Sank in Darkness #Poetry
But still
This grieving zombie
Whom darkness won't let
Attempt to bask
In any form of light
Just incase
I betray the shadows.
Even though my breathing in
Only helps me exist
As this sunken pain won't let me
Try to co-exist
With calm or peace.
Just to make it clear
Even the dead can deny graves
For many a times
I can hear the grim reaper
Calling out
For my tired soul
To embrace the dark as home.
At the heels of the living
Seeking out
Where they draw the will to live
Or to believe.
For my soul to get a gulp of air
Society has me by the throat
Its claws sinking
By every second I choose to breath
Who will come to my aid
I wonder
If my own hand
Sides with them in fighting me.

Wow! Powerful poetry. I could feel the emotion. 😊 💕
It's amazing to see what we hide appreciated by others. Yes? Thank you for your kind words 💜
Well written!💕
Thank you ♡