Quest: Moldred the Lich king (MAIN VALLEY) (part three)

in #darklands6 years ago (edited)

@Happyme and Diamond is jumping in to action happyme ses one of the undead ogers. he aiming carefully and hit it two times. Diamond ses its a dead oger she has no love for ogers in genaral most of them are a holse in her mind. and the dead one are..hmmm dead so not good. she silent run forward swings her axe and cut it down in two swings. this is fun..and arrow hit her armor she turns arund notes she is far away from @happyme and the rest of the colonists. and second oger step out from behind a large rock and going at here but the armor is strong.


@stever82 ses Diamond runng farvard he is going to but he ses one of wolf. his spike club hit true the wolf is no danger anymore two more undead next to him get the same fate. he ses one more wolf on the distanse draw up his crossbow and kills it. David manage to summon a wolf. and @hhayweaver ses a undead archery in the distanse. he hits it two time. gunnar ses it and ends its whit a magic missile.


@mastergerund,Timothy, is ready to strike while @enosh is killing three undeads on the flank two of the outpost guards ses and opening created by @enosh the gets in potison and killing one more undead archery on the flank.


Diamond can see a fortress in the distance between her and the gate its and ocean of undeads.
she is giggling on the sight.

"no snike attack you are all in combat"
you can move maps it take one turn you will ending up in L12
wood gate 50 of 50
Stone wall 100 of 100

Potions take one turn to use you can give it to somebody else and your self but it you are unconscious somebody need to give you one of their oven:

health potion 4 hit points
armor potion 8 armor recovery
berserker potion 5 to hit one turn
greater healing potion 20 hit points and armor
rock potion boosting the armor by 30 two turns

Overview over all Colones and Quest Rules.


@stever82(boar fangs amulet)(bear cub)(moose sausage)(ale) 9
weponds(+6 iron spike club/gem 8 dam)(+4 cross bow 8 dam)
4 hit points (20 of 20 armor)
Spells: Rage (increase hit chance by 5 and damage by 2. one action. damage the armor by 5
D20 touch en be put on your self or and ally)

potions 4 of 4:2 greather healing, 1 health potion, 1 berserk potion

Abilities (barbarian armor set): 4 actions per turn . +2 Charge attack range 5 squares)(Rage spell) +1 potions. (dam from the cub and sausage has been added to the weponds)


@mastergerund(Ring,ale,amulet) 9
weponds(+8 Scimitar (Rogue) 4 dam)(+4 bow 2 dam)
4 hit points (15 of 15 Rogue Armor set)
potions 4 of 4: 1 health potion,1 rock potion. 2 greater healing potion

Abilities (Rogue armor set)+2 movement speed 1-4 on hide (+10 on hide) +1 potions)


Timothy (ale,ring,amulet, ranger helmet) 7
weponds(+8 Hunter bow (Ranger) 4 dam)(+6 heavy spear (short range)(Ranger) 7 dam)
4 hit points (20 of 20 Armor)
potions 3 of 3: 1 health potion, 1 rock potion. 1 greater healing potion
Player tim.png

@enosh(ring.ale,ranger helmet) 8
weapons(+4 sword 2 dam)(+8 Hunter bow (Ranger) 4 dam)
4 hit points (20 of 20 armor)
potions 1 of 3: 1 Greater Healing potion

@Happyme(Ring,Eye of accuracy,ale,Moose sausage) 8
weapons (+7 bow 7 dam)(+5 iron sword 6 dam)
4 hit points (44 of 44 Armor)
potions 3 of 3: 3 Greater Healing potion

hit/damage added to the bow


Diamond(amulet.bone amulet,ale,Moose sausage) 8
weapons(+6 Battle Axe 2-handed (ogre)(10 damage)
20 hit points (16 of 38 Armor)(wounded)
potions 3 of 33 Greater Healing potion

hit/damage added to the axe


@hhayweaver (bear amulet,ale.ranger helmet) 9
weapons(+8 Bow 4 Dam)(+5 heavy spear (short range)(Ranger) 7 dam)
4 hit points (17 of 17 Armor)
potions 3 of 3 1 Armor Potion,1 Health Potions,1 greater healing potion

hit added to the bow


David (ale,ring,spell book) 8
weapons(+5 Cleric Staff 4 Dam)(+4 Bow 4 Dam)
4 hit points (25 of 25 armor)
potions 3 of 3 2 Greater Health Potion, 1 Rock Potion.

Spells: heal (D6 armor and hp and armor, line of sight)
Touch heal (D20 armor and hp next to the target)
summon wolf (D20 summoning up to 3 wolfs to fight for you)


Summon wolf (+12 teeth 3 dam)
8 Hit points
(+2 movement and +2 charge range)


the outpost

soldiers (ale,ring,amulet) 9
weapons (+5 spear 5 dam)(improved iron shield)
4 hit points (24 of 24 armor)


Gunnar (Ring of healing,Amulet,ale) 8
weapons (+7 master long sword 6 dam (Cleric)(Holy shield)
4 hit points (35 of 35 Cleric armor set)
potions 8 of 8 4 Greater Health Potion, 2 berserker potion , 2 Rock potion
Spells: touch heal ,heal, blind,magic missile

ability +2 spells +1 hit +3 potions)



undead 5
weapons (+3 hands 2 dam)
4 hit points
-2 movement speed


undead ogers (ring,amluet) 7
weapons (+6 Battle Axe 2-handed 7 dam)
20 hit points 10 of 10 armor)

undead ogers (ring,amluet,ale) 9
weapons (+6 Battle Axe 2-handed 7 dam)
20 hit points (20 of 20 armor)

location :(fortress map)


undead archery (Ring,Eye of accuracy) 6
weapons (+7 Bow 4 Dam)
4 hit points 10 of 10 armor)

undead archery (Ring,Eye of accuracy,ale) 8
weapons (+5 cross bow 6 Dam)
4 hit points 15 of 15 armor)

location :(fortress map)

Player undeadarcher.png

undead wolf (+12 teeth 3 dam)
8 Hit points
(+2 movement and +2 charge range)

Player wolf.png



I move forward toward F3 to take on the Ogre.

Edit: Hit UnA for 4 dmg, leaves him with only 2 hp remaining.

Seeing the Ogre fill with arrows and drop to the ground as I cautiously approach, my confidence is bolstered and I charge the Undead Archer behind it in F1.


Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 19.

Cursing as my swing goes wide, I attack the Undead Archer again.


Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 9.

Scimitar sinks in with a satisfying thwack and the Undead Archer is now badly wounded.

I can see that there are 5 heavily-armored ogres in the distance. There is no way we can survive an attack by so many at once. I suggest that we try to thin out the sea of undead by attacking only those closest to us in an attempt to lure them away from the others. If we can get just a few undead to chase us then we can turn around and pick them off little by little. Hopefully the other undead don't notice those that are being attacked and stay where they are until we attack them after thinning the hoard.

It is defiantly worth a try. We just need to get someone to move to the next map, attack one undead, and move back, and see what happens.
OOC: @darklands does it take one full turn (all 3 actions) to move between maps or does it take only 1 action to switch maps?

you can move maps it take one turn you will ending up in L12

Hmmm... I always understood it to be one action to move maps.

one action am fixing the texst on the new post..gunnar or one of the guards can go

Happyme moves up to F6 for the first action, then fires arrows at the ogre at F2.

SUMMARY: Both arrows fly true and cause 14/30 damage to the ogre at F2.

action 2, arrow 1: @rolld20

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 2.

The ogre takes 7 damage/30.
Action 3; arrow 2: @rolld20

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 2.

Two good shots for a total of 14/30.

David sees happyme and Diamond take out another ogre and is impressed. He also sees another UND about to attack Diamond so he sends the wolf up to help out.

Update: Killed UND at E4 and B8. Healed Diamond for 2 hp.

Wolf Action 1: Move to F5
Wolf Action 2: Attack UND at E4 @rolld20

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 3.

Wolf Action 3: Attack UND at E4 @rolld20

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 13.

David sees the wolf miss his last attack on the UND and dtakes aim with his bow.
David Action 1: Shoot UND at E4 @rolld20

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 4.

Hit and drops the UND. He then swings around and fires at the UND in B8
David Action 2: Shoot UND at B8 @rolld20

Diamond swings her mighty battle-axe at the now-injured ogre at F2.

Summary: Diamond finishes off the ogre at F2.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 16.

The ogre ducks and Diamond misses. Perhaps she should aim lower?
Diamond swings again. Attack 2: @rolld20

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 12.

That worked! And 10 more damage is taken by the ogre. It is now at 24/30.
Diamond takes one more swing with full intentions of putting this poor undead ogre to rest. @rolld20

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 13.

Another 10 damage is taken by the undead ogre and it crashes to the ground with an earth-shaking thud!

Hopefully someone can take out the archer and the remaining undead before we move ahead to the sea of undead in the distance.

I can see by happyme's expression thing have not changed much since we where last here, probably have gotten worse. I move up to take a look for myself.
Action 1: Move to F4

Update: Hit UNA for 8 damage leaving it with 6hp.

As I come up to get a better view, I suddenly realize there is another archer hidden behind a bolder. I quickly take aim and fire.
Action 2: Shoot UNA at F1 @rolld20

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 17.

I'm really impressed with this new bow, I feel as though I could hit just about anything.
Action 3: Shoot UNA at F1 @rolld20

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 2.

Another arrow into the archer.

one of the guards trying to kill the wounded archery @rolld20 +16

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 1.

its dead. a secone guard is attacking undead in b8 manual roll: 14 dead moving to B5 the
last guard tyring the same the undead in I3: maunal: 12 alsow dead.

moving to G4

gunnar is moving to the fortress map and sending a magic missile on a oger in J4 @rolld20

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 10.

its a hit then he is moving back and staying ther.

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