Quest: Moldred the Lich king (MAIN VALLEY) (part four)
@Happyme can just see the oger attacking Diamond. he is moving up to get in potioson to hit the attacking oger his two arrows hit true. and Diamond plants her large axe in his chest two times the large oger is down.
@mastergerund ses and pesky undead archer and running at it passing few undead on the way. next to him running a sommone wolf from @hhayweaver the wolf biting on a undead. form the distanse David shoots it down. the outpost guards is clearing up the flanks and moving in to a better position
@mastergerund is swinging his scimitar if it cuts deep but the archer still standing. a guard from the outpost is coming up to end it. all the undeads are dead but the sea of then just a head feels impossible
@stever82 is ready to strike. @Happyme has a plan. if one voluntary going up and provoking the undead many they will follow so we can thin out a few before making the attack. everybody turns around and look at gunnar..
ohh shit...reluctantly gunnar is moving up...quickly finding the biggest oger he can see. and fire a magic missile at him it hits, the oger turning around and his eays are like fire. its start sprinting...oh shit gunnar is spriting back....IT WORKS THEY ARE....the large oger is coming. some more movement up a head it sems and small part of the undeads are following.
"no snike attack you are all in combat"
you can move maps it take one action you will ending up in L12
wood gate 50 of 50
Stone wall 100 of 100
Potions take one turn to use you can give it to somebody else and your self but it you are unconscious somebody need to give you one of their oven:
health potion 4 hit points
armor potion 8 armor recovery
berserker potion 5 to hit one turn
greater healing potion 20 hit points and armor
rock potion boosting the armor by 30 two turns
Overview over all Colones and Quest Rules.
@stever82(boar fangs amulet)(bear cub)(moose sausage)(ale) 9
weponds(+6 iron spike club/gem 8 dam)(+4 cross bow 8 dam)
4 hit points (20 of 20 armor)
Spells: Rage (increase hit chance by 5 and damage by 2. one action. damage the armor by 5
D20 touch en be put on your self or and ally)
potions 4 of 4:2 greather healing, 1 health potion, 1 berserk potion
Abilities (barbarian armor set): 4 actions per turn . +2 Charge attack range 5 squares)(Rage spell) +1 potions. (dam from the cub and sausage has been added to the weponds)
@mastergerund(Ring,ale,amulet) 9
weponds(+8 Scimitar (Rogue) 4 dam)(+4 bow 2 dam)
4 hit points (15 of 15 Rogue Armor set)
potions 4 of 4: 1 health potion,1 rock potion. 2 greater healing potion
Abilities (Rogue armor set)+2 movement speed 1-4 on hide (+10 on hide) +1 potions)
Timothy (ale,ring,amulet, ranger helmet) 7
weponds(+8 Hunter bow (Ranger) 4 dam)(+6 heavy spear (short range)(Ranger) 7 dam)
4 hit points (20 of 20 Armor)
potions 3 of 3: 1 health potion, 1 rock potion. 1 greater healing potion
@enosh(ring.ale,ranger helmet) 8
weapons(+4 sword 2 dam)(+8 Hunter bow (Ranger) 4 dam)
4 hit points (20 of 20 armor)
potions 1 of 3: 1 Greater Healing potion
@Happyme(Ring,Eye of accuracy,ale,Moose sausage) 8
weapons (+7 bow 7 dam)(+5 iron sword 6 dam)
4 hit points (44 of 44 Armor)
potions 3 of 3: 3 Greater Healing potion
hit/damage added to the bow
Diamond(amulet.bone amulet,ale,Moose sausage) 8
weapons(+6 Battle Axe 2-handed (ogre)(10 damage)
20 hit points (18 of 38 Armor)(wounded) (+2 from David
potions 3 of 33 Greater Healing potion
hit/damage added to the axe
@hhayweaver (bear amulet,ale.ranger helmet) 9
weapons(+8 Bow 4 Dam)(+5 heavy spear (short range)(Ranger) 7 dam)
4 hit points (17 of 17 Armor)
potions 3 of 3 1 Armor Potion,1 Health Potions,1 greater healing potion
hit added to the bow
David (ale,ring,spell book) 8
weapons(+5 Cleric Staff 4 Dam)(+4 Bow 4 Dam)
4 hit points (25 of 25 armor)
potions 3 of 3 2 Greater Health Potion, 1 Rock Potion.
Spells: heal (D6 armor and hp and armor, line of sight)
Touch heal (D20 armor and hp next to the target)
summon wolf (D20 summoning up to 3 wolfs to fight for you)
Summon wolf (+12 teeth 3 dam)
8 Hit points
(+2 movement and +2 charge range)
the outpost
soldiers (ale,ring,amulet) 9
weapons (+5 spear 5 dam)(improved iron shield)
4 hit points (24 of 24 armor)
Gunnar (Ring of healing,Amulet,ale) 8
weapons (+7 master long sword 6 dam (Cleric)(Holy shield)
4 hit points (35 of 35 Cleric armor set)
potions 8 of 8 4 Greater Health Potion, 2 berserker potion , 2 Rock potion
Spells: touch heal ,heal, blind,magic missile
ability +2 spells +1 hit +3 potions)
undead 5
weapons (+3 hands 2 dam)
4 hit points
-2 movement speed
undead ogers (ring,amluet,ale) 9
weapons (+6 Battle Axe 2-handed 7 dam)
20 hit points (17 of 20 armor)(wounded)
undead ogers (ring,amluet,ale) 9
weapons (+6 Battle Axe 2-handed 7 dam)
20 hit points (20 of 20 armor)
location :(fortress map)
undead archery (Ring,Eye of accuracy) 6
weapons (+7 Bow 4 Dam)
4 hit points 10 of 10 armor)
undead archery (Ring,Eye of accuracy,ale) 8
weapons (+5 cross bow 6 Dam)
4 hit points 15 of 15 armor)
location :(fortress map)
undead wolf (+12 teeth 3 dam)
8 Hit points
(+2 movement and +2 charge range)
Timothy finally decides to stop being a coward. He moves forward to H6 for a better view and shoots an arrow at the Oger in B2.
Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.
You rolled a 11.
Looks like a hit, Timothy takes another shot.
Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.
You rolled a 11.
With my first action I will move to the other map then I will charge attack the Orge at j11 @rolld20
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Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.
You rolled a 14.
I hit the Orge hard with my club and he feels it but still stands even though my best cub also hit him so I swing again with my club @rolld20
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Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.
You rolled a 20.
I miss and look around not feeling safe for my last action I will fall back to the other map.
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Diamond charges the ogre at B2 (16 or less to hit). @rolld20
Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.
You rolled a 1.
Diamond adds 10 damage to the ogre so it should be down to 16 life now.
She wants desperately to put an end to it, and strikes again (14 or less to hit). @rolld20
Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.
You rolled a 12.
With just 6 life left, Diamond points to me, indicating that I may have the privilege of finishing the task, so I cock my bow and let an arrow fly at the ogre in B2. @rolld20
Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.
You rolled a 19.
Diamond shakes her head in dismay as my arrow misses its target. She indicates that I should hurry up and finish it off, so I fire off another arrow. (15 or less to hit) @rolld20
Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.
You rolled a 17.
I was able to hit the Orge on the other map once for 9 damage before coming back
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Woah!!! You have some pretty impressive stats!
Good job knocking some points off the next incoming ogre!
Thanks sorry I missed the 2nd turn I get tagged in a lot of stuff and was playing dice and just forgot
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LOL... I can see that happening. Did that myself too.
I shall move to 8J and wait for the enemies to arrive,.
The wolf see the new oger threat and immediately charge attacks the lumbering beast.
David knows his last attempt to send some healing to Diamond was pretty pathetic he will need to get right up to her to do a better job.
Update: Wolf does 6 damage to the ogre. David gives 13 heal to Diamond.
Wolf Action 1: Charge Attack ogre @rolld20
David Action 1: Move to E4 next to Diamond.
Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.
You rolled a 8.
The wolf hits for 3 damage.
Wolf Action 2: Attack Ogre @rolld20
Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.
You rolled a 13.
Wolf Action 3: Attack ogre @rolld20
Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.
You rolled a 3.
Wolf Hits again for 3 damage
I see the ogre enter into my line of site but then moves to a position behind a large bolder. I decide to move up to L8 to get a better view and maybe put some arrows in it. After moving into position I see diamond and happyme having their way with the poor thing. The ogre is down so I wait in position to see if any more of these infernal beast present themselves.
Action 1: move to L8
gunnar and the guards move to the next map attacking the oger.
manula roll +14: 18,7,15 one hit. gunnar joining inn +15 10. then falling back did 11 dam.
the oger and the undeads are following
OOC: Happyme should be at F6 (moved there yesterday).
btw david move up to where daimond where before so she is in the same spot as before. ::)
Correct. Diamond moved to charge the ogre then moved back to where she was before when David healed her using touch heal.