations and interests for future focused on advancements and promotions. Visit a chain café's site, and it gathers your area data to more readily give neighborhood and important data.

Gigantic stores of data should have a home some place. Organizations will in general send their own data centre or in-house server farms to this end, or they re-appropriate the frameworks and dealing with to an outsider supplier. Regardless, the gathered data gets put away on far off workers frequently not a long way from an open association. It is uncovered, particularly to outside and deceitful gatherings.

In case of an enormous data break, which happens regularly nowadays, that data and data can immediately get bargained. Some of the time the underlying driver is careless security, while different occasions, it's through no shortcoming of the organization that was gathering said data— however they are surely still answerable for it. However, the undermined data is influencing thousands, possibly millions, of individuals.

A widespread data break accompanies numerous results and repercussions. It can prompt data fraud, extortion, notoriety or social harm, and even financial or private matters. The organizations that claimed the data can confront lawful and financial discipline, also.

How would we prevent data misused and not be monetize?

Fortunately, there are as of now a team of developer working to create a solution around data uses and creating benefit for owner of data using a decentralize approach that benefit the ecosystem.
Everybody ought to take a stab at more prominent straightforwardness, better security and insurances, responsibility and fair treatment for present day computerized data and its taking care of.

Tapmydata group offer control of your data, adapt them, choose which you need to share or not with Tapmydata.

With Tapmydata organization, people and associations that makes data are not, at this point absolved from the financial advantage append to their data as they can retake all out control of their data.

How Does Tapmydata Unique solution Works

In opposition to people or an associations losing complete control of their data to BIG TECH, for example, Google, LinkedIn, Amazon, Yahoo and others, Tapmydata with it decentralized productivity gives it clients the stage to have absolute control of their data, utilizing it smart contract blockchain innovation in doing as such. All exchanges on Tapmydata network is fueled by a token called TAP.

Client gives the data they wish to save money on the Tapmydata network and the data is encoded on the organization utilizing the immutable security measure with the client alone approaching the data by utilizing the unscrambling code shipped off them and by thus, can decide to share, adapt or pulverize such data freely.

What is Tapmydata ?
Decentralized Finance incorporates digital asset, protocols, smart contract, and dapps based on a blockchain.

Consider DeFi as an open financial ecosystem where you can build different little financial solutions and tools in a decentralized way. Since these are apps based on a specific blockchain, they can be consolidated, modified, and incorporated by your necessities.

DeFi is offering individuals the opportunity to assume absolute responsibility for their own resources. You may imagine that new decentralize financial solution with their imaginative marketing can turn and control to clients. In actuality, you are as yet believing them totally to deal with your assets.

The target of DeFi is to give clients back full control of their resources. Something which has been made totally conceivable by decentralization and blockchain innovation.

Tapmydata is a decentralized stockpiling network that works on a safe shrewd agreement which gives it clients the full control of their data. Tapmydata is additionally and data commercial center where clients can exchange their data dependent on their terms in other to expand financial return without the intercession of an outsider. With Tapmydata, clients decide if to share, adapted on their own terms or decimate data.

What Tapmydata will offer to the crypto ecosystem

To enable data makers with a more dependable approach to store and exchange their data, and furthermore gives a commercial center stage where such data can be adapted. The thought behind Tapmydata convention is to move the financial worth append with produced data in the kindness of data makers instead of the huge private associations.

Objective of Tapmydata.

Data stockpiling: It is a decentralized stockpiling network i.e there is no focal power controlling it and furthermore gives most extreme security to data by scrambling it with an encryption code which just the data maker approaches. Tapmydata measures data at quite an extremely fast.

2.Marketplace: A stage on tapmydata where data purchasers can make enquiry about chance of buying data and data proprietors' arranging terms to sell their data. It is a stage on the tapmydata network where people or associations can have adapted their data.

TAP Token

It controls all exchanges on Tapmydata network. At the point when clients choose to offer data to purchasers, they are paid with the Tap token. It offers an incentive to data saved money on Tapmydata.

Smart Contract

The entire cycle of data accommodation by clients, data being saved money on various stockpiling hubs, data encryption, and unscrambling to purchasers willing is alluded to as smart contract.

Capacity Nodes

Capacity hubs are data saving administrators on the Tapmydata network that saves data gave by clients. Tap tokens are utilized as motivator to save data on Tapmydata. How long data is saved money on capacity hubs is subject to Tap Token Payment either by data maker or data buyer to keep data on Tapmydata network.

Use Case

●Joshua submitted data to the Tapmydata network through the customer programming and a specific gas expense is charged for data accommodation.

●The data is saved money on various stockpiling hubs inside the framework and such data is scrambled i.e made sure about with a secret word and the encryption code is shipped off Joshua who have mentioned to utilize the Tapmydata network in saving such data.
●When there is a purchaser ready to purchase the data a warning is shipped off the data owner(Joshua) with buy subtleties, for example, purchaser's name and sum on offer.

●Joshua can acknowledge such offer or make an acclimation to the proposition to suit his terms.

●An arrangement is reach, Joshua acknowledges the arrangement conditions, Tap tokens get by Joshua and decoding code is shipped off the purchaser.

Note: Data buy can be on rent term for example purchaser can access such data throughout a given timeframe or data buy can be lasting.


With the new activity Tapmydata convention brings to the universe of data stockpiling, this development will illuminate datafarm on a more appropriate and secure approach to save their data utilizing a decentralized stockpiling arrange and have all out power over it, and simultaneously open it clients eye to the financial prizes related with data produced by clients.

Tapmydata helps move the financial worth join with produced data in the kindness of datafarm as opposed to the enormous private associations by permitting datafarm sell their data through it commercial center stage utilizing the TAP token as motivator.

With Tapmydata, we introduce another period of secure and decentralized data stockpiling and trade.

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